MAG - I always loved big games, MMOFPS type games such as Planetside, I've put thousands of hours into Mag, platted it about a year ago and I'm still not done playing it. It was also what got me to buy a PS3 in the first place.
Red Dead Redemption - Played this on my PS3 and it was like a religious experience. I'll never touch the game again or sell it, it reminds me of my dad.
Motor Storm - Probably the most fun you can have with your pants on. Can't play it alot because it gives me hand cramps.
Heavy Rain - Despite being "interactive movie" this game has soul oozing out of every oriface. It's sublime and bittersweet, you feel like laughing and crying at the same time.
Home - Say whatever you want, but if feels great to drop in and putz around when I'm taking a snack break in between games. The conversations can be hilarious, and it's fun to just goof off or wander around. Very relaxing.
I really enjoy that the online is free. It's not really about money. It just makes the console feel like it's "mine." I also own a 360, with the online fees I feel like the console isn't really mine, I feel like I am renting it. I just enjoy a sense of permanance on PSN that I don't get with XBL.
Downsides :
- Machine feels underpowered at times
- Controller sucks for FPS
- Downloading is hit or miss, sometimes hangs and you sit there for 20 minutes downloading a small file
- Many important multiplats (Oblivion, Fallout, Skyrim etc) are broken or botch jobs, if the Playstation brand was my personal property I would have taken Bethesda to court on behalf of my customers for consumer fraud.
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