I don't know why so many people hold MGS4 up as the gaming standard. This game has so many annoying bugs it drives me nuts.
Just a small list:
There is a gap in the rocks in front of me, the gap looks to be a few feet across. I should be able to jump it...nope I have to fall in said hole and pull myself up out of it.
There is a small hole in the bottom of the wall, if I go and try to lay squat on the floor to craw into it Snake rolls first then trys to go into the hole backwards, I have to spend 20 seconds straightening him out so I can craw in the hole.
I come around a corner run smack into a soldier, does he sound the alarm, nope, he waits until I get behind a box, crouch down out of his sight, then he notices me and sounds an alarm.
The whole pull L1 to ready a weapon and use R1 to fire a weapon crap (not to mention push another button if you want a closeup view)...what's wrong with one button to fire?
Numerous cut scenes, and I mean numerous. How many fricken times do I have to see Snake smoke?
Just a small list mind you, there are more. I'll take Killzone 2 or Gears 2 over MGS4 any day.
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