PS2 was a fad. Casuals bought it because it was a cheap DVD player from Sony that also played games.
Now the fad is over.
Wii is the new fad. Casuals are buying it because they can get drunk and have a laugh with the controls, and it doesn't cost as much to buy as the other console.
The Wii fad will be over by 2011.
Surprising for a someone of your level. Anyways, stuff like furbie, and tickle me elmo, thats fad material. people are really interested for a short time, and then they lose that interest because it repitive. PS2 however, a console That has sold 150 million units worldwide, a console that continually beat the **** out of its opposition for about 6 years, Is not a fad. Its reign of ownage is over because there is a new generation out.
The wii however is a fad, oncepeople have got over its new innovative controller,its just a super-charged GC. Good day :).
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