[QUOTE="Generalmojo"] oh cmon people, say if the first xbox was still going on, and Halo3 and Gears2 were also on the original xbox + 360, we ALL know Lems will consider it an exlusive.
Hey mojo, play the SONY exclusive card, they cant beat that :P however dont forget 360 fanboys always include PC/360 only gameswhen listing 360 exclusives..
Actually, whenever 360 fanboys try to do that, it's always the PS3 fanboys that are quick to state how it's multiplat and how they can play it on their High End PCs.
we do know its just the usual small faction of PS3 owners (fanboys) who are always quick to point out they are available on PC and how much they enjoy playing them on their UBER fantastically High end PC... (not saying some dont truly own a PC) but personally having both 360 & PS3 (prefarring the latter) i dont have a PC so my only chance of playing certain games is by getting the 360 version.. Thats why 360/PS3 combo rocks ;)
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