Oh and since we are talking sales. what makes u possibaly think Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Lair will sell alot. Please i would love to know. the PS3 has a smaller userbase. and it will still be the most expensive. and Halo 3 will move alot of 360s and Smash Bros, Mario, and Metroid will move alot more Wiis. So overall those userbases will grow more, with more gamers to buy more games. ultimately selling more software. With the exception of MGS 4 not one game u mentioned is a "true system seller" and when compared to a smash bros or Halo, MGS 4 really isnt a system seller. especially when its trying to sell a $600 dollar console. and if PS3 gets a price drop its still $500. and 360 is all but guaranteed a price drop this year so it will be 200,300 and probably 400 for the elite. and wii will still be 250. PS3 sales wont jump to number 1 like u think.
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