[QUOTE="jimmzeh"] I was thinking about which console out of PS3 and Xbox 360 is the better gaming system when it comes to games that can be played on both consoles (multiplats).
Is it stupid of me to think that the PS3's Blu-Ray media will enhance the graphics and picture quality simply because there is more space on it (50GB) to fit information on?
And let us also not forget which controller is best, I have used Dual Shock since PS1 was out and love the feel of it, whereas Xbox controllers I find take some getting used to. However I've only played PS3 once and that was in a shop playing Fifa 08 for like 5 minutes. I don't know anything about the Dual Shock 3 eg. Do they all come with integrated SixAxis? What percentage of games involve motion sensing?
Some of my friends who own 360's say that PS3's are not fluid graphically and and are "sh!tty". This is most probably because they own 360's and are biased, but I stll wonder if there is truth in what they say.
I haven't had much experience playing 360 or PS3, so I'd love to hear from people who own them.
this topic will pretty much start a war here in SW.
most multiplats look better on the 360 but that's because the devs are not completely used to programming for the PS3 yet. The exclusive titles on the PS3 look amazing and Uncharted is the best looking game on consoles to date and it it a PS3 exclusive, so the PS3 is capable for sure, it just has not shown it yet.
now, there are multiplats that look and play better on the PS3 like Oblivion and Dirt. Other multiplats are almost exact on both machines like COD4 and the darkness, and other games.
Certainly the early titles for both machines specially look bettter on the 360 though. the newer games, the difference is almost negligable although some title do look obviously better on the 360.
as for motion sensing, some of its uses are brilliant like in WarHawk or in Heavenly Sword, but for the most part it's turned off for me although I really enjoyed playing Heavenly Sword with the six axis controlls
Great answer :)
To me, it seems like motion sensing is a massive move for Sony, and I'm not quite sure I could get into it after playing normal console games for so long (and disliking Wii)
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