That sites called "ps3" there credibility = 0 :lol:
360 software crushes the ps3's look at GTA4 cow's then tell lems it dosent.
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That sites called "ps3" there credibility = 0 :lol:
360 software crushes the ps3's look at GTA4 cow's then tell lems it dosent.
That sites called "ps3" there credibility = 0 :lol:
360 software crushes the ps3's look at GTA4 cow's then tell lems it dosent.
Nobody is claiming that the Ps3 has higher overall software sales than the 360, they're just saying that statistically, Ps3 owners prefer to purchase exclusive titles over multiplats
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]That sites called "ps3" there credibility = 0 :lol:
360 software crushes the ps3's look at GTA4 cow's then tell lems it dosent.
Nobody is claiming that the Ps3 has higher overall software sales than the 360, they're just saying that statistically, Ps3 owners prefer to purchase exclusive titles over multiplats
Most multiplat games are often commericaled on the 360 as well that may have something to do with it.
Most multiplat games are often commericaled on the 360 as well that may have something to do with it.
Yep there are many factors, and dude you didnt reply to my pm
But PS3 owners don't buy games, right Lemmings? They only buy Blu-Rays, right Lemmings? The PS3 has a piss-poor attatch rate, right Lemmings?Floppy_Jim
Both Ubisoft an EA put out there own numbers that they made more money on ps3 then 360 so why don't you try using google its on a number of sites.That sites called "ps3" there credibility = 0 :lol:
360 software crushes the ps3's look at GTA4 cow's then tell lems it dosent.
According to EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich, PS3 owners prefer exclusives on their systems. In fact, a title that is exclusive to PS3 will sell 45% better on the system than a multiplatform title. Exclusives on both the Wii and Xbox 360, according to the analyst, only have a "small increase" over multiplatform titles
Come on developers start making those exclusives ;)
What do you guys think ?
Well if you take in to account that there is a range of ps3 exclusives that are £20 now new
and that alot of them, partically resistance and motorstorm got bundled with consoles.
then they probably sale the same rate as multiplats
But PS3 owners don't buy games, right Lemmings? They only buy Blu-Rays, right Lemmings? The PS3 has a piss-poor attatch rate, right Lemmings?Floppy_Jimthey buy far less then wii owners no matter how you cut the cake
And chances are that 45% is quite a lot less than the amount of money they would make if they sold their brand on both consoles. BumFluff122This isn't a question of games on both consoles they just stated the rate of selling tends to be higher get off it already dang you guys act like the artcle said they sold 500million an exclusive or something.
According to EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich, PS3 owners prefer exclusives on their systems. In fact, a title that is exclusive to PS3 will sell 45% better on the system than a multiplatform title. Exclusives on both the Wii and Xbox 360, according to the analyst, only have a "small increase" over multiplatform titles
Come on developers start making those exclusives ;)
What do you guys think ?
I think the majority of PS3 owners have 360's too (there is a world outside system wars) and they buy multiplats on the better console and only buy the exclusive titles for the PS3.
According to EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich, PS3 owners prefer exclusives on their systems. In fact, a title that is exclusive to PS3 will sell 45% better on the system than a multiplatform title. Exclusives on both the Wii and Xbox 360, according to the analyst, only have a "small increase" over multiplatform titles
Come on developers start making those exclusives ;)
What do you guys think ?
I think the majority of PS3 owners have 360's too (there is a world outside system wars) and they buy multiplats on the better console and only buy the exclusive titles for the PS3.
I don't think that is as big of a case as you want to think no one I know has both because like me there is nothing that they wanna play on the 360 they can't play on pc an even that is slim few far an inbetween for us. By your comment though I guess your one of those guys that believes that putting a magnifying glass to a screen determines a games worth these days an believe that no multi platform is equal and or ever better on the ps3 so do me the favor an don't respond.[QUOTE="SgtWhiskeyjack"][QUOTE="Swift_Boss_A"]
According to EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich, PS3 owners prefer exclusives on their systems. In fact, a title that is exclusive to PS3 will sell 45% better on the system than a multiplatform title. Exclusives on both the Wii and Xbox 360, according to the analyst, only have a "small increase" over multiplatform titles
Come on developers start making those exclusives ;)
What do you guys think ?
I think the majority of PS3 owners have 360's too (there is a world outside system wars) and they buy multiplats on the better console and only buy the exclusive titles for the PS3.
I don't think that is as big of a case as you want to think no one I know has both because like me there is nothing that they wanna play on the 360 they can't play on pc an even that is slim few far an inbetween for us. By your comment though I guess your one of those guys that believes that putting a magnifying glass to a screen determines a games worth these days an believe that no multi platform is equal and or ever better on the ps3 so do me the favor an don't respond.Not at all. People check reviews and the 360 version 9/10 is stated as being better. Also the 360 had a lot of users before the PS3 came out and people had built up friendlists of like minded gamers and therefore buy the games on the 360 to compete against them.
But PS3 owners don't buy games, right Lemmings? They only buy Blu-Rays, right Lemmings? The PS3 has a piss-poor attatch rate, right Lemmings?Floppy_Jim
so...45% of 10 copies must be alot then? I dont think any where did they say hey Ps3 has a super high attach rate, Or such what they said is that of the ps3 owners that buy games more buy exclusives and why is this?
1.99% of the time multiplatform titles look better on the 360.
2.Why would any one wanna purchase a multiplatform game for a more expensive system.
3.exclusives tend to be the only games of quality at all on ps3.
But PS3 owners don't buy games, right Lemmings? They only buy Blu-Rays, right Lemmings? The PS3 has a piss-poor attatch rate, right Lemmings?Floppy_Jim
Yeah, that's right. You're just another cow shooting his mouth off.
Here are the facts
PS3 really DOES have the lowest attach rate. Here is the proof.
[QUOTE="BumFluff122"]And chances are that 45% is quite a lot less than the amount of money they would make if they sold their brand on both consoles. initiald411This isn't a question of games on both consoles they just stated the rate of selling tends to be higher get off it already dang you guys act like the artcle said they sold 500million an exclusive or something.I wasn't referring to the article. I was referring to the TC stating that third party companies would be better off staying exclusive to the PS3 when they actually wouldn't because they make more money going multiplatform.
According to EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich, PS3 owners prefer exclusives on their systems. In fact, a title that is exclusive to PS3 will sell 45% better on the system than a multiplatform title. Exclusives on both the Wii and Xbox 360, according to the analyst, only have a "small increase" over multiplatform titles
Come on developers start making those exclusives ;)
What do you guys think ?
I think the majority of PS3 owners have 360's too (there is a world outside system wars) and they buy multiplats on the better console and only buy the exclusive titles for the PS3.
I don't think that is as big of a case as you want to think no one I know has both because like me there is nothing that they wanna play on the 360 they can't play on pc an even that is slim few far an in between for us. By your comment though I guess your one of those guys that believes that putting a magnifying glass to a screen determines a games worth these days an believe that no multi platform is equal and or ever better on the ps3 so do me the favor an don't respond.Not at all. People check reviews and the 360 version 9/10 is stated as being better. Also the 360 had a lot of users before the PS3 came out and people had built up friendlists of like minded gamers and therefore buy the games on the 360 to compete against them.
People do check reviews but I would hope people arn't always dumb enough to accept bs something like maddens framerate has so far been the only issue I've seen that really matter to be mentioned. An I'm sure most people who buy Madden no questions asked wouldn't know anyway. As for EA they pretty much admitted to not know what they were into at the time. Though if you have seen Deadspace an Mirrors Edge you would know the previously talked about is changing an a lot of developers are either switching an maybe one or two very early games. Recently Fallout 3 came under the same bs with graphics comparison an glitches supposedly only being in the ps3 version but come to find out all the versions have pretty much the same glitches an 360 an ps3 version look near dead the same. To the point where each has a its own benefits beyond the human eye unless your starting at the corner instead of playing the game an even then your just killing yourself looking for issues. An personally I like my friends just fine on my ps3 I have friends that have 360's an avoid online as much as possible because of the community. So like I said it comes down to personal prefrence not that same old bs of its a ps3 port so get over that. FYI I stopped listening to gamespot when they started pulling down delayed ps3 games as if they weren't coming out only to showcase it to seem like the 360 version of a game was the only one Example: The Last Remnant and doing things like claim the 360 version of Fallout 3 had no issues. The list of glitches at n4g tells the truth, I personally hope you don't base your entire decision on what gamespot says.
According to EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich, PS3 owners prefer exclusives on their systems. In fact, a title that is exclusive to PS3 will sell 45% better on the system than a multiplatform title. Exclusives on both the Wii and Xbox 360, according to the analyst, only have a "small increase" over multiplatform titles
Come on developers start making those exclusives ;)
What do you guys think ?
thats kinda true because all the games i have are exclusives except for cod4.
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]But PS3 owners don't buy games, right Lemmings? They only buy Blu-Rays, right Lemmings? The PS3 has a piss-poor attatch rate, right Lemmings?clone01
that being said:
MGS4: 3 million in sales
Halo 3: 8.1 million in sales
SSBB: 7.47 millions in sales
(yes, i know its wikipedia, but those numbers are backed by footnotes which cite the quarterly earnings reports)
i clicked on that link you gave and it clearly says MGS4: 4.33 million not 3 million can you read ??
you also have to compare the consoles sold at that time, xbox360 had around 5-6 million more consoles sold when MGS4 came out so it should have more game sales
and Halo3 had unreal sales that will never happen again for any game on the 360 look at the next best selling game
Gears of War (4.7 million,[21]may include PC) .........its drops done to almost half of that of Halo3 maybe less since it may inlcludes PC copies
[QUOTE="Devil-Itachi"]Quite easy to achieve when you lack exculsives.VendettaRed07
you mean multiplats?
It's old post but anyway. I meant that the less exculsives their is, the less spread out the sales for exculsives are.
I don't really think PS3 is having a multiplat shortage, which also could of caused the results. At this point in time, I think Sony exculsives are getting a bit more diverse. Still mostly 1st party it seems but I might not be paying enough attention to it.
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