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I find it completely ironic that PS3 owners would hype Killzone 2 after the 1st Killzone scored a 6.9. Fanboys were screaming "Halo killer" before Killzone released, and there was massive ownage after the GS review. Now, I can sort of understand why PS2 owners hyped the 1st Killzone. It seemed like maybe it was going to be a great game based on all the previews, the developer interviews, etc. But it flopped hard. Ok, are fanboys getting fooled again with Killzone 2? Great looking previews of the game, etc. The SAME scenario as Killzone 1. Are fanboys going to get fooled again? Also, why would ANYONE ever hype a sequel to a game that scored 6.9? Not even Wii owners or 360 owners would ever do that. :lol:
I'm extremely hyped for KZ2. Why? The main reason is the atmosphere and immersion it offers.
It's also got many positive previews and just looks beautiful
Because logic if used says that you have to judge a game from what its showing and from what info is released on the game.. also taking into account the positive previews its getting by people in the industry is a huge plus, considering these people actually PLAYED the game...
But obviously for haters, one shouldnt be interested or get hyped about KZ2 simply because KZ1 got a low score and was an average shooter... Apparently every non PS3 owner has short memory and forgets that we saw many sequels score lower / deliver less upon their prequel / previous game in the series...
So did the thought (to all PS3 haters) that a sequel to an average game might improve significantly the overall gaming experience ??? (not just KZ2 but in general)..
Don't forget that just because Killzone 2 to succeeds the original Killzone which received very negative reviews, that doesn't change the fact that development costs, time allocations and positive previews may well be demonstrating an upcoming title that trumps the original in all aspects.
It won't be the first time a sequel is superior to a prequel, after all.
This puzzles me as well but not for the reasons you stated. Im puzzled because well Sony fanboys like to put down the 360 and the people who bought it because its filled with generic shooters but now the fanboys are getting a generic shooter and their making it out to be a great innovative game o really tell me wat it has done that no other shooter has done? I can see Resistance because it at least has innovative weoposn and fights but Killzone 2?hak145
Fans who are hyped about KZ2 like myself (the majority of fans at least) never stated that it will be innovative... we just believe that Guerilla are doing a great job and KZ2 is shaping up nicely and looks like it will be a solid fps... Obviously these are all thoughts/hopes since no one can judge until the game gets released...
What puzzles me is how sure haters are that KZ2 will be an average game and flop...
You know, I haven't been here for a while and I feel like the character of some Penultimate Truth-style sci-fi story, a mutant legfish that crawled out of a black pit of tar and opened its eyes to the cold air for the first time. When it looked back into the depths of its former home, it saw its former compatriots squabbling over specks of dust and gravel, ash and wind, never realising that all their campaigns are fruitless and their prizes worthless.
Of all the sliver of ash and dust that you fight over, hype is certainly the most intangible and worthless of all. If a game is good, good. If it's bad, bad. Your opinion of the game before it released is now wholly unimportant.
I find it completely ironic that PS3 owners would hype Killzone 2 after the 1st Killzone scored a 6.9. Fanboys were screaming "Halo killer" before Killzone released, and there was massive ownage after the GS review. Now, I can sort of understand why PS2 owners hyped the 1st Killzone. It seemed like maybe it was going to be a great game based on all the previews, the developer interviews, etc. But it flopped hard. Ok, are fanboys getting fooled again with Killzone 2? Great looking previews of the game, etc. The SAME scenario as Killzone 1. Are fanboys going to get fooled again? Also, why would ANYONE ever hype a sequel to a game that scored 6.9? Not even Wii owners or 360 owners would ever do that. :lol:
AvIdGaMeR444're 100 percent basing the reason it shouldn't be of it's predecessor from years ago.....
makes sense? lol.
I find it completely ironic that PS3 owners would hype Killzone 2 after the 1st Killzone scored a 6.9. Fanboys were screaming "Halo killer" before Killzone released, and there was massive ownage after the GS review. Now, I can sort of understand why PS2 owners hyped the 1st Killzone. It seemed like maybe it was going to be a great game based on all the previews, the developer interviews, etc. But it flopped hard. Ok, are fanboys getting fooled again with Killzone 2? Great looking previews of the game, etc. The SAME scenario as Killzone 1. Are fanboys going to get fooled again? Also, why would ANYONE ever hype a sequel to a game that scored 6.9? Not even Wii owners or 360 owners would ever do that. :lol:
Oh just shut up, not every single PS3 owner EVERYWHERE is hyping this game to hell and back, I just want to bloody play it because it looks fun, kay? So do all my friends who own a PS3.
I find it completely ironic that PS3 owners would hype Killzone 2 after the 1st Killzone scored a 6.9. Fanboys were screaming "Halo killer" before Killzone released, and there was massive ownage after the GS review. Now, I can sort of understand why PS2 owners hyped the 1st Killzone. It seemed like maybe it was going to be a great game based on all the previews, the developer interviews, etc. But it flopped hard. Ok, are fanboys getting fooled again with Killzone 2? Great looking previews of the game, etc. The SAME scenario as Killzone 1. Are fanboys going to get fooled again? Also, why would ANYONE ever hype a sequel to a game that scored 6.9? Not even Wii owners or 360 owners would ever do that. :lol:
I actually agree with this..But I still think KZ looks cool
well.. i guess it's all because of 2005 trailer at first. But now, the quality of the real-time footage of the game is what generating the hype (as it looks impressive).
Yes because we all know games that come after low scoring prequels never do well.
GTA2 = 6.8
GTA3 = 9.6
Yes because we all know games that come after low scoring prequels never do well.
GTA2 = 6.8
GTA3 = 9.6
Crash bandicoot-6.8
Crash bandicoot 2-8.6
Seems that the TC always like to use the exact same logic for every ps3 game out there.
For example in this thread Link
he said this
Of all 3 major MGS titles on PS2, then MGS2 is the only one that has scored AAA. Why am I seeing several posts from cows saying "the next game that is most likely to score a 10 is MGS4". It makes absolutely ZERO sense to hype MGS4 a 10. With GTA IV, it made sense since GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas scored 9.6. But when a franchise has 2 AA games under its belt, it is crazy to hype MGS4 a 10. I'm a Mario platformer addict. I love the games to death. But, even so, I wasn't crazy enough to hype SMG a 10. Just because you like a franchise an awful lot, it still doesn't make logical sense to hype MGS4 a 10 unless every other MGS game was high AAA. Of course, this is system wars, and logic isn't supposed to exist.
AvIdGaMeR444 said in Cows MGS4 will not score a 10
Seems that the TC always like to use the exact same logic for every ps3 game out there.
For example in this thread Link
he said this
[QUOTE="AvIdGaMeR444 said in Cows MGS4 will not score a 10"]
Of all 3 major MGS titles on PS2, then MGS2 is the only one that has scored AAA. Why am I seeing several posts from cows saying "the next game that is most likely to score a 10 is MGS4". It makes absolutely ZERO sense to hype MGS4 a 10. With GTA IV, it made sense since GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas scored 9.6. But when a franchise has 2 AA games under its belt, it is crazy to hype MGS4 a 10. I'm a Mario platformer addict. I love the games to death. But, even so, I wasn't crazy enough to hype SMG a 10. Just because you like a franchise an awful lot, it still doesn't make logical sense to hype MGS4 a 10 unless every other MGS game was high AAA. Of course, this is system wars, and logic isn't supposed to exist.
lulz, same exact thing, i can't wait for the ownage i'm saving this topic presuming it doesn't get locked.
I find it completely ironic that PS3 owners would hype Killzone 2 after the 1st Killzone scored a 6.9. Fanboys were screaming "Halo killer" before Killzone released, and there was massive ownage after the GS review. Now, I can sort of understand why PS2 owners hyped the 1st Killzone. It seemed like maybe it was going to be a great game based on all the previews, the developer interviews, etc. But it flopped hard. Ok, are fanboys getting fooled again with Killzone 2? Great looking previews of the game, etc. The SAME scenario as Killzone 1. Are fanboys going to get fooled again? Also, why would ANYONE ever hype a sequel to a game that scored 6.9? Not even Wii owners or 360 owners would ever do that. :lol:
your just sad dude, give it up.
What does killzone ones score have to do with the quality of killzone 2? Not only was the original killzone on the ps2 WHICH IS A WHOLE GENERATION OLDER than the ps3, it was developed by a small team with a limited budget. Sony have sunk millions into Killzone 2 and its being created by a much larger team of programmers with the help of other 1st party developers (such as naughty dog) It has also had lots of development time to tweak the game to perfection. All the previews of the game only have good things to say about it, the multiplayer looks INSANELEY GOOD and the graphics look SUPERB. Here, take a look at this, I hope it helps your peabrain mind comprehend why people are hyping this game
I find it completely ironic that PS3 owners would hype Killzone 2 after the 1st Killzone scored a 6.9. Fanboys were screaming "Halo killer" before Killzone released, and there was massive ownage after the GS review. Now, I can sort of understand why PS2 owners hyped the 1st Killzone. It seemed like maybe it was going to be a great game based on all the previews, the developer interviews, etc. But it flopped hard. Ok, are fanboys getting fooled again with Killzone 2? Great looking previews of the game, etc. The SAME scenario as Killzone 1. Are fanboys going to get fooled again? Also, why would ANYONE ever hype a sequel to a game that scored 6.9? Not even Wii owners or 360 owners would ever do that. :lol:
Didn't Too Human kind of get hyed like this??
[QUOTE="ONLYDOD"]Because I liked Killzone 1, alot.AvIdGaMeR444
That's fine. A lot of people liked it, and a lot hated it. But, it did score a 6.9.
You should remember that it was released at the same time with Halo 2 and Half-Life 2. True, it wasn't that great, but not that bad either. I'd give it 7.5. Competinion it got, was too big for it.
Why should anyone care if the first Killzone scored 6.9 when the second one seems to be shaping up rather well?Jynxzor
Not so much.
Yep. IF Killzone 2 gets AAA, then that will all but kill the "sequel will flop just because the last one flopped" argument that fanboys so love.I cant wait until someone bumps this thread after Killzone 2 gets AAA.
[QUOTE="Jynxzor"]Why should anyone care if the first Killzone scored 6.9 when the second one seems to be shaping up rather well?Khansoul
Not so much.;thumb;4
funny how gamesradar seems to be the only website with a problem with the controls
[QUOTE="lantus"]You're a sad sad little person.AvIdGaMeR444
For wondering why anyone would hype a sequel to one of the biggest flops in SW history? I guess I am a sad sad little person then...
My favourite game of all time scored 6.5 in gamespot. So what's your point?
[QUOTE="ONLYDOD"]Because I liked Killzone 1, alot.AvIdGaMeR444
That's fine. A lot of people liked it, and a lot hated it. But, it did score a 6.9. Cows are hyping Killzone 2 AAA. THAT is what does not make sense. Fine if you want Killzone 2, but it is VERY RARE for a follow-up in a franchise to go from the score Killzone got to AAA. It did happen from GTA2 to GTA3, but that is a rare exception.
It wouldn't be the first game to score higher then the original.
My favourite game of all time scored 6.5 in gamespot. So what's your point?
GS gave mine 7.7 >_> (which is Silent Hill 2 BTW). They seem to have a knack for underrating and/or bashing games I loved so I don't tend to take their reviews seriously anymore.
[QUOTE="Khansoul"][QUOTE="Jynxzor"]Why should anyone care if the first Killzone scored 6.9 when the second one seems to be shaping up rather well?Ignee
Not so much.;thumb;4
funny how gamesradar seems to be the only website with a problem with the controls
Previews are almost always positive. Haze, Too Human, Lair etc. got lots of positive previews, but all know how they fared in reviews. Hell, I remember reading one local game magazine's preview on Haze, they said that it was really promising and great game. In next month's review they gave it 3/10 saying it couldn't even reach the starting line in a race between best FPS games.
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