How in the world could Demon's Soul win against DA:O?
it's a pretty unique game that brought something new to the genre. I'd explain it in my own words, but instead check kvo's cubbie awards blog post. I feel like he describes DA:O and DS perfectly and that may answer your question.
It introduced something new true, but DA:O outperformed it in pretty much every other aspect, whether it might have been immersion, gameplay, voice acting, atmosphere, graphics, story, music and whatnot. When all that is counted up against the new message system, it is an complete outrage that DS won the genre award
Atmosphere and Immersion is debatable but I'll give you VO and Story. But the combat in DS is LEAPS AND BOUNDS better than DAO even if you like pausing every two seconds and micro-managing the combat is FAR more satisfying in DS than DAO. Same with the graphics only the PC version is comparable because even the PS3 version looks pretty ugly in spots.
And don't even get me started on animation, aside from some awkward rag dolls in DS the animation is also far better. I can see the argument for DAO and still think its an awesome game but I can also see why DS won the award and thinks its as rightfully deserving if not more than DAO.
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