The xbox 360 has it'd SHORT lived run but it is not going to fall under it's own "power" (or should i suggest power of the cell) and before a major failure due to fualty hardware, expensive online, weird controllers, P2P online, horrible games for 08, and their over confidence is going to bring down the Lemmings! Now the PS3 is much like the Greeks. Smart, intelligeant, and dominant for LONG period of time (10 year life span anyone???!!). The Greeks were slow to rise after Rome, but now is the time that the PS3 and cell take a commanding lead with FREE online, GREAT controllers, DEDICATED servers, and GREAT exclusive 08 lineup. The Wii is like the nomads. Weak, innovative given what they have, which is not much. And they just migrate from one system to the next staying loyal to their mario party 14, and paper mario 9, and the same series played over and over again.
FULL OF FAIL! :| Greece came first, then it was weakened due to the Peloponessian(sp) War in which, later on, Alexander the Great (who led the Macedonians) took over, and finally, the Romans, which were heavily influenced by the Greeks. Of course, there was the Ottomans who took over Greece until Greece revolted, then declared, fought, and won independence.
Also, due to the increase of territory of the Roman Empire, lacking patriotism, declining leadership (after the five good emperors), and nomads, the Roman Empire fell. So, in reality, the nomads conquered a "conquered" nation. More specifically, during the declining period, the Roman Empire split into two: Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire.
The Western Roman Empire fell to the nomads, thus creating the dark ages and the midieval period (Franks, Germans, etc), and the Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire) flourished until it was sacked by the Crusaders during the 4th crusade (long fued and political and economic rivarly) causing it to be weakend, until its ultimate demise in 1453, at the hands of the Ottoman Empire. Constantinople, which was the capital of the Byzantine Empire is now Istanbul.
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