[QUOTE="Polaris_choice"][QUOTE="skrat_01"] PC
With 8800 GT at such a low price its hard to say otherwise.
Better games
Better visuals + audio
Better online
Better controls
Better community
Better variety
Better functionality (it is a computer)
Better value
Thats absoutlely laughable
Better games? Um thats all opionion
Better visuals + audio? Um almost every PS3 game comign out features 7.1 uncompressed audio how many PC games feature that . And better visuals? Um im sorry but other then Crysis and FC2 there arent many impressive looking pc games coming next year.
Bettter online? Um the PS3 online is free and has many similartys to pc online and with the inovation of Home it will have the most invoative community on the net.
Better community? Go play Warcraft and here the 12 year old whine and cry drop 100 racial slurs and get back to me
Better functunality? Um the PS3 plays games which if he wants a gaming machine its much simpler then any pc .
Better value? Um this is the most ridiculous part of your argument. Name one pc you can buy for cheaper then what its worth? Every PS3 cost more to make then what Sony is selling it for while pc parts are marked up . Even if you build a pc yourself you will not get one anywhere near the same pricerange of 500$ that is remotely close to being in the same league as the PS3.
haha nope your counter is laughable.PC has the most AAAs and AAs not to mention exclusives. THat is better games.
If you RATHER different games that is opinion
PC has far superioutr 7.1 audio cards, if you feel like spending a little extra. Makes the PS3s look like trash. And for visuals :lol: We all know how visually superiour the PS3 is :lol:
:lol: PC online is all free, and home is a joke ripoff of second life :lol:
Your proposition is laughable :lol:
Better community - the PS3s pitiful community is laughable. I'd rather communicate with 200 million PC gamers, clans, modders and developers than SDF fanatics :lol:
And a new PC will play any new game :lol:
The PS3 itself is marked up. It plays games and blu ray movies :lol: Hoooray :lol:
People try and boas the PS3s functionality. Ive got a good idea how about you stop using your web browser and use the PS3s :lol:
PS3 hardware, and prephrials are a ripoff as are the games.
Nope the PS3 cant compare to a gaming PC.
Try again please.
You are to misinforemd to even come up with an intelligent argument.
The PS3 is marked up? Um do some research it cost Sony 850$ to manufature each model that they sold for 600$ you simply have no clue what your talking about.
Better sound? Um the PS3 has 7.1 uncompressed Audio its absoutley flawless you have no clue what your talking about futher adding to the fact that you dont own one.
As for visuals I would gladly take Uncharted against any pc game this year. The only pc game that looks better is Cryisis and it runs like absolute garbage on high settings while th PS3 runs good looking games sily smooth but hey im sure you can claim ownage on some crappy multiplat that doesnt look good to begin with.
A gaming pc becomes a paperweight in 1 year I feel sorry for any poor sap that bought a high end DX9 card a year ago as there pc is already usless.
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