NOTE: Read it all before posting please :D and there are edits
This isn't really a vs. thread I just wanna point out some logistical points. I have all consoles and you will find no bias here.
Second, let me start by saying the PS3 is still a baby. And by that I mean it obviously hasn't had the time to mature into the system it will be. Very much like how the 360 did in it's first year. 360 learned how to walk when Gears shipped, lol. Remember, both come attatched with a long term plan.
Intelligent, unbiased conversation only please (Nevermind, this is SW)
360has Live, which we all know is an awesome service. Matchmaking, marketplace, unified friends lists, all standardized in the games... the only thing holding back MS from really crushing Sony is the fee. Also, it looks as if MS is letting Sony step ahead with the original downloadable game service. XNA is awesome, but really doesn't reach out to the casual user...great potential though. Oh, and Live Anywhere, lol.
+ Firmware updates
+ Arcade/ old games
+ HD movies/ TV episodes (who does this? cool none-the-less)
+ Game demos
+ Interviews/ previews
+ Background Downloading
+ Game content i.e. maps
PS3 on the on the other hand has a growing network which isn't nearly as robust as Live but it's FREEEEE! Soon with Home, PS3 owners will have the functionalities of Live, but through a 3D interface. If you already don't know about it here: HOME. BTW, it's been in development for some years so don't say it's not original. Sony is doing one thing that helps industries aspiring to use inspiration from other entertainment sources (competitors or not) and create it's own ideas. Oh, and you can help cure cancer, lol.
+ Firmware updates
+ Arcade games
+ Game demos
+ Game content
+ Trailers/ interviews
+ PSone games for PSP
+ Background downlading
+ SOON TO BE ADDED: Sony music, movie store. Did you forget they did that too?
--Console Features--
360has (14 plus // 3 minus):
+ 20 Gig HDD (Premium :( )
+ DVD player
+ 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
+ Wireless accessories
+ Rumble!
+ Moderate BC
+ Standard custom soundtracks
+ 3 USB ports
+ Ethernet port
+ Standard headsets
+ Standard component cables (Premium & Zephyr)
+ Music player
+ iPod connectivity
+ Windows Media connection
- No standard Wifi ($100 add-on)
- No standard HDMI (soon with Zephyr :( )
- Difficult and unintuitive to transfer data to other devices
~~ Not really a plus or minus, but the HD-DVD drive is a $200 add-on that alot of Lems don't mind paying for.
PS3 has (16 Plus // 4 minus):
+ 20/60 Gig HDD (any detachable HDD also)
+ Blu-ray & DVD player
+ Standard HDMI
+ 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
+ Great BC
+ Wireless accessories
+ Chargable controller
+ Bluetooth/ Wifi ready (Mics, M&K, routers, etc.)
+ Internet Browsing FTW
+ PSP conectivity (video/ picture streaming)
+ 4 USB ports (recognizes wide variety of devices such as cameras and external HDDs)
+ Ethernet port
+ Cool Picture Options
+ Music player (can convert format types)
+ Motion sensing functionality
+ LINUX Yellow Dog (optional, 2 hour install)
------> You basically get an awesome OS for free. Even has the potential to emulate Windows, lol
- No standard headsets :(
- No standard component cables
- No rumble (coming soon?)
- As of now, some games aren't compatible in 1080i :( (but Sony's updating kits)
I won't go into detail about the GPU's and processors stuff...But I will say that, beggining Q3/4, you won't really recognize a difference in PS3 and 360 games. Like the PS2, devs are late on getting a full understanding of the PS3 tech. Each system will have exclusive titles that rival each other in visuals and multiplats will be about equal.
--Future Exclusive Games--
Based on proven potential and hype
+ Mass Effect
+ Fable 2
+ Bioshock
+ Forza 2
+ Halo 3
+ Halo Wars
+ Gears of War 2
+ Ninja Gaiden 2
+ Blue Dragon
+ Lost Odssey
+ Banjo Threeie
+ Kane and Lynch
+ Rare secret project
+ Seeds project (former Clover Studios devs)
+ Too Human (hope its good Dennis Dyack!)
+ Huxley
+ PGR4
+ Jade Empire 2?
+ MGS4
+ Uncharted: DF
+ Ratchet Future
+ Killzone 2
+ FF13
+ FF13 Versus
+ White Knight Story
+ Gran Turismo 5
+ Heveanly Sword
+ Lair
+ Little Big Planet
+ Jak and Daxter: Lost Frontier
+ Ninja Gaiden Sigma
+ Resistance 2
+ God of War 3
+ Tekken 6
+ Kingdom Hearts 3
+ Socom 5
+ Next SCEI project
~~ If Squenix finds time to remake FFVII..that will be an OmniSlash to 360 is Japan :(
In the end both systems are great investments. PS3 is definitely worth the price...Sony is just having a hard time communicating that reasoning :(.
Personally I'm a bit (tiny winy) more interested in my PS3's future versus my 360. With more games and an identity, 360 has alot going for it and seemingly can't go wrong from here. Let's see how it pans out.
Also, I wanna iterate that PS3 IS NOT dead and far from it. If it can fare this well thus far in 2 regions without a true identity and high price...there's no telling what the near future holds.
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