PS3 has only a 256 mb video card which means the best looking games will be on 360 this generation because it can go over 400 mb with its unfied 512.
Blu Ray does not improve the graphics. It simply insures that you won't have multi-disc games which is really no big deal because only about 1 in 100 games needs a multi-disc and you only generally change those once every 30 hours or so.
Blu Ray has little to do with gaming and much more to do with PS3's attempt to expand it's hold on the home theater market using it's existing brand strength.
You admit yourself that you are buying PS3 with eyes closed and no second thoughts which is typical of the people foolish enough to have bought it so far.
It has fewer games of less quality that don't look as good with a poor online service and at the end of the day it costs more. So for you to rely on the nostalgia of PS2 to make your next-gen decision instead of actually choosing which system will provide the best GAMING( not movie) experience I'd say you are the idiot.
So here are the reasons people buy PS3:
- Blind "eyes closed no second thoughts" brand loyalty
- They were misled into thinking it has better graphics
- They thought LAIR was going to be Tripple A
- They were told Assassain's Creed was exclusive
- They could not wait to be the only people to play Devil May Cry 4( till it went multiplat)
- They can't wait for the 13th iteration of the tired FF series that cannot escape it's own cliches of scantily clad dudes that look like chicks out to save the world.
- They are in denial over how convoluted and absurd the story telling of Metal Gear is and fervently await it's continually delayed sequel. Seriously this game's graphics would have blown people away if it was actually released on time. It keeps looking more and more dated and it is a year away from being released.
- They would rather play the Ninja Gaiden enjoyed by Xbox1 users LAST gen then play the actual sequel coming ONLY to 360.
- Nobody told them that the sequal to Forza will be out by the time the next GT game is out and they forget how superior Forza 2 was.
- MOSTLY though.....they have stuborn pride born right here in system wars. You would not believe some of the wild claims the cows were making in the last three years about PS3. Some have swallowed the pride so they could have fun but others are just plain dumb and persist in their fantasies about how PS3 will dominate all.
SONY dropped from first to last for the simple reason that they became TOO COCKY. They seriously thought they were so big that they could focus less on gaming and push home theater through PS3. To every fool that is so proud over having a Blu Ray think what SONY made you miss out on. With all the time and energy diverted to puting this unneccsary expensive piece of hardware into the PS3 they lost out on maintaining relationships with third party developers and also were unable to add the proper ammount of video memmory for it to TRULY be a superior gaming system.
MS and Nintendo showed that the company that focuses on GAMING wins.
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