80gb is getting a $100 price cut also.
http://www.psu.com/40GB-PS3-confirmed-for-US-release-this-November-New s--a0001565-p0.php
Now its:
Playstation 3 40GB: $400
Xbox 360 Premium: $350 (Xbox live+Play and Charge kit = $420)
Xbox 360 Halo Edition: $400 (+Xbox live= $450)
Playstation 3 80GB: $500
Xbox 360 Elite: $470 (Xbox live+ Play and Charge kit= $540)
Now if anybody has a complaint this pretty much shuts them up. Xbox 360 is now more expensive than PS3. Dont act like people dont want Xbox live or a Play and charge kit.
Note to Microsoft, make Xbox Live Free and include a Play and Charge kit with every SKU. Because PSN does everything XBL does even though its free and Home is coming out soon(also free) which will be very impressive and do things Live cant.
Also announce some new exclusives. Cause I dont see anything else impressive for 2008 besides Halo Wars, Too Human and Mass Effect.. which is eventually coming to PS3 now that Bioware is owned by EA.
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