I know that the PS3 games don't sell thing is mostly a myth because they sell enough. But it is undeniable that almost always 360 version of games sell better probably aided by the bigger market share.
Well, I check amazon everyday to see what kind of promotions they have on video games and I've never seen so many PS3 games on the top ten selling video games list.
From the list the first best selling game is FFXIII on the PS3 which substitued Heavy Rain which remained several days on the top spot last week. Now Heavy Rain is on the 5th position. GOW3 is on the 3rd position, Bad Company 2 PS3 on the 4th and MLB10 on the 10th. The only 360 game there is Bad Company 2 on the 2nd position. It's cool that 4 from the 5 PS3 games are exclusive too.
So maybe the PS3 can now start to compete sell-wise. This is good news for Sony.
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