Now think about this logically. Why would only MS bother to, as you claim, "Bribe" reviewers with Halo stuff, and not Sony? I mean, we are talking about the company who puts rootkits in CD's here, and then defending their crime by saying that people don't know what they are, so why worry about them?
Resistance did not have better interaction, it's AI sucked, and the only thing good about it was it's weapons. More players online does not = better game. I played Resistance 1's online, and it was just bad. No fun modes, a campfest, and heavily unbalanced.
Also, Halo 3's regenerating health kinda helps when facing troops in legendary, who can take your shields in 3 hits, and then your health in 2.
Reviewers are a joke this day,many are under the take and are hugely pay by sites to over scores the usual games,mainly highly hyped ones.
Take Gears for example is a squad shooter where your squad can't shoot for the life of them,often they just get you in trouble because they go running and gunnig,and end up screming for help,instead of help you they do nothing but stand in your way and are little help,something Killzone 2 does way better,the AI was bad and cheap,enemy's taking cover would score hits on you,even when you are targeting the place where they are hiden,as soon as they break cover you are getting hit,without aiming nothing some times the guns weren't even completely pointed toward you and you were getting hit.
Online was broken for a year,heavy lag,host atvantages,crashes,if you played this game on his launch you have to be totaly blind to not see how bad it was,but journalist were to busy with the pretty graphics,to actually see how flawed it was,and the high scores rained.
I do agree that reviewers are a joke, but not for overscoring.
To your second paragraph, what are you talking about? Gears AI isn't actually too bad, I think that you are just talking out of your "expeletive" here. Killzone 2's AI is good, yes, but Gears isn't too bad either.
If you mean Gears of War 2 here, then yes, online was broken, but it was incredibly fun too. Horde mode is one of the best survival modesout there, only beaten by Halo:Reach firefight and it's insane customization.
Also, how can a reviewer see how broken an online system is, when it came out? As far as I know, Gears of War always had good online at launch, it's just post-launch when problems arise.
And your final point: If gears got reviewers only obsessed with graphics, what does that make Killzone? I don't think that the story or gameplay was involved in the praising reviews.
Take Killzone 2 for exmaple how several sites try deliveratly to break the score for the game,by comparing it to 2 or 3 shooter at the ame time,well killzone doesn't do multiplaying better than Halo,is not a control friendly as MW,and the gameplay is not as good as gears,all that to try to sabotage the game,hell EGM even give the game and awar for having the worst AI,because of a demo they saw which was just purely make to show the graphics,yet in the same page they give Halo 3 the best AI award,but is funny becuase Killzone 2 has better AI than Halo 3,in the end journalist are for the take,and they are a joke.
Killzone 2 got a 9.0 average, what it deserved, as it sure as heck did not deserve a 9.5. Also, comparing to other shooters is how you review, as reviews are related to the general population of games. Also, it got the same reviews as MW, and Gears 2, on GAMESPOT (The only site which really matters, in SW).
EGM isa joke, why bring them into this, you are only lowering your credibility...But I'll humor you. Think about this, Halo 3 came out in 2007. Killzone 2 came out in 2009. that's two years, where standards change.
So, in summary, your argument is full of opinion, bias, and fake conjecture, and there is no point in replying further, as you will still keep talking out of your ass to fulfil your bias.
Why people insist in create lies about games,Resistance AI suck did you even play the game,enemy's flank you,go for cover,run when you trow a grenade to them,hell try to hide from a Auger carrying soldier,go hide and see how easy they shoot you through a wall and kill you on your hiding place,how Resistance did not have better interaction when you can even blow the soldiers cooling system hoses and see them kicking wildly in the air letting the cooling air scape.
You did not play Resistance from what i can see which is a game i still own now,dude on Resistance there was no camping parade ,even on big stages,yeah try to camp me and i Auger you through a wall no problem,that is the beuty of it,the game was very balance,the Humans could run while the Aliens could see through wall,and both have waekness,the gun are incredibly fun to use,and the game was not only fun it was smooth even with 40 players online at once.
Killzone 2 is on a new level of FPS doesn't even stand close is not graphicaly,the interaction again far greater than Halo 3,the online play was fun and a refresh with the different clases and badges,it allow you to play a set of different modes in just 1 something not done by other FPS,it has reward just like MW.
It did not had co-op but then again Halo 3 doesn't had bots to play either,which are incredibly smart,so if you don't have online connection you could still experience a good multiplaying fun.
Graphics are the least of Bungies and MS worries,is how deep and great Killzone has become,and with 3 i think the bar will be raise even more,oh by the way you could say i was biased,but Gear did have many problems,why do you think it got patches for.
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