A little early too be digging graves, ya think? Give it at least a year, bud. Even considering the current huge quarterly losses....the PS3 is not about to go anywhere. It has only been out six months, and has not even had a chance to show what it can really do yet, and people are already prematurely, and ignorantly saying that it is dead, lol. Give me a break man.
All of this negativity torward the PS3 has sadly become nothing more than a fanboy trend. "Everybody else is bashing it, so let's join the gang!" Sure, Sony made some mistakes, but you think that Microsoft has ran a straight operation? Hell, the 360 has been out nearly 2 years now, and it's STILL the most SHODDY console on the market. It might red ring you if you look at it wrong it is so poorly made.
Do not get me wrong, I own, and love the 360 as well, but it is a piece of sh!t, man. Great game library....yes indeed. But the hardware SUCKS. In my opinion, this should be the obvious, and viable target for so called "bashing", as what good is a killer game library on a part time console? You can pile all of the gold you want on a turd, but it still will be a TURD all the same. Not to even mention all of the "options" that they give you via add ons in order to try and milk the hell out of their customers.
All of these things that Microsoft are getting away with, and people just ignore them because of games like Gears of War, and it makes me sick. Every GOOD thing that Sony tries to do, like free online, Home, working as hard as they can to get some great games out, ect. is automatically shot down in flames because some gamers are just bitter that it is 600.00, and because Sony is getting a late start with the software. Nevermind the fact that it is a damn fine piece of hardware that is RELIABLE....making it a great LONG TERM INVESTMENT to play games on, and watch HD blu-ray movies on for the LONG HAUL OF THE NEXT FEW YEARS.
People always ignore the good in favor of the negatives, but with Microsoft, it seems it is the opposite because they finally got a few good games. Not hardly right, nor fair. Even though the hardware is still as shoddy as ever, people ignore it because they have a good library. They look over the fact that hordes of people are already on their 3rd, 4th and even 5th 360s just because the games are good. Why not slack up on Sony already, at least give them the benefit of the doubt here, and give them a little longer than 6 months to show what the PS3 can do by releasing some great games on a RELIABLE console that will not lemon out on you at any given moment, making you go through 2, 3 or more of them before the end of the generation? LONG TERM INVESTMENT, folks.
At $600.00, when looked at from a long term perspective, the reliability of the PS3, prospective GREAT looking future line-up of games, HD blu-ray player included, free online....how is it not easily worth the years of entertainment that you will get out of it? Consider the 360 at $399.00 after your warranty runs out. What is it....nearly 200.00 bones to get it fixed if it red rings on you? If you want an HD DVD add on, that is 200.00 more bucks. Let's see here, 50.00 a year for XBL. Hell, hey even charge 180.00 for their new 120GB HD, if you decided to pick one up for your premium. Man, that sure does add up, does it not....and on a console that is a PROVEN piece of sh!t hardware wise? HMMMMM.
Maybe you guys are bashing the wrong company here. 600.00 for a PS3 is more than reasonable when looked at from a future standpoint that is weighed with reliablity, features, great future game line-up, free online, and INCLUDED hardware that the PS3 comes with straight out of the box....no extra milkage. Just try looking at it from that perspective, and it should make sense. The PS3 bashing has gone on for FAR too long, and is on overkill so hard, it is not even funny. I own, and love the 360, as well, but facts are facts. The PS3 IS A BETTER DEAL IN THE LONG RUN....period.
Of course it will all come down to personal preference in games though, and that is why I had to have both, as they actually complement each other, and both will have their own great line-up of exclusives that deserve credit where credit is due, but imo, the PS3 is indeed the better long term deal, and choice by far.....for very obvious reasons that I outlined above.
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