[QUOTE="mentzer"][QUOTE="tacubano"]OMG Sony is finally catching up, but oww wait was coming around the corner....could it be ohh yess it is Mass Effect, Bioshock, Forza 2, Too Human, and ohhh ohhh the big daddy himself..HALO 3....which WILL RISE DRAMATICLY THE sales of 360 hardware...making the people say pswho?!?!?!?!!?!tacubano
Just like how Fable, Jade Empire and Halo 2 were suppose to pull Xbox ahead of PS2???
Don't go crazy over Mass Effect just yet, because Bioware's last original IP flopped.
Bioshock should be great.
Gran Turismo has and will outsell Forza by many millions of units. Just look at how GT 3 and GT 4 sold. Forza 2 will never see those type of numbers.
Halo 3?? Halo 2 didn't pull the Xbox ahead of PS2, neither will Halo 3.
so ur saying that Halo 3 is crap right????
You obviously can't read.  :roll:
Time for bed kid. It's past your bedtime.
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