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you make PS3 only gamers look bad with such statements... i really like my PS3 and its my main console but having also the 360 i assure you there are many great (exclusive) games on it... though am more of a PS3/PSP fan i do find that all systems have much to offer...
This will not end well.... As a PS3 owner myself I'm a little ashamed of what you posted, makes us all look as bad...I'm cow-enough (see what I did there) to admit that there are some amazing 360 games out there that I'd love to play and to be honest I like the 360 joysticks more. They curve in and have grooves, PS3's remind me of mushrooms.CTUDude
in my opinion ps3 has better controller
i agree that there are some good game at xbox 360 but ps3 has better
[QUOTE="CTUDude"]This will not end well.... As a PS3 owner myself I'm a little ashamed of what you posted, makes us all look as bad...I'm cow-enough (see what I did there) to admit that there are some amazing 360 games out there that I'd love to play and to be honest I like the 360 joysticks more. They curve in and have grooves, PS3's remind me of mushrooms.sasapac
in my opinion ps3 has better controller
i agree that there are some good game at xbox 360 but ps3 has better
No I'm not saying I hate the DS3. I'm just saying I perfer the joysticks (not the positioning, the physical stick) more so than the DS3. It feels a lot better on your thumbs then the PS3 one does. 360 one reminds me a lot of the PS1 joysticks.[QUOTE="HEAVEN-Z-A-LIE"]PS3 VS XBOX360 !!! HEY GUYS WHATS UP MY TOPIC IS ABOUT HOW PS3 IS MUCH BETTER THAN XBOX FOR STARTS HOW ITS JOYSTICK IS REALY LARGE AND THE GAMES ARE LAME I MEAN LOOK AT PS3 ITS JOYSTICK IS EASYER TO HANDEL AND ITS ARE REALY COOL I MEAN GOD OF WAR 3 MEATL GEAR SOLID 4 FOR PS3 ONLY THATS ENOUGH TO TELL HOW PS3 IS BETTER SO I WANT TO SEE YOUR POINT OF VIEW SO LATS HEAR IT . sebbi11
Thanks for making me wan`t to shoot myself in the head for spending time on this horrible forum. What are you, 10?
my friend if you do not want to spend your time here in my horrible forum then go away lol......Please Log In to post.
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