[QUOTE="gmastersexay"][QUOTE="-Ninja_Dog-"][QUOTE="NobuoMusicMaker"] 360's DVR thing isn't even finalized or announced just like this PS3 article. And quite frankly, that'd alienate the Core audience.
ur lying...
3 year warranty means its free to fix
Fix, but not replace. So after 3 years of getting your same ol' banged up 360, expect it to die pretty fast.
Dude , seriously get a clue.
IPTV was announced last year and its stil on track.
All Sony is doing is playing catch up like usual this generation.
Maybe you should take your own advise.
Sony announced DVR capabilities well before MS announced IPTV. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060203-6110.html
Also you might want to look at all the features that were added to the 360 after the PS3 launched. HDMI, 1080p, larger HDD, etc. Who's playing catch up?
Oh please. Sony was throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticked.
I'm still waiting for 120 FPS and Dual 1080p games. :lol:
Xbox 360 is future proof.
You want HDMI go for it. You want wireless go for it.You want HD DVD go for it. You want a larger HDD go for it.
Its could choices my friend. Its called flexibility.
And its not called the PS3 which forces me to spend more than I have too.
Plus it is no better graphically than the 360.
Let me assist you in the most biased-yet-truthful way I can.
"you want a larger HDD, go for it."
You want to spend $180 on a 120 GB hard-drive, go for it.
You want to spend $95 on a 160 GB hard-drive for your PS3, go for it. And for only 5 bucks more than it would cost to add a 20 GB HDD to a Core 360... :lol: And for the same price as it would cost a premium owner to upgrade to 120GB, a PS3 owner could expand to 250. Why is that? Oh yeah; Sony allows you to swap the built-in HDD with any laptop/2.5" HDD. Microsoft's desire to d*** ignorant consumers around will eventually bite them in the ass as 360 gamers start filling up their HDDs.
"You want an HD-DVD player, go for it."
Whoops, what's that? It's missing an HDMI input/output? Wasn't that the entire point of having 1080p?! Getting the best picture quality possible?! This is exactly why Microsoft should have went ahead and had HD-DVD BUILT-IN to the 360... not only would it have avoided the whole PGR4 debacle, but it also would have forced MS to include HDMI as movie-watchers would murder them for not having it. So HDMI doesn't even apply to movies, the thing it's appreciated the most for.
And besides, if you were to want all of those -HDMI, HD-DVD, 120 GB if you didn't buy an Elite- you're spending more than $600. Funny how the PS3, which has all of these or the equivalent for only $500 as of now. Looks like a much better bang-for-the-buck to me if you like having all those extra options, which the movie-crowd undoubtedly will.
Oh, and don't even try that "no games" ****... you know full well that the PS3 is getting a whole lot of them this fall/winter. And in case you've forgotten, EGM reviews or any reviews that aren't GS reviews don't count here.:twisted:
Hmm... that felt unnaturally good. That kind of scares me. Ah well, I still think I'll stick to more objective posts. For now... ;)
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