Better believe it, the moment PS3 stepped in the market the 360 has lost it's lead in most countries. The 360's year lead was supposed to really help and the fact the PS3 started of really lacklustre and with a huge price tag you would assume that 2007 was the beginning and the end of PS3. Well like any underdog story the PS3 kept taking the beating from 360 and still didn't go down but was persistant in reclaiming the success which is associated with the Playstation brand.
Sony are not stupid they know what the strengths & weaknesses of 360 are and instead of trying to battle against 360's strengths they are first aiming at it's weaknesses and capitalizing on them, in this case the weakness is everything but America. Yeah 360 has the games and the features but it also has alot of things which are just a total pain most notably RROD.
Thee Playstation 3 is not in the market for a few years but a full 8 years atleast of lifespan, the Playstation brand's life span has always increased from the previous Gen, the PS1 had a 5-6 years lifespan, the PS2 had a 6-7 years lifespan and the PS3 will have a 7-8 years of lifespan if not more. The jump from PS2 to 3 is far bigger then the jump from PS1 to 2 and guys from Insomniac had already pointed this out in a previous interview.
When Microsoft first launched their precious 360 console they had really underestimated of the competition to come considering they were making stupid remarks like "360 will sell over 1billion software" and "Japan will lose out if they don't adopt the 360".I know Sony has makes stupid remarks but come on, Microsoft made stupid remarks after the failure ofXbox but Sony made stupid remarks after the enourmous success of the PS2 and the Playstation brand in general. You can afford to make stupid remarks when your at the top :P
Well anyway the 360 already seems to have peaked and honestly the 360 has no games this year which will out class it's last years success. Banjo threeie, Ninja Gaiden 2 & Too Human are not going to expand the 360 user base as they don't have the broad appeal which GeOW & Halo 3 has.
You guys are unaware but you are witnessing the downfall of Microsoft's juggernaut as we speak. let me explain.
Last year Microsoft fell flat in Japan which is no doubt an important market, the PS3 overtook despite 360's year alone effort and 2 launches.
This year, the year 2008 you will witness the downfall of 360 in Europe, 360 has been doing lacklustre despite year lead and the PS3 is rapidly catching up.
Also my friends Microsofts home advantage is the next downfall. In the year 2009 you will witness the fall of 360 in America as the PS3 overtakes thus leaving Microsoft nothing but sweet memories of that year alone it had in the market.
I understand that I have not mentioned the Wii, I'm not discounting the Wii in anyway but as far as I know the Wii is not aiming at a direct battle with PS3 & 360. Wii is aiming for the casual market, the folks who hardly ever play games whilst PS3 & 360 are aiming for the same market. The Wii will be a 2nd console to gamers but they will either choose PS3 or 360 as their 1st console depending on what appeals to them the most.
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