[QUOTE="Mystery_Writer"]anyway, let me make it up by adding something like this:
do you think metacritic scores better reflect the quality of PS3 titles than GS?
See now thats a question, not a rehashed ownage claim that is used 5 times daily.
Personally I tend to agree with Gamespot on most of it's reviews for PS3 games, I just find lots of other games get Over-rated. I think not just Gamespot, but all game review sights have got a little off track because of increasing standards with game yet the inability to want to rate them lower than last generation games. Lets say Halo 3 got a 8.0 *What I think it deserved* Because it had mediocre graphics and rehashed gameplay. People would think Halo 2 was a superior game to Halo 3 wich would not be the case. so to say it was a better game than Halo 2 they would need to rank it near the same score despite the fact Halo 2 would be a inferior game due to aged graphics and gameplay, and herein lies the problem with most games and ranking them.
Personally I think the slate should be cleaned with each system increased standards to make sure good games get good scores, and greate games get greate scores. I find judging a game by what someone opinion of it is just plain silly in the long run. If I had to use a review system I would use a averaging system such as Gamerankings but even then I find they are not very strict on who they let in, such as Xbox magazines reviewing Playstation games.
The entire system is flawed no matter how you look at it.
they do actually rate systems independantly. I've heard that in the last podcast Jeff was on. He said something about how PC games are held with higher standards than consoles or something to that effect.
Also, they're hard on rehashes. But Halo 3's success keyword is "value". It brought an impressive package all around for a lot of awaiting fans (more so than say the Orange Box).
I myself enjoy the excitment Halo franchise brings to the gaming community, and love it when I watch the mass (casual) media talk about how the gaming industry, at some instances, is more profitable than other entertainment industries.
Also like it when I see the whole world taking notice of gaming profit because of this one franchise.
It really serves the gaming industry well to have exciting franchises like Halo
Sadly there might not be other installments of this game. But hopefully some other game will take its place (finger crossed on Mass Effect :) )
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