TC I see what your saying. Whether its the cell or the devs is definitly up in the air. I think the first trasistion in Uncharted from cinematic to gameplay was sorta eye catching, but in MGS4 it was unbelieveable. I literally sat there for 2 mins at the beginning of the game after the first cut scene cause I hadn't noticed that I was in gameplay mode, and prolly actually happened 2 or 3 times in the game to me.
But as for the 360 guys on here dismissing all of this, well is understandable. But you 360 guys need to watch the water your treading on cause everyone of these types of threads yall cling to Sony spending more money or devs putting more time in there games for the ps3. All the while clinging on to a console that MS doesn't support like that and to make excuses for them or understanding that they are only trying to make money. I mean I pay $60 for a game and I want to know that everything that could possiblybe done was done to make it a great game. I mean when will yall understand that MS is spending money on dlc but not on new ip's or for resources for devs to spend more time on a game to make them polished or to feel more like a virtual world your stepping into. I say that last bit cause the 360 games I've played all feel like pc games made for a console. Just like the TC is saying its hard to explain what makes that feeling but they have that. While the ps3's exclusives are definitly giving a whole different vibe and definitly don't feel like a pc game.
There is a difference but it is hard to put a finger on just what it is. But with each new game the ps3 releases it is getting to be more and more noticable of these differences. Anyone else here notice the dip in AAA games from the 360 since the ps3 was released, and really since Uncharted in Nov 07? Standards have changed and the PS3 is leading the way in those changes and standards.
I agree. Waht's funny is people think they are owning me when I'm the only person here who knows what I'm talking about. I know this. I'm not being owned at all. This thread is so long because it's true and pissed off a bunch of 360 people. I own both consoles and have seen them side by side on multiple occasions and have no allegiance to one console or the other. The 360 is not capable of doing certain tasks. That's not to say the cell is perfect nor did I say that. If anything when it comes to rendering complex textures it can become bottlenecked and ram strapped. Hence why you see a lot of multiplats running on the ps3 without proper anti aliasing and other features because there is not enough ram to incorporate these things..., But I'm talking about games from a design perspective. Yeah it's how they are being developed. But the point is these games are going different directions on each console for a reason. The cell is better suited for certain things than the tri core is. The cell was designed with this in mind. Do you honestly think Sony just threw this procesor in their machine in hopes it could play games? It's designed for the types of tasks that they are implementing in their games. Please explain to me why we havent seen this kind of stuff on the 360 and why mass effect chops like crazy when there are a ton of transitions going on all at once. When rendering straight graphics and pushing textures to the screen in the oldschool way of doing things the 360 excels over the cell, because of its architecture and the amount of bandwith between the gpu and the processor, but as far as incorporating a lot of different things and being able to decode certain things on te fly and process sound and video and physics the ps3 is more capable.
The point is its a completely different architecture. The 360 is utilizing a cache and a gpu but once people figure out you can utilize the spu's to do these tasks and take the load off of memory and the gpu its a whole new ballgame. Yes it has to do with how they are being designed. But that's the point. You can't design games this way on the 360. Peopel are starting to realize you can have the spu's do these tasks without the need of a cache.
I'm also not saying the cell is the end all be all here. I still think those intel processors i mentioned in the original post will be the end all be all. The Cell is still a specialized chip and will be utilized as such for doing certain tasks. It's not a strong general purpose processor due to its ppe and memory bandwith but that's not what its being aimed at no matter how people want to spin it. That guy who said the cell is being used in PC's doesn't get what i'm sayign. It's being used for very specialized tasks. It's a specialized chip as it stands. If they release other versions with an enhanced ppe then it could be a very good general purpose core as well and that is what intel is planning on a much smaller die. For gaming it's perfectly capable of doing what Sony is attempting to accomplish in today's world.
This whole argument that it's the developers is an oxymoron and people just owning themselves. What piece of hardware doesn't need to be developed for to take full advantage of it? Do you think these developers just randomly develop good games without first having an idea of how the hardware is designed and what they are trying to accomplish? The fact is people taking advantage of the ps3's hardware are able to accomplish things the 360 can't. If it could they'd have done it. They haven't. Look at those videos and there is your proof.
I also understand it goes both ways, and the cell is not capable of doing things the 360 is, hence the problem with multiplats like i mentioned because most developers are still developing things for a standard architecture where the cpu pushes a lot of data to the gpu. But the cell is more ahead of the curve where the 360 is doing things in a more classic oldschool fashion with cpu->bandwith->gpu. The cell is capable of processing more under the hood before it even gets to the gpu which is the whole reason it doesnt need the bandwith. But yes things need to be designed this way. That's the point geniuses lol. Saying the cell is only good for number crunching is so ignorant and complete fail when seeing what this architecture is and what it is doing.
Here's a good question. If FMV transitions to realtime is so phat, what would happen if something comes along that can render a similar scene in realtime...or even interactively so that you can actually do something within that same scene?That's what the cell is capable of. It's here. Thats the point. Why do you t hink i keep saying for people to look at that uncharted video and that scene with that truck chasing him down the alley. It is in realtime adn the ps3 is doing it. The 360 can't do that. That's why i'm impressed and the whole point of this thread. It is rendering those things on the fly and in realtime and it's interactive. That's exactly what it is doing. No it's not the end all be all and the cell is limited in certain regards, there are still transitions, but it is doing just that. This is just the beginning but the cell is leaps ahead of other processors in that regard.
I suggest people really watch that uncharted video and what it is doing because it's the best example of what the cell is capable of. The entire video is doing exactly what you are talking about. MGSIV also did this. God of War also does this. No games on the 360 do this. Because it can't. The way the architecture is set up on the 360 it is not possible to be able to incorporate all those things seamlessly like that. The 360 is relying on older technology and development and a different way of doing games. It's older. The ps3 is doing something new.
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