I was looking at my collection of games for both systems and I noticed something about the exclusives, 360 ones tend to be MP only focused where as PS3 exclusives tend to offer superior SP experiences over all.
Good PS3 SP exclusives: (18)
Uncharted Drakes Fortune
Uncharted 2 Among Theives
Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception
Demon's Souls
God of War 3
Heavy Rain
Rachet and Clank A Crack in Time
Rachet and Clank Tools of Destruction
Infamous 2
Jak and Daxter Collection
Sly Collection
Team Ico Collection
Upcoming SP focused exclusives-TLOU, Beyond Two Souls, God of War Acension, Sly 4 Thieves in Time, Rachet and Clank Collection
With 360: (10)
Alan Wake
Mass Effect 1
Witcher 2
Fable 2 (lol)
Fable 3 (lol)
Splinter Cell Conviction
Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
and uhh.....Kameo...
Upcoming SP focused exclusives-None
That's all I can think of really. I also never played Blue Dragon or Lost Odyssy or Kameo before, so can't talk about their quality. However it is pretty apparent that most of those games are from early gen, MS doesn't provide good SP exclusive experiences anymore.
Halo, Left 4 Dead, Gears ect...are all worthless without XBL. Everyone knows it's the truth. 360 only offers MP focused exclusives now, where as PS3 still offers a good mix of both SP and MP. You get the best of both with PS3, with 360 there is no point in even owning one without XBL as most of it's exclusives would be worthless.
360 exclsusive MP focused games: (14)
Halo 3
Halo Reach
Halo CE Anniversary
Gears 2
Gears 3
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Forza 2
Forza 3
Forza 4
Perfect Dark Zero (lol)
Upcoming MP focused exclusives: Gears Judgment, Halo 4
That's all I can think of off hand.
PS3 MP focused exclusives: (15)
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
Star Hawk
Little Big Planet
Little Big Planet 2
Twisted Metal
Resistance Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Resistance 3
Demon's Souls
Uncharted 2 Among Theives (Good MP too)
Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception (Same as above)
Upcoming MP focused PS3 exclusives:PS All Stars, LBP Karting
The PS3 offers more SP exclusives as well as MP exclusives.
However this is not about who has more, it is about who has the best, and while "best" is very subjective, the general consensus is that PS3 SP exclusives are better than 360 SP exclusives, as the PS3 ones have scored more and won more awards. When it comes to MP it's tied, they both offer MP games that are well recieved and have won awards.
But the key here is looking at what they systems are offering today, as in what they are pumping out now. PS3 is offering a mix of both good SP experiences as well as MP. 360 is only doing exclusively on the MP experience.
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