Valve Won't Develop On PS3 Again Until They Can Do It Right
Posted by Patrick Klepek - Friday, June 12, 2009 11:37 AM
Hey, at least Valve's honest. The company has never expressed much interest in developing for PlayStation 3 and been pretty clear about their reasons. When Electronic Arts ported The Orange Box, it bummed out Valve because it hasn't supported the platform since then. In Billy's interview with co-founder Gabe Newell, he said Valve won't be returning to the platform until they're confident they can do it right.
"We haven't done a good job of taking care of our PS3 customers at all for the existing Orange Box customers, and that is very frustrating to me personally," admitted Newell. "Until we can do a better job than we have, I'm sort of hesitant to go back and screw them again. So, I want to make sure when we have customers on the PS3 they don't end up in the sort of second ****citizen that I feel that they've been by what we did originally with The Orange Box."
It sounds like Valve could embrace PlayStation 3 eventually, but for the time being, if you want to play their games and want to play them now, you need an Xbox 360 or PC.
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