you mean this? (keep in mind this is a review video not a PR hype video)
I still don't think any PS3 game has meet up with this (complex reltime lighting effects not seen/possible on ps3???)
hell I don't even have to bother mentioning gears. The 360 in it's first 10 months had better looking games than the ps3 in it's first 10 month.
Most of what we seen conserning graphics on the ps3 is always before the game is released, but once the game comes out we learn it was all pretty much hype. When it comes to multiplats the 360's always look slightly better, or atleast comparible. The only exception being Oblivion which doesn't look any better, but loads game objects quicker and at further distances (due to 4.2 gigs of the game being on the HDD.)
Some facts about hardware.
Media Disc drives: The ps3's blu-ray no doubt give developers room to put a ton of stuff into their game, but unfortunately the disc speed is gimped to a speed even slower than DVD-9 so developers can't load information any faster than they can on the 360, nor can they save prossessing power by using uncompressed assets. This means the only advantage you get from blu-ra is longer HD cut scenes which cost alot of time and money. Today most developers are switching to cut scenes that use the in-game engine (similar to machinima). This looks fairly with cutting edge graphics, and saves alot of cash, and time.
HDD: I don't know the speed of the HDD for either but I'm guessing they used 4200 rpm which is still quite alot faster than a disc drive. The difference of this can be seen in the two versions of Oblivion since the entire game is practically loaded on the ps3 HDD. Since MS is so hell bent on supporting the Core developers have to work both options. I really don't see why 360 HDD users can't load up 4.2 gigs for their version of Oblivion though?? I guess Bethesda figured the game ran fine as is (and it pretty much does).
CPU: really the two cpu's are apples and bannanas trying to compare them spec for spec is down right idiotic. While the cell does destroy Xenon for a few specific prossesses hardly any of those are used for game type programming. While the cell does work well with traditional AI, game AI is nothing like that, and the cell is no more better than running game AI statements then Xenon. If you go with general computing the Cell has an advantage but as far as the needs of game computing go there's not much difference.
RAM: While both have a total of 512mb, the ps3's uses 256 of much faster ram. Of course splitting up the types of ram does gimp that advantage quite a bit, and it also causes problems on the development side of things also since you can only load 256mb onto a single resource. The basic difference is having 2 toy boxes vs 1 toy box. With the 1 toy box you can just throw everything in there no worries, and with the ps3 you'll need to organize things a bit more to keep it from crashing.
GPU - Well RSX can push more polygons, but Xenos can push more verticies, and most people don't even know what I'm talking about here so I'll just say this. They are pretty much the same, and the only thing that makes one have an advantage over the other is API's. Personally being a PC gamer I like DX API's, but Sony has made great improvements over their API's in past generations.
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