I've played 3 well regarded PS3 exclusives now, and none have lived up to expectations.
Heavy Rain struggled under the weight of David Cage's pretentions, and in the end collapsed into utter nonsense and a mass of unresolved loose ends (just like Fahrenheit did all those years ago). David Cage might be a gaming visionary (in his mind), but his lofty ambition to create an interactive movie worthy of Hollywood far outstrips his rather modest plotting and design abilities.
Uncharted 2 was very pretty and smooth, but ultimately so shallow in its mechanics and so thin in its storytelling that it's unlikely to be remembered for anything other than the lovely environments and nice animations.
MGS4 had solid gameplay, but the dialogue and plot were just embarrassingly bad, even for this medium. Most of the cutscenes were laughable or simply cringeworthy, and that's a big problem in a game so reliant on story and non-interactive sequences for impact. The weakest MGS game by a long way.
All these games were overhyped to nth degree by the rabid fanbase and an over-enthusiastic, dishonest gaming press. The perfect score MGS4 got on this site has to go down as one of the biggest outrages GS has ever commited upon the unsuspecting gaming public. For shame.
I'm gonna take a break from PS exclusives now and play some of those ever reliable multiplats. The next exclusive on my list is Yakuza 4, and that better live up to its reputation or I'm gonna be really mad :x.
PS -Xbox just wins the war. PS3 is logically better in almost every way, but why is it that I have more fun playing games on Xbox? It's just weird...
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