Sigh i cant believe people even try to deny this fact
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Cool, I don't see why you guys keep on making these threads, it's as if your trying to prove to yourself you've made the right decision in buying a ps3 or something.. ??Sigh i cant believe people even try to deny this fact
its true,i constantly see my ps3 lifting weights while my wii just sits there eating junk food and getting fat
[QUOTE="acemasta21"]Cool, I don't see why you guys keep on making these threads, it's as if your trying to prove to yourself you've made the right decision in buying a ps3 or something.. ?? its called justifying your purchase, lots of people feel the need to do so, insecurity or something, beats me though *shrugs*Sigh i cant believe people even try to deny this fact
[QUOTE="ThatsSimtastic"][QUOTE="acemasta21"]Cool, I don't see why you guys keep on making these threads, it's as if your trying to prove to yourself you've made the right decision in buying a ps3 or something.. ?? its called justifying your purchase, lots of people feel the need to do so, insecurity or something, beats me though *shrugs* i have a 360 :/Sigh i cant believe people even try to deny this fact
I think it is too. Don't care if people call me fanboy over it, but one console has to be the most powerful now isn't it? I just think the PS3 is it. I think the fact that it has the technically most advanced games, in the form of Uncharted, MGS 4 (which I hate by the way) and the amazing Killzone 2, proves that it is.
[QUOTE="acemasta21"][QUOTE="Dante2710"] its called justifying your purchase, lots of people feel the need to do so, insecurity or something, beats me though *shrugs*BoloTheGreati have a 360 :/ Then you should know that in Raw Power these is virtually nothing in it. The PS3 has seen significant first party graphics investment which has made the difference (what little you can detect) with the exclusivies. Multiplats are actually better on the 360 most of the time (there have been numerous comparisons of some depth, both here and no other sites, its ture), there is no point in being 'strongest' as you put it, if you are 'ass backward to code for' as i put it ;)
exclusives are capable more on ps3 also ps3 is harder to work with.
let me get it right to all of you .. The Ps3 CPU is the brain for the Ps3 .. The CPU do lighting to physx .. The Ps3 CPU is meant to be played and designed specially for games so it handel the lighting .. shadows .. physx .. AI .. explosions and motions .. and the other side - if the CPU was the brain . The GPU is the color pencil for the Ps3 it's just do colors and some minor graphical tasks, Nvidia 7300gs will be good on the ps3 because ps3 count on CPU like 85% and the remained 15% to theGPU
Then you should know that in Raw Power these is virtually nothing in it. The PS3 has seen significant first party graphics investment which has made the difference (what little you can detect) with the exclusivies. Multiplats are actually better on the 360 most of the time (there have been numerous comparisons of some depth, both here and no other sites, its ture), there is no point in being 'strongest' as you put it, if you are 'ass backward to code for' as i put it ;)[QUOTE="BoloTheGreat"][QUOTE="acemasta21"] i have a 360 :/acemasta21
exclusives are capable more on ps3 also ps3 is harder to work with.
What's with all your uber cow threads today? Cysis looks worse than KZ2? :lol: :lol: I can barely read them over the mooing!Well You can throw away anything it offers on download, which is the most fun to me.
Or it would be, but Sony doesn't offer a payment method for Europeans.
I want my CastleCrashers and Fat Princess, and i wanted them legally.
Sigh i cant believe people even try to deny this fact
I love these fact based threads.
I agreed and disagree with this. Yes right now for new games the PS3 is the best choice out there but thats only because we went through the start of the PS3 life with hardly any decent games. Through that timedevelopers put alot of work into the high graphics games thats been coming out. If MS delayed a few of their games at that time just to work on polishing it up then they would be getting games as polished as the PS3 current games.
Sony is still catching up with the online features but their not far away now.
My opinion is that the 360 has been the better console overalleven if 2009 is MS slow year for exclusive games. My opinioncould change depending on what Sony and MS bring out in the future.
Right. I cant believe ppl still think PS3 is more powerfull than 360...
Give me one good reason why you think the 360 is more powerful than the PS3. And don't start about inferior multiplats because we all know that it's lazy devs that are responsible for this (or the complex PS3 architecture if you will, at least no power limitation).
ps3 hasnt been mastered and ps3 has a 3x more powerful cpuYeah Ps3 is so powerful, multiplat games look better on 360, games like say...ghostbusters, end thread.
Right. I cant believe ppl still think PS3 is more powerfull than 360...
Give me one good reason why you think the 360 is more powerful than the PS3. And don't start about inferior multiplats because we all know that it's lazy devs that are responsible for this (or the complex PS3 architecture if you will, at least no power limitation).
Simple math tessellation unit and Unified shading Architecture these 2 features alone make the console GPU really powerful also this man disagrees with you But can Shippy's insight on both console's processors finally answer the age-old debate about which console is actually more powerful? "I'm going to have to answer with an 'it depends,'" laughs Shippy, after a pause. "Again, they're completely different models. So in the PS3, you've got this Cell chip which has massive parallel processing power, the PowerPC core, multiple SPU cores… it's got a GPU that is, in the model here, processing more in the Cell chip and less in the GPU. So that's one processing paradigm -- a heterogeneous paradigm." "With the Xbox 360, you've got more of a traditional multi-core system, and you've got three PowerPC cores, each of them having dual threads -- so you've got six threads running there, at least in the CPU. Six threads in Xbox 360, and eight or nine threads in the PS3 -- but then you've got to factor in the GPU," Shippy explains. "The GPU is highly sophisticated in the Xbox 360." He concludes: "At the end of the day, when you put them all together, depending on the software, I think they're pretty equal, even though they're completely different processing models." What about the familiar refrain that the PS3's architecture is overcomplicated, challenging developers to program effectively? "The Cell architecture, from a software programming standpoint, is definitely a new paradigm," Shippy concedes. Ghostbuster developers were running their mouth about how powerful the ps3 is and how its specs fit for their game engine and the game and the game ended up looking better and being 720p ON XBOX 360,the ps3 version is 520p,RE5 looks tad better on xbox 360 is capcom a lazy dev? i don't think so.again a 360 fanboy pulling out the multiplat card sigh* 360 cant run mgs4 nor mag
again a 360 fanboy pulling out the multiplat card sigh* 360 cant run mgs4 nor mag[QUOTE="fixer293"]
1 game doesn't enable you to conclude the PS3 is less powerful. Weak argument.
the site says ps3 has less ram what a dumb site are you serious HAHA o well[QUOTE="acemasta21"][QUOTE="fixer293"]again a 360 fanboy pulling out the multiplat card sigh* 360 cant run mgs4 nor mag
that was 2 years before mgs4 came out are you serious it was posted november 2005 seriously HAHA LISTEN TO THIS GUY ROFL
1 game doesn't enable you to conclude the PS3 is less powerful. Weak argument.
the site says ps3 has less ram what a dumb site are you serious HAHA o well typical sony fanboy...Ignores facts.[QUOTE="acemasta21"][QUOTE="NielsNL"]the site says ps3 has less ram what a dumb site are you serious HAHA o well typical sony fanboy...Ignores facts.1 game doesn't enable you to conclude the PS3 is less powerful. Weak argument.
keep talking please HAHAHA
1 game doesn't enable you to conclude the PS3 is less powerful. Weak argument.
the site says ps3 has less ram what a dumb site are you serious HAHA o wellIf you'd have done any research at all before making claims you'd have known the PS3 and 360 have the same amount of RAM it's just distributed differently. But why are we focusing on the multiplats here? The mere fact that the game that is (by far IMO) technically most advanced is a PS3 exclusive is stronger evidence that the PS3 is more powerful than the inferior multiplats is evidence of the opposite. Devs even admit that they find it harder to program for the PS3.
By the way, your sig, I just read Dracula and that quote is definately not from it. Renfield and Dracula never actually talk to each other in the book. (well they do, but it is suggested that they do, the actual conversation isn't in the book).
[QUOTE="acemasta21"][QUOTE="NielsNL"]the site says ps3 has less ram what a dumb site are you serious HAHA o well typical sony fanboy...Ignores facts.1 game doesn't enable you to conclude the PS3 is less powerful. Weak argument.
your link said that it runs equal 2 years before the game came out it changed entirely keep talking kid im laughing at your posts
[QUOTE="ThatsSimtastic"][QUOTE="acemasta21"]Cool, I don't see why you guys keep on making these threads, it's as if your trying to prove to yourself you've made the right decision in buying a ps3 or something.. ?? its called justifying your purchase, lots of people feel the need to do so, insecurity or something, beats me though *shrugs*Of course the purchase needs to be justified. Because there are numerous PS3 bashing threads every day. Fanboys have got to stop hating the PS3 just because it's owning right now.Sigh i cant believe people even try to deny this fact
By the way, your sig, I just read Dracula and that quote is definately not from it. Renfield and Dracula never actually talk to each other in the book. (well they do, but it is suggested that they do, the actual conversation isn't in the book).
watch the movie....owned[QUOTE="fixer293"]
By the way, your sig, I just read Dracula and that quote is definately not from it. Renfield and Dracula never actually talk to each other in the book. (well they do, but it is suggested that they do, the actual conversation isn't in the book).
watch the movie....owned Read the date of your links REALLY OWNED!!!![QUOTE="NielsNL"][QUOTE="fixer293"]
1 game doesn't enable you to conclude the PS3 is less powerful. Weak argument.
the site says ps3 has less ram what a dumb site are you serious HAHA o well the ps3 does have less usable RAM, the 360's OS only uses 32mb of RAM, the ps3's os uses 96mb for it's RAM and a further 9mb for friends list functionality, which means the ps3 has 73mb less ram to work with when creating games, the ps3 does not have less RAM, but it does have less Usable RAM.[QUOTE="NielsNL"][QUOTE="fixer293"]
By the way, your sig, I just read Dracula and that quote is definately not from it. Renfield and Dracula never actually talk to each other in the book. (well they do, but it is suggested that they do, the actual conversation isn't in the book).
watch the movie....ownedThe book is by Bram Stoker. The movie isn't. OWNED
[QUOTE="fixer293"]ps3 hasnt been mastered and ps3 has a 3x more powerful cpuYeah Ps3 is so powerful, multiplat games look better on 360, games like say...ghostbusters, end thread.
It could be 100x more powerful cpu but if it doesn't show it in game then it doesn't matter. Just now the PS3 games that are out look great but like i've said before i think that got more to do with development time than the power of the PS3. I think the xboxcould match these graphics but there not far away from them anyway.
Am still waiting to see the power used in the PS3 so that it blows the 360 games away. I hope for Sony sake that it happens before the next xbox because if it doesn't then it will not matter if the 360 is getting outdone by the PS3 in graphics or power.
[QUOTE="fixer293"]again a 360 fanboy pulling out the multiplat card sigh* 360 cant run mgs4 nor mag Lol MAG. People need to stop using this in pro pS3 arguements. MAG looks like garbage, get over it.
[QUOTE="acemasta21"][QUOTE="NielsNL"]the site says ps3 has less ram what a dumb site are you serious HAHA o well the ps3 does have less usable RAM, the 360's OS only uses 32mb of RAM, the ps3's os uses 96mb for it's RAM and a further 9mb for friends list functionality, which means the ps3 has 73mb less ram to work with when creating games, the ps3 does not have less RAM, but it does have less Usable RAM. game doesn't enable you to conclude the PS3 is less powerful. Weak argument.
ps3s Cell makes up for it 7 processors to calculate games and the RSX to play them so the ps3 uses 85% of the cell and 15% of the RSX please dont tell me the 360s stronger seriously
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