I think you folks already missed the AAA title, Resistance: Fall of man. Besides the definition for a AAA title is vague. Resistance showed consumers what the system could do and is still touted as one of the 2 best games for the PS3. If you don't want to count that, then i'd say LittleBigPlanet will get consumers excited about the PS3. That and the $399 40 GB system should "move systems".
And for all the 360 Fans here, Gears of War was your first AAA title next to Elder Scrolls Oblivion IV. Eleven months of mediocre titles dominated weekly releases. I personally loved Kameo: Elements of Power but that was due to limited kiosk 360 exposure.lasberry
resistance got 8.6 .. it's AA, not AAA
and as for 360 AAAs, don't forget Perfect Dark Zero
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