Take off the fanboy glasses. Both PS3 and Xbox 360 have some real problems. Show some integrity and acknowledge the problems of the PS3 and the 360. Be objective and analyze the problems. Here's my analysis:
PS3 problems:
1) Games--fewer games. Fewer highly rated games. Analysis: The PS3 has a bright future in gaming. Overall, current muliplatform and exclusive games now look and play better on the PS3.
By current games, I mean 2008 games. The PS3 came out a year later than the 360 and development was difficult. From 2006-2007, more games came out on the 360 and most multiplats looked or play better on the 360. In 2008, major mulitplatform AND exclusive games now look or play better than those on the 360.
The games on the 360 also include old versions that people no longer play: Call of Duty 3? Madden 2007? Madden 2008? etc. Let's take a look at 2008 games so far.
a. Burnout Paradise--Winner PS3. "But which platform offers the consummate version of Paradise? While the PlayStation 3 edition sports a slight visual edge (a few superior textures, no screen tearing) and arguably superior controller triggers, the Xbox 360 offering plays identically, and both sport that amazingly intuitive online interface. And since the PS3 version fails to deliver a custom soundtrack option (blame Sony), the Xbox 360's ability to rescue you from a cavalcade of crappy Burnout 2 track remixes and Avril Lavigne nonsense can't be underestimated."
b. Grand Theft Auto 4--Winner PS3. The PS3 has a slight advantage over all. IGN: PS3 looks a little better and runs a little better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFLkArK3c7s The PS3 version is ranked a bit higher on Gamerankings.com as well
c. Madden NFL 2009-- Tie.
d. Soul Calibur 4--Winner PS3. IGN "The PS3 and 360 versions are just about identical (barring the differing guest characters), though I felt that the optional install on the PS3 made things feel even quicker and more polished." http://ps3.ign.com/articles/894/894577p2.html The PS3 controller is generally known to be slighly better for fight games as well.
e. Devil May Cry 4--Winner PS3 IGN "Like most multi-console games, any review would inevitably have to come down to which system is better, and for this instance, the PS3 winds up winning out just slightly." http://ps3.ign.com/articles/849/849224p4.html
f. Bioshock--Winner PS3. The game came out for the 360 last year, but will come to the PS3 in October. Yes, it is not out yet, but it is 99.99% likely that the game will look better and will have additional free content.
PS3: Grand Turismo 5p, MLB 08: The Show, Haze, SIREN: Blood Curse, Metal Gear Solid 4
Xbox 360: Ninja Gaid 2, Too Human (Both are major disappointments), Tales of Vesperia.
As you can see, it is clear that the PS3 has a much better line up of games for 2008 so far. The PS3 is solving its no-games problems quite well. Also, as evident in the upcoming games for E3 and Leipzig 2008, Sony has shown more hyped games for early 2009--Killzone 2 and Infamous
2) Cost of console at point of purchase. Analysis: cost has come down and value is going up, but the PS3 is still the most expensive console to buy.
The PS3 has gotten much cheaper since its debut. More value is being created with a bigger hard-drive and bundles. It is the best Blu-ray player for the price.
3) Playstation Network is not yet on par with LIVE--Analysis: PSN is catching up fast though LIVE is still a little better over all.
We have to give Sony credit for constantly improving is Playstation Network. The main features of LIVE are already offered on the PS3, for free, too. Overall, http://1uponu.wordpress.com/2008/07/02/psn-vs-xbox-live/
While LIVE is still a little better over all, it seems that PSN's future is looking better and better: HOME, MMOs, User-generated contents, Large-mulitplayer shooters.
4) Install base still smaller than Xbox 360-- Analysis: The PS3 install base is catching up fast. By the end of the generation, it's the 360 that is widely projected to have the smallest install-base.
Japan and Europe clearly favors the PS3 over the 360. In the US3, starting January 2008, the PS3 sold more than the 360 in just about every month. Surprising analysts everywhere, it even outsold the 360 in July in the US after Microsoft cut the price by $50. Most analysts still predict the PS3 will have a larger install base than the 360 globally in a year or 2.
5) Sony not spending as much money as Microsoft to attract third-party exclusives--Analysis: Third party exclusives are are a thing of the past; they are now rare and are at best just timed exclusives that can be improved when ported
Xbox 360 has enjoyed more 3rd party exclusives than the PS3. Many of the exclusives, though, has or will end up on the PS3 later. They will most likely have improved graphics and more content as well: Oblivion, Bioshock, and Eternal Sonata.
Xbox 360 problems:
1) Stagnant demand-- It is now selling the worst in all major territories-- Analysis: Xbox 360 is having a difficult time increasing demand.
Microsoft tested a signficant price cut in Europe in early 2008. It pretty much failed. The PS3 still leading the 360 in weekly sales there. Microsoft hard a $50 price cut on the 360 Pro in July. It failed, too. So, we will have to see what additonal price cuts in September will do for the 360. My take is that a sales spike will occur, but the stagnant demand will remain. The hardcore are now seeing the PS3 as the console with the momentum in 2008 and going into 2009. The casuals still sees the Wii and PS2 as the best option.
2) Reliability--the Red Ring of Death and other issues--Analysis: Xbox 360 seems to be better, but it still has a major reliability problem
While the 360 seems to have less RROD issues, it is still the most unreliable console on the market. This reliability problem should become a marketing problem as well once the 3-yr warranty ends his holiday. Gamers will then realize that after 3 years of owning the most unreliable console ever created, they are now on their own. Some will pay to repair. Some will abandon the 360 all together. Most will will have a negative impression of the Xbox brand. Some will take it into gaming forums and voice their frustration. Expect tol see some of that here in this forum.
3) Less advanced gaming technologies--Analysis: Xbox 360 is looking more and more dated compared to the PS3
Developers are now comfortable developing for both consoles. They are spending less time on creating game engines and more on content. As such, they will demand more space. Id's Carmack who is normally pro-360 has recently complainted that Xbox 360's use of DVD9 instead of Blu-ray will make Id's game look worse on the 360. MMO developers that use hard-disk drive space complain about the 360's lack of a standard hard-disk drive.
It is a troubling sign that Microsoft is not trying hard to compete with Sony in the "BIG" games--games with large bosses, large multiplayers, and large community user-generated games such as Little Big Planet. Could this be because the Xbox 360 hardware is not as powerful as the PS3? Common sense says this is the case. Why else would Sony, even though its first party developers have less experience with the PS3 than Microsoft with the 360, is making a claim for the "BIG" games territory. Why doesn't Microsoft fight hard to claim this territory as well?
Also, what does Microsoft have that can compare to Sony's technologically impressive Eyepet? http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=w_6mn3RVavE
4) Games looking and sounding worse than the PS3 over all--Analysis: Overall, Xbox 360 games will continue to look and sound less impressive than the PS3
While 3rd party developers will try their best to make multiplats look and play the same, 1st and 2nd parties will do their best to tap as much as they can the power of their favorite console. If 2008 muliplats and exclusives now look better on the PS3, imagine the future. Developers will tap even more of the PS3's remaining power. They will take even more advantage of the PS3's Blu-ray space.
Thus, with the larger disk of Blu-ray, Cell, standard hard disk drive, more 1st and 2nd party investments, it is without a doubt that PS3 exclusive games will continue look and sound better than the 360's overall. I highly doubt that future Xbox 360 games will ever surpass the PS3's Metal Gear Solid 4 in technogolical impressiveness: the combination of graphics and sound. Metal Gear Solid 4 is only a 1 year and half into the PS3's developmental life span. Imagine the future.
5) Less impressive multimedia features--Analysis: Xbox 360's inability to play Blu-ray movies will make it hard to claim the Living Room crown.
As more and more people buy HD TVs and as stores and the media hype HD contents, Xbox 360 will be at a big disadvantage relative to the PS3. It also matters that the PS3 is less noisy and uses HDMI 1.3 while Xbox 360 uses HDMI 1.2. It is clear that HD TVs goes with the PS3 much better than with the 360.
6) LIVE fees make gaming on the 360 the most expensive overall--Analysis: Xbox 360 LIVE is the biggest reason why Xbox 360 cannot capture a significant share of the casual market
If you can't capture a signficant share of the casual market, you cannot win the console war. Obviously, Microsoft knows this that's why it emphasises more casual friendly games at E3. The problem is the games are few and far between. The bigger problem is that casual gamers don't play games enough to justify paying monthly fees and risk privacy issues by giving their credit cards online. Casual gamers are not dumb; they can see that $50 a year for 5 yrs equal $250 dollars they can use in a tough economy and high prices at the gas pump.
7) Upgrades are expensive--Analysis: Xbox 360 will continue to cost more over all if gamers want to upgrade
Wi-Fi and Hard-disk drives are well known to be excessively expensive. Gamer have and will continue to complain that Microsoft is nickle-and-diming them for things are normally alot cheaper.
8) Microsoft spends much less money than Sony on 1st and 2nd parties--Analysis: Xbox 360 will have fewer niche and innovative games
You see, Microsoft has to rely on 3rd parties for the vast majority of its games. And third parties will not take risks with new IPs and innovative games because development costs are too high. Sony, on the other hand, can direct its vast 1st and 2nd party resources to produce games that are more risky and innovative: Eye of Judgment , Little Big Planet, Eyepet, etc.
9) LIVE's weaknesses in the following game types: Large-multiplayer shooters, User-generated-content-based games, and MMOs--Analysis: Sony seems to recognize these weaknesses and is pounding on them
I think these weakness are major, and unless Microsoft counters Sony with with their own games, then it is the Playstation Network, not the pricey LIVE, that has the biggest multiplayers, the most innovative games, and the most impressive MMOs (The Agency,DC universe, MAG). The Free Realms MMO can help Sony gain the 9-14 year market as well.
The problem for Microsoft is that such weaknesses are hard to solve. Its hardware might not be powerful enough to produce impressive looking games with large multiplayers. Equally important, making MMOs will encourge LIVE users to notice the fact that they are paying for LIVE fees to play MMOs. Also, LIVE needs to be more centrally controlled by Microsoft and is thus more closed and less friendly towards user-generated contents.
10) Negative perception--Analysis: Xbox 360 is losing its cool factor, and it is going to be tough to change that.
Many people have not noticed this yet, but I believe I am on to something. This is the world of Youtube, High Definition, and forums. Image and coolness is plays a big role in consumer purchases. If we objectively look at Xbox 360's past, present and future outlook, we will see that Xbox 360 is losing its cool factor. Let's be honest, what is cool about the 360 now? It has the most highly rated games? True, but is this cool? It WAS cool in 2007 and earlier when its games looked and played better. Is it cool now? Absolutely not. Coolness is based on the present and the future. Not the past. The present games and future games favor the PS3 much more.
Really, though, the 360 is losing its cool because of 3 reasons:
a. It is the most unreliable console to own.
b. It is the wost selling console each month.
c. It is less technologically advanced than the PS3.
I hope I listed all the major problems of the PS3 and the 360. Apparently, the 360 has more problems than the PS3. These problems are real, though.
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