Hey guys,
I just posted a topic about whether or not to get a PS3 yesterday in the PS3-forum, which was closed by moderation (sorry - I'm new here). I would like to continue the discussion and think this is probably the right sub-forum for that.
Here's the original thread:
with my first post:
Hey guys,
since 2 months, I'm a XBOX 360 owner who also had a PS3 borrowed from his friend for several weeks - and somehow I fell in love with the PS3. And I'm constantly thinking about whether I should've gotten a PS3....but there are some major disadvantages that still hold me back from buying one. Here's my pro / contra list:
PS3 Pro:
- It's quiet! In comparison to the XBOX 360, this device is so quiet...I love it just because of this fact, already.
- The online mode is free. Nice.
- The controllers don't need extra batteries.
- It's build more stable / worthy than the XBOX.
- It looks nice.
- I want to love it...it somehow gives me the feeling that Sony have a "good heart".
PS3 Contra:
- Many games work worse on the PS3 today than on the XBOX. Many frame-rate issues, which aren't that bad on the XBOX.
- It's more expensive as the XBOX 360.
- There are a lot less used games for the PS3 and these are mostly more expensive than the used ones for the XBOX.
- There are less games in general.
- The standard controller doesn't vibrate, have to buy a new one for that.
So what do you think, guys? I got a XBOX with GTA4 for 270 EUR....and am thinking about selling it and getting a PS3, which costs 420 EUR. But still there are those contra-points which hold me back. What do you think about my arguments and would your advise be?
Thanks for your help, guys.
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