You're all idiots (don't mind me). Why do you care so much about a system if you're never going to buy it. "Bu-bu-but I've had enough of Sony r-ripped me off!" When did they rip you off? I don't see any evidence to your claims. "Bu-but it's expensive!!" I'm a poor college student, and I was able to afford one easy. Even a person with a minimum wage, bills and such, could save up for one. In this day and age, it is not expensive. It's not 1999 anymore. "Bu-but lack of gamez!!" Well it's only been three months, a fantastic line-up is coming soon! If this is a lack of games, what were you saying when the DS or Xbox 360 launched? XD Dumb kids. I'm sure that irks you haters eh? ;) While you're arguing about it, I'm enjoying my PSwii. They work perfectly too, unlike the rings of death I've seen in stores. See, I can be biased too. Just get over it, The PS3 is a fantastic console worth its price. If you don't like it, don't buy it. But I did, and it's one of the best purchases I've ever made. "Bu-but (insert personal insult to my "best purchases")" Grasping for straws. Then, you'll try to create some type of intellectual statement that all your friends will think is true, but in related it's just a convuluted claim without any evidence. You want my evidence, I have a PS3, and it rocks. So kiss it right here, kiss the back side of my PS3. :Dthedarkomen
please dude youur parents probrably paid for your PS3 your like the average american selfish, fat and rich
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