The PS3 price drop proves that PS3 has a high demand, but the problem is the high price.
this shows to sony that they still have hope, so they won't give up. also if 60GB ps3 sells out by August like they planned than that would defenitly be a Bigger success for sony because not only has the 60GB sold out in a month but it also shows that all sony has to do is the drop the price.
also with all the great games announce it will surely make the demand higher. for those who say that the sales spike is gonna go down as soon as all the 60GB ps3 is sold out. well they are wrong cause in september sony will release heavnly sword + some other AAA games, and in october it'll be close to the holiday and in november it'll be PS3 1 year annivercity which means a price drop, for the 80GB PS3, cause usually sony drops the price ateach yearannivercity.
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