PS3 is a fail this generation:
-Lost "exclusive" develpers due to lack of sales in the console hardware, and lack of attach rate. As sales for teh console rose, attach rates did not change. This proves people are mostly buying the PS3 for the bluray player function. Again, thats MOST.
-Controller batteries are STUCk in teh controller. PS3 fans liek to claim a victory with rechargeable controllers, but they obvisouly have no idea what a rechargeable battery does in 1-2 years time. Batteries have a limited amount of times they can be recharged. After abuot a year, the batteries will only last about 10 minutes of use. This also happens with cell phone batteries. So you ahve to buy a new controller. At least the 360 lets you replace the batteries...
-Trophies are tacked on. Most games don't support them. It is becoming mandatory next year, because 360 has made somethign that sony really liked. So they copied this concept. Develoeprs did not jump on board like they had hoped, so now they are making it mandatory. This is an epic fail for Sony.
-Home is nothing more than an onilne visual chat, and is beign used for gangs, racist slurs, and woman chasing. Any complaints a PS3 fan had abuot live beign vulgar, is wiped out by the fact that Sony has made it easier to be anonamously vicious in talking online. Also, home is quite boring once the newness of chat wears off.
-Many if nto MOST of the multiplatform titles between 360 and PS3 are superior on the 360. Why is this? Well its because of teh architecture and hardware specs. It's easier to program for a 360, which uses similar structutres to a PC, where as Sony tried to make something new and in turn made it harder to make games for it. This increases development time and decreases quality of the games. That's why 360 has sharper textuers, and renders at a higher resolution.
-Sixaxis... what can i say about this, it was a disaster. No games used the tilt function PROPERLY, and the ones that did were non functional/nonplayable. Again with the batteries. it's so light, it feels like it was made with cheap plastic. They coppied MS with the guide button.
-Online is just inferior to Xbox Live. It lacks cross game chat/friend invites, and the matchmaking is inferior. The lag on PSN is also much higher than Live, but this is really more dependant on the users internet connection. The lag is mostly caused by the wireless feature, wireless can not compete with the stability and response times of an ethernet connection.
-Price, the 360 is half the price of the PS3 at the moment. You can buy a 360 arcade and a cheap bluray player from future shop and still be aroudn the price of a single ps3 unit, except that id your bluray player breaks, you still have a gaming console to play with. I don't se Sony gettign their consoles price down low enough until next generation starts, by then it will be too late.
-The Ps3 has had many features cut since the original launch units. Card readers, backwards compatibility, even the controller has changed. All this just to et their price down to compete with Microsoft. Sony was soo stuck on getting Cell and Bluray into the market as fast as possible, that consumer demand for a lower price was overlooked. As it trns out, cell failed, and they ended up selling the rights to it, and bluray is not selling as much as they hoped. It had one good side effect however, they are able to sell PS3 unts as bluray movie players, to bloat up their hardware sales. Too bad developers dont go by install base, they go by software attach rates.
-The lies sony has uttered over the past few years has been aggrovating for many Sony fans. Delays, and promises that were never kept, this is bad PR and i'm sure has cost them some defects over to the 360 side.
-It's truly amazing to see how many gamers had PS2's and PS1's as their only consoles, mostly due to the young age of these gamers. Many older gamers know that games were around before SOny, in such forms as colleco vision, atari, sega, and nintendo, way before Sony even entered the market. Those young kids see Sony as the only true gaming platform, because they jsut don't know any better, and that blind fanboyism has led many of them to buy the PS3 and even some of them got dissappointed in all teh points mentioned above. Blindness and ignorance has made many of you fans lose out on many great games because you can't give up the attachment to the namebrand of Sony PlayStation. I feel sorry for you.
That is how PS3 is a failure and 360 trumps it.
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