This is for those that are old enough to hold a slight interest in politics and hopefully some will be able to relate to what im saying lol so anyway here it goes..
The PS3 is like Hillary clinton, the PS3 has the Playstation brand name, more "experience" since its dominated the gaming biz for 2 straight generations (a lot like the clintons with 2 terms) has the more "impressive" attributes like the PS3 supposedly has the better attributes for example.. Built in blu ray, more reliable, built in WIFI,free online service,standard HDD but yet with all those impressive stats, something is missing.. Something just doesnt quite connect right, a lot like hillary clinton, she has all these great attributes but for some reason when you see her give speeches something just does not click.. Like Hillary she likes to brag about the "Clinton" brand name in politics just like sony brags on the Playstation brand name..
Also Hillary Clinton was so sure of herself winning the nomination that she felt she could win it just off brand name alone and she thought she already had it won a lot like Sony with the PS3 thinking they had the Playstation brand and thinking they would win this console race despite it being a year behind..
Now onto the 360 being Barack Obama.. Like Barack Obama you can just look at the 360 and tell its fresh,hip and cool and the new thing in gaming.. It continues to deliver great game after great game and looks good while doing it, just like obama how he continues to deliver great speech after speech and blow after blow to Clinton and also looks good while doing it.. Like the 360, barack was underdog going against the biggest brand name in politics.. the "clinton" brand name, just like the 360 going up againsnt the biggest brand name in video games, the "Playstation" brand name. Like the 360, Obama also has his faults such as his controversial pastor and his lack of experience, just like with the 360 having its faults such as having to pay for online and unreliable hardware but in the end you just cant get enough.. When you watch Obama give a speech you just feel so connected just like when you play the 360 live you just feel so connected.
by the way OBAMA 2008 FTW!!!!!!!
I am SnakeSolid84 and I approve this thread
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