There is an opinion among the Microsoft fanbase that the new PS3 has been brought out by Sony not because of efficiencies in manufacturing the console, but because Sony are using the "Slim" to boost sales. If sales numbers for the remaining original design PS3's are any indication, it is the price reduction that has made the difference and not the redesign.
There is propaganda amongst 360 loyalists that the new PS3 is superior to that which has come before. I for one do not think that the new PS3 is "Slim" enough and it is for that reason that Sony have not dubbed this new design the PSthree. Another difference is the size of the hard-drive but that is standard of both platforms. The most significant difference is that you cannot install another operating system on the new PS3.
For me the only improvement is the noise heard from the new PS3, it is supposedly at a far lower level. I would rather a company redesign the console to bring me a cheaper price and a quieter console, than leave the console and it's cooling system the same only to allow me to rip a disk to the hard-drive. This is the route Microsoft went, knowing fully well that the consumer would need to buy a branded hard-drive to take advantage of this feature.
There is an idea that owners of the original design PS3 should feel ripped off. Unless you find the dimensions beneficial, that's ridiculous. That's like saying 360 owners who bought a Pro at $300 should feel ripped off because at that price point it is going to be replaced with the Elite.
360 fanboys are also miss-informed about the time frame in which the PSone and PStwo came out. These two were out in the 4th year, not the sixth or seventh or eighth! This new PS3 is out in the third, but as I've said it's not the PSthree.
It is a sad truth that such falsities find there way into the mainstream so quickly but that is the nature of fanboyism. Even today a 360 fanboy will make the claim that there are no games on the PS3. These gamers are ill-informed and it is primarily due to the brilliance of XBox Live. When you're paying a subscription, you'll get your money's worth even when it means getting your information from one source only. From this, most 360 gamers are oblivious to the fact that the PS3 version of TMNT Turtles in Time and Batman: Arkham Asylum have extra content.
Does this go both ways? I can honestly say that all the PS3 owners I know, knew about the exclusive DLC for Fallout 3 and GTA IV on the 360.
With all these snide remarks, is this to say 360 owners would not welcome a 360 slim? The number of articles being written about a 360 slim on the horizon only goes to show how ridiculous this Console War has become.
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