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Did people actually thing those sales would continue? It's just basic logic isn't it?8Tango
only fanboy logic exists here
one good week after a price drop (which EVERYBODY predicted would happen), and it's the playstation brand is back and on it's way to being #1 again
i saw the exact same thing with the PSP when a big game drops. one good week and it's "DS' streak is over, the PSP will dominate from now on"
but then reality strikes and people eventually realised that the PSP will forever be inferior to the DS saleswise, and it's back to "sales don't matter"
same thing will happen with the PS3
Still good numbers.
No offense towards Japan, but I'm more interested in NPD numbers. September will be an interesting month for sales, to say the very least.
well it is just september. Expect another huge spike in october or november
another price drop?
When everyone goes shopping for the holidays?
Now with Uncharted 2!
Uncharted 2 is little too american style to sell good in Japan....
also, UC is not a system seller... that bundle will not impress the masses
First off, the number of games that are truly proven "system sellers" each gen I could count on one hand. I'd probably even have a couple free fingers in case more come out.
Second, there is a WORLD of difference between a game being a system seller, and the capability of a game to move system if it is bundled in with the console. Two totally different things.
Uncharted 2 is little too american style to sell good in Japan....
also, UC is not a system seller... that bundle will not impress the masses
First off, the number of games that are truly proven "system sellers" each gen I could count on one hand. I'd probably even have a couple free fingers in case more come out.
yes, which is why claiming UC2 as a system seller is funny
Second, there is a WORLD of difference between a game being a system seller, and the capability of a game to move system if it is bundled in with the console. Two totally different things.
the first UC sold 70,000 copies in Japan... do you honestly think UC2 will sell systems (people willing to spend an extra $100 for the bundle)... seriously? :|
[QUOTE="8Tango"]Did people actually thing those sales would continue? It's just basic logic isn't it?JB730
only fanboy logic exists here
one good week after a price drop (which EVERYBODY predicted would happen), and it's the playstation brand is back and on it's way to being #1 again
i saw the exact same thing with the PSP when a big game drops. one good week and it's "DS' streak is over, the PSP will dominate from now on"
but then reality strikes and people eventually realised that the PSP will forever be inferior to the DS saleswise, and it's back to "sales don't matter"
same thing will happen with the PS3
Show me one single post from one single cow where they say that the PS3 will sell 250,000 consoles every single week for ever. Just one. If you want to talk about fanboy logic, how about all the people talking about the sales stabilizing to a normal level as if the PS3 is "going back to normal". What evidence is there to back up this claim? What evidence is there proving that the price drop won't cause an improvement in PS3 sales over the long term? ZERO. There is zero evidence that the price drop has failed and zero evidence to support the claim that PS3 sales are going back to what they were before the drop. Meanwhile, anti-Sony fanboys are creating straw man arguements to bash cows AND the PS3. Nobody ever said that the PS3 would maintain the 250,000 a week sales, but that is the claim being made.
I certainly do see a number of fanboys making fanboy claims here...but the number coming from cows seems to be MUCH lower here than those made by other fanboys.
First off, the number of games that are truly proven "system sellers" each gen I could count on one hand. I'd probably even have a couple free fingers in case more come out.
yes, which is why claiming UC2 as a system seller is funny
Second, there is a WORLD of difference between a game being a system seller, and the capability of a game to move system if it is bundled in with the console. Two totally different things.
the first UC sold 70,000 copies in Japan... do you honestly think UC2 will sell systems (people willing to spend an extra $100 for the bundle)... seriously? :|
Is this bundle ONLY for Japan,or will it be sold in other regions as well? Is that extra $100 just for the game orfor the extra HDD space? What will the cost of the 250gig PS3 cost without UC2? If it is the same price, wouldn't a free game being bundled in be more of an incentive than having no game, regardless of region?
So you see, if your comments, or the comments previously, made any logical sense, there wouldn't be so many unanswered questions.
First off, the number of games that are truly proven "system sellers" each gen I could count on one hand. I'd probably even have a couple free fingers in case more come out.
yes, which is why claiming UC2 as a system seller is funny
Second, there is a WORLD of difference between a game being a system seller, and the capability of a game to move system if it is bundled in with the console. Two totally different things.
the first UC sold 70,000 copies in Japan... do you honestly think UC2 will sell systems (people willing to spend an extra $100 for the bundle)... seriously? :|
Is this bundle ONLY for Japan,or will it be sold in other regions as well?
Not confirmed for NA, just europe and Japan i believe
Is that extra $100 just for the game orfor the extra HDD space? What will the cost of the 250gig PS3 cost without UC2? If it is the same price, wouldn't a free game being bundled in be more of an incentive than having no game, regardless of region?
people didnt really flock to a $399 ps3 (even the bundled ones)... so what makes you think a UC2 one will sell? extra HDD space is great for gamers... the masses dont care about that stuff (points to Wii and the 360 arcade for example)
So you see, if your comments, or the comments previously, made any logical sense, there wouldn't be so many unanswered questions.
i see nothing illogical about my comments... i posted facts and reasoning, you posted speculations
Did people actually thing those sales would continue? It's just basic logic isn't it?8Tangoyes,yes the did. i am still waiting another5 weeks before any wild assumptions
You people do realize stores run out of product, then reorder....then they sale the product when they get it again. Tracking this by week is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. darthogre
I agree. This is like people saying a movie must suck because the second weekend sales aren't as high as opening weekend.
[QUOTE="darthogre"]You people do realize stores run out of product, then reorder....then they sale the product when they get it again. Tracking this by week is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. ZIMdoom
I agree. This is like people saying a movie must suck because the second weekend sales aren't as high as opening weekend.
nobody is saying anything about quality
Is this bundle ONLY for Japan,or will it be sold in other regions as well?
Not confirmed for NA, just europe and Japan i believe
Is that extra $100 just for the game orfor the extra HDD space? What will the cost of the 250gig PS3 cost without UC2? If it is the same price, wouldn't a free game being bundled in be more of an incentive than having no game, regardless of region?
people didnt really flock to a $399 ps3 (even the bundled ones)... so what makes you think a UC2 one will sell? extra HDD space is great for gamers... the masses dont care about that stuff (points to Wii and the 360 arcade for example)
So you see, if your comments, or the comments previously, made any logical sense, there wouldn't be so many unanswered questions.
i see nothing illogical about my comments... i posted facts and reasoning, you posted speculations
No, you are the one posting speculation when you claim the PS3 sales spike is over, when you claim the UC2 bundle won't sell, when you pretend like one week in Japan reflects world wide sales over the long-term, when you act like the upcoming holiday season won't matter, when you speak for what the masses want, and when you use straw man arguements against myself and others.
At no point did I speculate anything about the success, or possible lack, of this bundle in Japan. The issue here is PS3 sales and the claim that (a) a bundle makes no difference in sales anywhere, and (b) that Japan's weekly sales is an accurate reflection of long-term world wide demand for PS3. Both of those are faulty claims with ZERO evidence backing them. That is just a fact.
[QUOTE="darthogre"]You people do realize stores run out of product, then reorder....then they sale the product when they get it again. Tracking this by week is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. ogvampire
I agree. This is like people saying a movie must suck because the second weekend sales aren't as high as opening weekend.
nobody is saying anything about quality
No, they are saying that nobody wants or cares that much about PS3 and that this is reflected by PS3 sales "going back to normal" this quickly after the price drop. However, they have zero evidence to make that claim because we don't know where the sales will stabilize and we don't have monthly sales numbers from any other region yet. We don't know what the demand will be over the holiday shopping rush which will start only a month after the NA sales numbers are released. We also don't know what the long term sales (or movie attendace) will be.
Instead, a bunch of Sony hating fanboys have taken this article completely out of context, used straw man arguements to bash the cows, and are making assumptions with ZERO basis in fact.
Then they, like you, want to turn around and argue semantics instead of the flawed logic that is the heart of this topic.
[QUOTE="8Tango"]Did people actually thing those sales would continue? It's just basic logic isn't it?surrealnumber5yes,yes the did. i am still waiting another5 weeks before any wild assumptions
You sound pretty sure of that. Surely you MUST have some sort of evidence to back up that comment? Perhaps a link? I'll wait but I won't hold my breath.
[QUOTE="darthogre"]You people do realize stores run out of product, then reorder....then they sale the product when they get it again. Tracking this by week is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. ZIMdoom
I agree. This is like people saying a movie must suck because the second weekend sales aren't as high as opening weekend.
Don't you know, here in SW land a game is only good if it gets a AAA and sells 5 million in two hours; consoles have to sell half a million each week and games are only considered advertised if you see the TV commercials 3 times an hour on every channel with an energy drink franchise on the side. People here have no reality of the norm. They spend so much time one upping eachother that their grasp on reality is just not there anymore and rare case scenerios are somehow expected for everthing.[QUOTE="ogvampire"]
Is this bundle ONLY for Japan,or will it be sold in other regions as well?
Not confirmed for NA, just europe and Japan i believe
Is that extra $100 just for the game orfor the extra HDD space? What will the cost of the 250gig PS3 cost without UC2? If it is the same price, wouldn't a free game being bundled in be more of an incentive than having no game, regardless of region?
people didnt really flock to a $399 ps3 (even the bundled ones)... so what makes you think a UC2 one will sell? extra HDD space is great for gamers... the masses dont care about that stuff (points to Wii and the 360 arcade for example)
So you see, if your comments, or the comments previously, made any logical sense, there wouldn't be so many unanswered questions.
i see nothing illogical about my comments... i posted facts and reasoning, you posted speculations
No, you are the one posting speculation when you claim the PS3 sales spike is over, when you claim the UC2 bundle won't sell, when you pretend like one week in Japan reflects world wide sales over the long-term, when you act like the upcoming holiday season won't matter, when you speak for what the masses want, and when you use straw man arguements against myself and others.
the 'spike' IS over. if it wasnt, the ps3 sales would be higher than last week. thats what a 'spike' is :roll:
im not saying the UC2 bundle will not sell, im saying it will not have great sales. i based that statement on facts (UC1 sold 70k in japan, ps3 at $399 was not a hot seller)
you draw the same speculations saying that people want more HDD and UC2... yet the Wii (which outsold both the 360 and ps3) has a very small HDD and the original UC was not an instant hit in terms of sales. those are facts
At no point did I speculate anything about the success, or possible lack, of this bundle in Japan. The issue here is PS3 sales and the claim that (a) a bundle makes no difference in sales anywhere
you must be really confused... i didnt make that claim.
, and (b) that Japan's weekly sales is an accurate reflection of long-term world wide demand for PS3
again, confused... i never claimed that either. you seem to be reading something in my writting that isnt there...
. Both of those are faulty claims with ZERO evidence backing them. That is just a fact. that i never made
everything i said is related to Japan... which is where these sales numbers are from
I agree. This is like people saying a movie must suck because the second weekend sales aren't as high as opening weekend.
nobody is saying anything about quality
No, they are saying that nobody wants or cares that much about PS3 and that this is reflected by PS3 sales "going back to normal" this quickly after the price drop. However, they have zero evidence to make that claim because we don't know where the sales will stabilize and we don't have monthly sales numbers from any other region yet. We don't know what the demand will be over the holiday shopping rush which will start only a month after the NA sales numbers are released. We also don't know what the long term sales (or movie attendace) will be.
Instead, a bunch of Sony hating fanboys have taken this article completely out of context, used straw man arguements to bash the cows, and are making assumptions with ZERO basis in fact.
Then they, like you, want to turn around and argue semantics instead of the flawed logic that is the heart of this topic.
what flawed logic is there? ps3 sales are coming down after a sales spike... that what usually happens after the initial demand of a price drop
not sure what else you are trying to argue... but its getting kinda sad
Yep dissapointing numbers right there. Looks like cows better enjoy this while they still can unfortunately,
PS3's bi-annual sales spike ending in 3...2...1.
You do see the the 360s numbers right? the one that's in the 4,000s? The one that the ps3 is currently about 10-12 times ahead?360 already beat the original XBOX numbers.
As far as MS is concerned- Mission acomplished. :D And I congratulate them on their success.
why would you be concerned? do you own stock in MS?[QUOTE="surrealnumber5"] yes,yes the did. i am still waiting another5 weeks before any wild assumptionsZIMdoom
You sound pretty sure of that. Surely you MUST have some sort of evidence to back up that comment? Perhaps a link? I'll wait but I won't hold my breath.
there were the threads about how sony will ketch up to the 360 and even the wii, most of the cows were saying sony would have no problems selling 13 million by march 2010 in another thread. for the ps3 to do that it would need to sell 500k per week WW for all but 3 weeks. i wont look it up for you just go to the thread with the title along the lines of ; sony still expects to sell 13 million in this fiscal year. lets no forget 80% of the thread started last week.They will achieve it with ease, PS3 slim sold half a million in a week so if that is any indication, and add in the fact that PS3 has a lot of quality games releasing I believe Sony will achieve it's goal of selling 13 million by the end of this fiscal year, if not more. The Price cut was the only thing standing between PS3 and HUGE sales, the PS3 train is not going to slow down any time soon.
ps3 is next dreamcast dont care if u like it or not . Cuz 3rd party developers are stepping away from ps3 which is alarming for sony . E.G NAMCO(TEKKEN 6) KONAMI ( MG 5 ) SQAURE ENIX (FINAL FANTASY ).
errr all those games are coming still for the ps3 :? and DC numbers never got as high as ps3 ones :? and the 1st party devs froms Sony are stronger than MS or Ninty one so?ps3 is next dreamcast dont care if u like it or not . Cuz 3rd party developers are stepping away from ps3 which is alarming for sony . E.G NAMCO(TEKKEN 6) KONAMI ( MG 5 ) SQAURE ENIX (FINAL FANTASY ).
[QUOTE="fahadsul3man"]errr all those games are coming still for the ps3 :? and DC numbers never got as high as ps3 ones :? and the 1st party devs froms Sony are stronger than MS or Ninty one so? nintendo has more highly ranked games on the DS and Wii then sony has on the ps3 and psp, so how can sony's first party be stronger?ps3 is next dreamcast dont care if u like it or not . Cuz 3rd party developers are stepping away from ps3 which is alarming for sony . E.G NAMCO(TEKKEN 6) KONAMI ( MG 5 ) SQAURE ENIX (FINAL FANTASY ).
what flawed logic is there? ps3 sales are coming down after a sales spike... that what usually happens after the initial demand of a price drop
not sure what else you are trying to argue... but its getting kinda sad
At no point have I ever questioned the drop in sales after the spike. My issue is quite simple...people are saying that this is proof the PS3's price drop has failed and that the ps3 sales are going 'back to normal'. This is flawed logic for a number of reasons I have already pointed out countless times.
I have essentiallymade two arguements over and over which you seem to have either ignored, or completely failed to understand.
1) I pointed out why the initial article, as well as the thread title and initial post were misleading.
2) Your comment (or whomever's) that the UC2 bundle won't help sell consoles because the first UC wasn't a "system seller".
I have made perfectly logical cases over and over. Your response seems to keep going off on tangents, changing the subject or arguing symatics. I would encourage you to go back and reread my original two posts.
[QUOTE="Giancar"][QUOTE="fahadsul3man"]errr all those games are coming still for the ps3 :? and DC numbers never got as high as ps3 ones :? and the 1st party devs froms Sony are stronger than MS or Ninty one so? nintendo has more highly ranked games on the DS and Wii then sony has on the ps3 and psp, so how can sony's first party be stronger? thay have way more devs? Name all the ninty first party devs, a lot of The DS high quality games are 3rd party...ps3 is next dreamcast dont care if u like it or not . Cuz 3rd party developers are stepping away from ps3 which is alarming for sony . E.G NAMCO(TEKKEN 6) KONAMI ( MG 5 ) SQAURE ENIX (FINAL FANTASY ).
ps3 is next dreamcast dont care if u like it or not . Cuz 3rd party developers are stepping away from ps3 which is alarming for sony . E.G NAMCO(TEKKEN 6) KONAMI ( MG 5 ) SQAURE ENIX (FINAL FANTASY ).
If the PS3 was the next Dreamcast it would've died by now. :|
bad week for the xbox should be the name of this. and the psp is outselling the wii ? the 360 and the ps2 are practically neck and neck.Androvinus
lol yea lemmings need to stop worrying about PS3 being the second best selling console they need to worry about their X360 being the second worst selling console :D
it's going to be close but i'm putting my money on PS2 beating the X360 :D
what flawed logic is there? ps3 sales are coming down after a sales spike... that what usually happens after the initial demand of a price drop
not sure what else you are trying to argue... but its getting kinda sad
At no point have I ever questioned the drop in sales after the spike. My issue is quite simple...people are saying that this is proof the PS3's price drop has failed and that the ps3 sales are going 'back to normal'. This is flawed logic for a number of reasons I have already pointed out countless times.
I have essentiallymade two arguements over and over which you seem to have either ignored, or completely failed to understand.
1) I pointed out why the initial article, as well as the thread title and initial post were misleading.
2) Your comment (or whomever's) that the UC2 bundle won't help sell consoles because the first UC wasn't a "system seller".
I have made perfectly logical cases over and over. Your response seems to keep going off on tangents, changing the subject or arguing symatics. I would encourage you to go back and reread my original two posts.
don't bother ypur talking to blind fanboys who don't understand logic or common sense.
lol! just cause both of you share the same defunct logic and common sense doesnt make it right
but hey, im sure in your world, two wrongs make a right... ;)
[QUOTE="8Tango"]Did people actually thing those sales would continue? It's just basic logic isn't it?ZIMdoom
only fanboy logic exists here
one good week after a price drop (which EVERYBODY predicted would happen), and it's the playstation brand is back and on it's way to being #1 again
i saw the exact same thing with the PSP when a big game drops. one good week and it's "DS' streak is over, the PSP will dominate from now on"
but then reality strikes and people eventually realised that the PSP will forever be inferior to the DS saleswise, and it's back to "sales don't matter"
same thing will happen with the PS3
Show me one single post from one single cow where they say that the PS3 will sell 250,000 consoles every single week for ever. Just one. If you want to talk about fanboy logic, how about all the people talking about the sales stabilizing to a normal level as if the PS3 is "going back to normal". What evidence is there to back up this claim? What evidence is there proving that the price drop won't cause an improvement in PS3 sales over the long term? ZERO. There is zero evidence that the price drop has failed and zero evidence to support the claim that PS3 sales are going back to what they were before the drop. Meanwhile, anti-Sony fanboys are creating straw man arguements to bash cows AND the PS3. Nobody ever said that the PS3 would maintain the 250,000 a week sales, but that is the claim being made.
I certainly do see a number of fanboys making fanboy claims here...but the number coming from cows seems to be MUCH lower here than those made by other fanboys.
did i say cows were claiming the PS3 would sell 250000 every week? no i didn't, so no i will not show you such a post. in fact nobody claimed what you are accusing other of relax.
did i say that this sales drop wouldn't improve PS3 sales in the long term? of course not, nobody claimed that because it's obvious that the PS3 needed a sales drop. so again.....relax.
you are creating straw-man arguments yourself, and looking like a hypocrite in the process. try READING what you are responding to. it helps.
i said that there are some cows out there claiming that the PS3 is on it's way to the #1 position in the market - which is downrigt silly considering the lead the wii has on it. there are also many cows who claim the PS3 will overtake the 360 when they saw the 1st week sales if the 360 won't get a price cut of its own in the near future, and the PS3 will still manage to outpace it significantly.
i was merely trying to point out that ALL consoles get huge boosts in sales as a result of price cuts...and the last time we saw this happen to a last-place sony gaming device (the PSP), we saw the same sense of overexcitement dulled a couple of months later.
the competition is on the verge of having price drops of their own for this holiday season. do we really believe that the PS3 will continue to have enough momentum to propell itself from that last place position in the console market?
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