uncharted best on tech level crysis says hi
killzone best mp game online:halo local:super smash bros. brawl or new super mario bros. wii
psn free and pay model comming in future adds so many more features than live it will make your head spin psn is going to be paid soon and XBL is better
mgs4 best game this gen no, super mario galaxy is on gamerankings
360 best games are multiplat so ps3 players can play them as wellas 360 players 360 multiplats>>>>>ps3 multiplats.
ps3 exclusives best games of this gen no, many would sy they're the worst
psn games are not rehash but new and inovative creative and fun, i.e. flower, shooter ect. plus ps3 gets some of the same rehash you find all over the box ok, WHAT?
mmo for home is a nice feature for those 10 million that enjoy home who cares
web browser PC better
bluray who cares
sata HDD again, who cares
wifi wii has it too
blutooth so does my phone.
or was it sarcasm?
One word - FANBOY
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