excuse me , wii sales are over that of ps3, ,
not one game will change the 3 yr gap sony has to climb , ,
wii out sold ps3 in japan 4 week in a row now, putting it 1 more month to go to get the gap back to 3 full years of beating it ,,
tc you fail to realise new super mario bros somthing japan also likes- ,
it wont be just ff this year itll be mario , ,
and we all know japan still buys new super mario bros ds lol ,
and i dont think support will stop for wii just for final fantsy-you are living in a fantasy world i can tell ,
dragon quest is also coming in japan and another horror title,
so i dont see any slowing down for 3rd party wii support or fanbases
yes ff wll move ps3s no questions asked but what about mario ,, dont you think that will also see wiis sell ,
and wait til 2010 the wii picks up again -mario galaxy 2 zelda wii and metroid other m ,
3 more to watch for
wiis not done as much as ps3 is it takes more time for ps3 games to come then wiis ,
and when the good ones come they stay on the charts for a long time-mariokart wii wii fit good example also marioparty 8 sold 28 k total for the month, ,-in us
proving yet again nintendo is gonna win , not just in japan overall , but every where else, heres why
1 ps3s are facing a tough time with the world economy, so it dont matter if ff comes,
wii is still cheaper
2 not many titles in between ,
3 the over all sales are already over 50 million world wide, so japan can support sony and still nintendo comes out un touched
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