Heres some because all i here about is MGS4 and FF13
Playstation 3 Exclusive Titles:
-Afrika (Confirmed)
-Angel Rings (Published by Sony)
-Eight days (SCE)
-EyeDentify (Published by Sony)
-Fifth Phantom Saga (Confirmation)
-Final Fantasy XIII (Confirmed)
-Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Confirmed)
-Folks Soul
-Formula One (Published by Sony)
-Full Auto 2: Battlelines (Confirmation)
-Genji: Days of the Blade (Confirmation)
-God of War 3
-Gradius (Confirmation)
-Grand Turismo 5 (Published by Sony)
-Grand Turismo HD (Published by Sony)
-Gretzky NHL (Published by Sony)
-Heavenly Sword (Published by Sony)
-Hot Shots Golf 5 (Published by Sony)
-Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier (Published by Sony)
-Killzone 3 (SCE)
-Lair (Confirmation)
-Little Big Planet
-Metal Gear Solid 4 (Confirmation)
-Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam World (Confirmed)
-Monster Hunter 3 (Confirmation)
-Motor Storm (Published by Sony)
-My Singstar (Published by Sony)
-Ninja Gaiden Sigma
-Ni-Oh (Information)
-Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (Published by Sony)
-Redwood Falls (Information)
-Resistance: Fall of Man (Confirmation)
-Resistance: Rise of Man
-Ridge Racer 7 (Confirmation)
-Shin Megami Tensei (Confirmation)
-Tekken 6 (Confirmed)
-The Eye of Judgment (SCE)
-The Getaway (SCE)
-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune(SCE)
-Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom (SCE)
-WarDevil Enigma (Confirmation)
-Warhawk (Published by Sony)
-White Knight Story
-Wipeout (Confirmation)
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