I am not surprised. Anyone with a gaming PC, just try and run the benchmark... It takes a pretty hefty rig.
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Okay so its the PS3 memory that held back this game.But what I don't understand the DC MMO seem to not be having any such problems with memory or missed out on anything about it having issues ..I don't normally say these kind of things on SW but it sounds to me like Lazy Devs.
Maybe because DCUO doesn't look nearly as good as this game? Did you ever think of that?
Okay so its the PS3 memory that held back this game.But what I don't understand the DC MMO seem to not be having any such problems with memory or missed out on anything about it having issues ..I don't normally say these kind of things on SW but it sounds to me like Lazy Devs.
or it could be that DC Universe isnt technicaly impressive adn FF 14 probaly will be.
[QUOTE="brandontwb"]Gawd, memeory /= storage. Nintendonly
RAM =/= storage. Your point? Nobody in this thread said anything about hard disk space.
Append "hard disk space" with blu-ray disc space.joke post?[QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]Lazy devs. LucLongleyMVP
PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
So is1. ATI Radeon HDs based PC with 320 stream processors or higher.
2. NV Geforce CUDA based PC with 112 stream processors or higher.
[QUOTE="RavenLoud"][QUOTE="HelloMoto56"]Obviously. @TC, what do you mean only one of those cards is available?the GPU can only effectively use it's own pool of RAM, it can access the cells pool of RAM but this causes a bootleneck in the system, SONY first party devs get around this by offloading some of the GPU's work to the Cell, the real question is why 3rd party devs are not using MLAA, it emulates 16xMsaa is CPU based, it was used in GOW 3 and the saboteur. Saboteur's AA and MLAA(as Intel defines it)is not depth based i.e. it's image based.Confirmed: Xbox 360 is better.
because that's the real, underlying point of this thread, right?
joke post?[QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]Lazy devs. Espada12
It is lol, either way I don't see why the big 3 couldn't just put in more RAM in their design if they wanted their consoles to last a significant amount of time.
Unlike PS3's RSX, Xbox 360 has memory/bandwidth saving 3DC+ texture compression hardware feature.
Read Page 6 from http://developer.amd.com/gpu_assets/GDC06-ATI_Session-Tatarchuk-ToyShop.pdf
3Dc+ texture compression was crucial
• We went from 478 MB texture memory total to 156MBWe used dec3n vertex data format to reduce memory
• Gives 3:1 memory savings
1. NVIDIA Geforce 6000/7000 series and RSX do not support UDEC3/DEC3N. 8000 series is the first nvidia card family with DEC3N/UDEC3 support. http://forum.beyond3d.com/showthread.php?t=45737
2. 8000 series is the first nvidia card family with 3DC+ support.
3. DEC3N is available on ATI Radeon line since Radeon 9700.
Without NVIDIA "The Way It's Meant To Be Played" during the DX9 GPU wars, you get Xbox 360 scenario.
joke post?[QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]Lazy devs. LucLongleyMVP
PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
Yep it really helps compared to any decent recent computer :roll:
[QUOTE="lawlessx"] joke post? ferret-gamer
PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
Yep it really helps compared to any decent recent computer :roll:
Lol... He did say slowly though.
PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
Yep it really helps compared to any decent recent computer :roll:
Lol... He did say slowly though.
yeah thats true, maybe he was being literal with that statement.
Okay so its the PS3 memory that held back this game.But what I don't understand the DC MMO seem to not be having any such problems with memory or missed out on anything about it having issues ..I don't normally say these kind of things on SW but it sounds to me like Lazy Devs.
No one has said that XIV Can't run on the PS3, simply that getting the game to run smoothly on 512mb RAM has taken longer than anticipated. It'll be out in a few months, and it'll run fine.
Sorry but that means dick all vis-a-vis the PS3 vs. the 360. There is no indication they would have fared any better on the 360.
Nor for that matter are devs limited to 256MB of RAM for graphics on the PS3. The memory bandwidth isn't as good if the utilize more, but it's entirely possible to use system memory for textures, etc. as well.
I think this is a little bit silly. We are almost 5 years into the PS3's life and things like this should be a minor grip with devs. Learn the architecture and get with the program. I've read on a few sites (not sure where; will try to find link) that both Insomniac and Naughty Dog have small teams dedicated to helping out 3rd Party devs with Ps3 development...FOR FREE! No excuses.AcidSoldner
Yeah, I kinda agree SE needed to be better prepared for the challenge, or even more aware of it... after all, at E3 they were restating the belief both clients would launch simultaneously. Two weeks later, they announce the PC client for September and PS3 next March. Oh well, it's not that big of a deal. I'd bet most PS3 players would rather have the client a little late than buggy.
What mistake? The main platform for any MMORPG will always be PC, not developing the game around PC would be a huge mistakeThis, of course, is what comes from putting the PC first in development. That was probably their biggest mistake.
[QUOTE="AcidSoldner"]I think this is a little bit silly. We are almost 5 years into the PS3's life and things like this should be a minor grip with devs. Learn the architecture and get with the program. I've read on a few sites (not sure where; will try to find link) that both Insomniac and Naughty Dog have small teams dedicated to helping out 3rd Party devs with Ps3 development...FOR FREE! No excuses.santoron
Yeah, I kinda agree SE needed to be better prepared for the challenge, or even more aware of it... after all, at E3 they were restating the belief both clients would launch simultaneously. Two weeks later, they announce the PC client for September and PS3 next March. Oh well, it's not that big of a deal. I'd bet most PS3 players would rather have the client a little late than buggy.
The benchmark demo makes high end PCs quake in their boots. You speak of this optimization for 512mb of ram like it is some easy feat when it will most likely run the game like garbage. MMOs are more hardware intensive than most single player games.You can say naught dog this and naughty dog that all you want but they never developed an MMO.
[QUOTE="AcidSoldner"]I think this is a little bit silly. We are almost 5 years into the PS3's life and things like this should be a minor grip with devs. Learn the architecture and get with the program. I've read on a few sites (not sure where; will try to find link) that both Insomniac and Naughty Dog have small teams dedicated to helping out 3rd Party devs with Ps3 development...FOR FREE! No excuses.Human-after-all
Yeah, I kinda agree SE needed to be better prepared for the challenge, or even more aware of it... after all, at E3 they were restating the belief both clients would launch simultaneously. Two weeks later, they announce the PC client for September and PS3 next March. Oh well, it's not that big of a deal. I'd bet most PS3 players would rather have the client a little late than buggy.
The benchmark demo makes high end PCs quake in their boots. You speak of this optimization for 512mb of ram like it is some easy feat when it will most likely run the game like garbage. MMOs are more hardware intensive than most single player games.You can say naught dog this and naughty dog that all you want but they never developed an MMO.
Did you even read my post? I said that Naughty Dog and Insomniac both provide support teams for any publisher or developer that requires help with the Ps3 hardware. All SE has to do is hit up either of those devs and I'm sure they would be more than happy to help work out whatever issues SE is running into.
FF14 recommends 4 Gb's of ram and a GTX 460 which has at least 768 Mb ram.
Since TC is doing his own science I shall personalize mine as well:
PC memory recommened: 4768 Mb of total RAM.
PS3 memory available: 512 Mb of total RAM.
Edit: And MMOs are just demanding games.. Think you can max wow at 1080p, 60 fps with a GTX285 fx? Think again.. It'll be fine for a while but then you enter Dalaran or a Raid... And this is WoW (2004). FF14 is going to kill your rig at high settings.
Really SE? I could see this posted 2 years ago, but there is no excuse now. You've had ample time to work with the PS3. It's pretty lame how you have to blame the console.
I think it's a case oftrying to bring a game to PS3 that's simply beyond it's hardware capability. Neither Insomaniac nor Naughty Dog can magically make PS3 gain more power and memory. Even with series like Final Fantasy the XIV will get most of it's subscribers on PC, so it makes sense to design it primarly for that platform. To me it seems like a port was simply impossible, so they delayed the game to do heavy reworking of it's many aspects to make it fit into PS3's puny memoryDid you even read my post? I said that Naughty Dog and Insomniac both provide support teams for any publisher or developer that requires help with the Ps3 hardware. All SE has to do is hit up either of those devs and I'm sure they would be more than happy to help work out whatever issues SE is running into.
I think it's a case oftrying to bring a game to PS3 that's simply beyond it's hardware capability. Neither Insomaniac nor Naughty Dog can magically make PS3 gain more power and memory. Even with series like Final Fantasy the XIV will get most of it's subscribers on PC, so it makes sense to design it primarly for that platform. To me it seems like a port was simply impossible, so they delayed the game to do heavy reworking of it's many aspects to make it fit into PS3's puny memory[QUOTE="AcidSoldner"]
Did you even read my post? I said that Naughty Dog and Insomniac both provide support teams for any publisher or developer that requires help with the Ps3 hardware. All SE has to do is hit up either of those devs and I'm sure they would be more than happy to help work out whatever issues SE is running into.
Makes me wonder why they didn't have 2 development teams, one for the PC and one for the PS3.
I think it's a case oftrying to bring a game to PS3 that's simply beyond it's hardware capability. Neither Insomaniac nor Naughty Dog can magically make PS3 gain more power and memory. Even with series like Final Fantasy the XIV will get most of it's subscribers on PC, so it makes sense to design it primarly for that platform. To me it seems like a port was simply impossible, so they delayed the game to do heavy reworking of it's many aspects to make it fit into PS3's puny memory I would actually believe it will have a extremly strong user base on PS3 in Japan, considering how well FFXI did for the PS2 in Japan it was a runaway hit percentage wise in Japan.[QUOTE="AcidSoldner"]
Did you even read my post? I said that Naughty Dog and Insomniac both provide support teams for any publisher or developer that requires help with the Ps3 hardware. All SE has to do is hit up either of those devs and I'm sure they would be more than happy to help work out whatever issues SE is running into.
[QUOTE="lawlessx"] joke post? ferret-gamer
PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
Yep it really helps compared to any decent recent computer :roll:
please don't even compare. what your showing there? the majority of those high numbers are contributed by hardcore users that literally create GPU farms in their homes with up to 20+ gpu's set in a paralel configuration and costing up to 20k. I dont think folding does any thing for the world, but really the ps3 is a single thing, where as the majority of those numbers are based upon gpu farmers.The benchmark demo makes high end PCs quake in their boots. You speak of this optimization for 512mb of ram like it is some easy feat when it will most likely run the game like garbage. MMOs are more hardware intensive than most single player games.[QUOTE="Human-after-all"]
Yeah, I kinda agree SE needed to be better prepared for the challenge, or even more aware of it... after all, at E3 they were restating the belief both clients would launch simultaneously. Two weeks later, they announce the PC client for September and PS3 next March. Oh well, it's not that big of a deal. I'd bet most PS3 players would rather have the client a little late than buggy.
You can say naught dog this and naughty dog that all you want but they never developed an MMO.
Did you even read my post? I said that Naughty Dog and Insomniac both provide support teams for any publisher or developer that requires help with the Ps3 hardware. All SE has to do is hit up either of those devs and I'm sure they would be more than happy to help work out whatever issues SE is running into.
it's not gonna help, they are essentially trying to fit a game that requires 4gb or RAM on the PC into 512mb, naughty dog or insomniac cannot magically increase the Ps3's memory 8 fold, even with the 3DC texture compression on the 360 they would hit exactly the same problems, this has nothing to do with SE being lazy devs, they have the huge task of shrinking a humvee to the size of a mini metro without stripping any features,lol[QUOTE="AdrianWerner"]I think it's a case oftrying to bring a game to PS3 that's simply beyond it's hardware capability. Neither Insomaniac nor Naughty Dog can magically make PS3 gain more power and memory. Even with series like Final Fantasy the XIV will get most of it's subscribers on PC, so it makes sense to design it primarly for that platform. To me it seems like a port was simply impossible, so they delayed the game to do heavy reworking of it's many aspects to make it fit into PS3's puny memory I would actually believe it will have a extremly strong user base on PS3 in Japan, considering how well FFXI did for the PS2 in Japan it was a runaway hit percentage wise in Japan.Weren;'t most FFXI subscribers PC users even in Japan though?[QUOTE="AcidSoldner"]
Did you even read my post? I said that Naughty Dog and Insomniac both provide support teams for any publisher or developer that requires help with the Ps3 hardware. All SE has to do is hit up either of those devs and I'm sure they would be more than happy to help work out whatever issues SE is running into.
I think it's a case oftrying to bring a game to PS3 that's simply beyond it's hardware capability. Neither Insomaniac nor Naughty Dog can magically make PS3 gain more power and memory. Even with series like Final Fantasy the XIV will get most of it's subscribers on PC, so it makes sense to design it primarly for that platform. To me it seems like a port was simply impossible, so they delayed the game to do heavy reworking of it's many aspects to make it fit into PS3's puny memory[QUOTE="AcidSoldner"]
Did you even read my post? I said that Naughty Dog and Insomniac both provide support teams for any publisher or developer that requires help with the Ps3 hardware. All SE has to do is hit up either of those devs and I'm sure they would be more than happy to help work out whatever issues SE is running into.
Except they didn't delay the game. FFXIV releases Sept 22nd on the PC (30th without the SE). It's just the PS3 client that's been delayed. They aren't redesigning the game... merely taking extra time to optimize the PS3 client. Even though they announced the delay (months ago), they've never intimated any insurmountable problems. They merely stated they needed more time on that client for optimization. Nearly two months after the first announcement, we still haven't heard anything that hints that the PS3 version won't be up in running early next year.
And SE has good reason to bring consoles into their new MMO. Contrary to your assumption, XI had more subscribers playing from the PS2 and 360 clients for much of its history... it was actually Designed and released first on the PS2 and later released on PC. SE's philosophy for XIV is to require pretty beefy PC specs and release the console client to provide an inexpensive alternative. Later, as the initial specs become more prevalent in mainstream PCs, people will start to migrate toward that platform, much as they did with XI.
Got any link for that? I always wondered how the userbase split between platforms. I mean, looking at other japanese developer it seems that even in Japan most MMO players play on PC, as many MMO spin-offs from popular console franchises are released solely on PC there. So I was always wondering if FFXI was an exception and would be greateful if you could provide links to data about it.Contrary to your assumption, XI had more subscribers playing from the PS2 and 360 clients for much of its history...
I'll effort further tomorrow, but tonight I got bupkis when looking for data going back futher than 2009, by which point PC had a solid overall lead. I want to say that the console releases were still dominant into late 2006, but treat as hearsay until I can find more. The 2009 numbers still were illuminating though. About 20% of NA players and over 30% of Japanese players were still using a console version as their primary access to XI. And that's in a time when even the cheapest store-bought pc or laptop could run the game well (no data was listed for EU). At that time, there were still 500,000 active subscriptions to the game. So even with those numbers its easy to see why SE is returning to the cross platform formula. 100,000 + subscribers is larger than most mmos ever sustain. I'll get on my PC in the morning for more. Need sleep and I'm sick of typing on my phone ;p
Got any link for that? I always wondered how the userbase split between platforms. I mean, looking at other japanese developer it seems that even in Japan most MMO players play on PC, as many MMO spin-offs from popular console franchises are released solely on PC there. So I was always wondering if FFXI was an exception and would be greateful if you could provide links to data about it.The LTD for sales of the PS2 game were 150K according to Famitsu. Although I don't know how many active subscribers that translated to, nor the number of PC subscribers in Japan there were at peak.[QUOTE="santoron"]
Contrary to your assumption, XI had more subscribers playing from the PS2 and 360 clients for much of its history...
joke post?[QUOTE="lawlessx"][QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"]Lazy devs. LucLongleyMVP
PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
You fail at trolling, fool. Folding@Home involves simulating the folding of proteins and enzymes. Not curing cancer.[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"]
PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
Yep it really helps compared to any decent recent computer :roll:
please don't even compare. what your showing there? the majority of those high numbers are contributed by hardcore users that literally create GPU farms in their homes with up to 20+ gpu's set in a paralel configuration and costing up to 20k. I dont think folding does any thing for the world, but really the ps3 is a single thing, where as the majority of those numbers are based upon gpu farmers. Its comparing single GPUs to a single PS3...Its a fair comparison... Heaven forbid more modern PC hardware outperfoms a console based on 5 year old tech. What were nVidia and ATI thinking? How dare them! :roll:joke post? lawlessx
PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
You fail at trolling, fool. Folding@Home involves simulating the folding of proteins and enzymes. Not curing cancer. And believe it or not that does help in finding cures for cancer.....[QUOTE="Locutus_Picard"][QUOTE="LucLongleyMVP"]You fail at trolling, fool. Folding@Home involves simulating the folding of proteins and enzymes. Not curing cancer. And believe it or not that does help in finding cures for cancer..... They're not working on cancer right now if I'm not mistaken. I roughly know how proteins fold and that's going to give insights in cause of diseases, but there is no way atm. for us humans to interfere with protein folding. Folding@Home is thus a backlog for future scientists, for when technology is more advanced...they can start right away using information acquired earlier.PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
some people here must seriously be joking, have you even bothered reading some of the recommended specs for ff xiv?
one of their listings recommended a 460
id love to know how many of you have that
Yeah I had a look at the reccomended system requirements for this game. It's quite high for an MMO.
I thought that they keep system requirements down on MMOs, so that more and more people can play it. I thought thats why the system requirements of WoW are quite low.
I think this is a little bit silly. We are almost 5 years into the PS3's life and things like this should be a minor grip with devs. Learn the architecture and get with the program. I've read on a few sites (not sure where; will try to find link) that both Insomniac and Naughty Dog have small teams dedicated to helping out 3rd Party devs with Ps3 development...FOR FREE! No excuses.AcidSoldner
Yeah, I kinda agree SE needed to be better prepared for the challenge, or even more aware of it... after all, at E3 they were restating the belief both clients would launch simultaneously. Two weeks later, they announce the PC client for September and PS3 next March. Oh well, it's not that big of a deal. I'd bet most PS3 players would rather have the client a little late than buggy.
The benchmark demo makes high end PCs quake in their boots. You speak of this optimization for 512mb of ram like it is some easy feat when it will most likely run the game like garbage. MMOs are more hardware intensive than most single player games.You can say naught dog this and naughty dog that all you want but they never developed an MMO.
My ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5730 (Radeon HD 5570 on the desktop) runs FF14 benchmark at 720p smooth. My ATI Radeon HD 5770 run FF14 benchmark at 1080p smooth.please don't even compare. what your showing there? the majority of those high numbers are contributed by hardcore users that literally create GPU farms in their homes with up to 20+ gpu's set in a paralel configuration and costing up to 20k. I dont think folding does any thing for the world, but really the ps3 is a single thing, where as the majority of those numbers are based upon gpu farmers.
Sorry, GPU farms claim is wrong. My old ASUS G1S laptop's Geforce 8600M GT GDDR3 scores about 1300 PPD. The kitbash IBM VMX ISA(aka SPE ISA) is no match against NVIDIA CUDA in math matrix processing.
Geforce 8600 GT/8700/9650M GT's 32 stream processors has 32768 32bit registers.
Geforce 9600 GSO's 96 SPs has 98304 32bit registers.
PS3's 7 SPEs only has 896 128bit registers or effectively has 3584 32bit registers. As you may already know, registers are the fastest known data storage method and the modern GPUs has more of it.
PowerPC camp's argument on their superior register count against X86 comes back to haunt them i.e. the modern GPUs from NVIDIA and AMD smashes PowerPC camp's claim to fame.
AMD's ATI Radeon HD 4850/4870(RV770) has about 2 megabyte worth of register data storage i.e. do the math on RV770'sregister count.
please don't even compare. what your showing there? the majority of those high numbers are contributed by hardcore users that literally create GPU farms in their homes with up to 20+ gpu's set in a paralel configuration and costing up to 20k. I dont think folding does any thing for the world, but really the ps3 is a single thing, where as the majority of those numbers are based upon gpu farmers.
Sorry, GPU farms claim is wrong. My old ASUS G1S laptop's Geforce 8600M GT GDDR3 scores about 1300 PPD. The kitbash IBM VMX ISA(aka SPE ISA) is no match against NVIDIA CUDA in math matrix processing.
Geforce 8600 GT/8700/9650M GT's 32 stream processors has 32768 32bit registers.
Geforce 9600 GSO's 96 SPs has 98304 32bit registers.
PS3's 7 SPEs only has 896 128bit registers or effectively has 3584 32bit registers.
As you may already know, registers are the fastest known data storage method and the modern GPUs has more of it.
Yeah fun part here is that you are comparing a GPU to a CPU the fact that Cell can be even compare say it all.
please don't even compare. what your showing there? the majority of those high numbers are contributed by hardcore users that literally create GPU farms in their homes with up to 20+ gpu's set in a paralel configuration and costing up to 20k. I dont think folding does any thing for the world, but really the ps3 is a single thing, where as the majority of those numbers are based upon gpu farmers.
Sorry, GPU farms claim is wrong. My old ASUS G1S laptop's Geforce 8600M GT GDDR3 scores about 1300 PPD. The kitbash IBM VMX ISA(aka SPE ISA) is no match against NVIDIA CUDA in math matrix processing.
Geforce 8600 GT/8700/9650M GT's 32 stream processors has 32768 32bit registers.
Geforce 9600 GSO's 96 SPs has 98304 32bit registers.
PS3's 7 SPEs only has 896 128bit registers or effectively has 3584 32bit registers.
As you may already know, registers are the fastest known data storage method and the modern GPUs has more of it.
Yeah fun part here is that you are comparing a GPU to a CPU the fact that Cell can be even compare say it all.
Replace GPU with GpGPU. Modern GPUs are not simple devices like Geforce 7/RSX. GPU vs CPU shouldn't matter since we are dealing with similar workload targets e.g. raster based rendering and fold@ home.
If you notice in math HPC market, IBM CELL's competitors are AMD's Stream Processors (enterprise c.lass Radeon HDs)and NVIDIA's Tesla (enterprise c.lass Geforce CUDA).
IBM cancelled HPC CELL's R&D sometime after the launch of AMD's Evergreen (aka Radeon HD 5870)GpGPUs i.e. the proposed HPC CELL would be dead of on arrival.
You then add
1. NVIDIA's Fermi GpGPU competition.
2. By the end of this year, AMD plans to refresh it's Radeon HD lines to Radeon HD 6000s ("Southern Islands"). Sometime end of next year, it's ATI"Northern Islands" release.
For those of you who don't know, the Xbox 360 has 512 MB unified RAM, whereas the PS3 has 256 MB + 256 MB. Only one of those RAM cards is available to devs, and acts as one of the biggest hurdles during PS3 game development. See: Ghostbusters.
Confirmed: Xbox 360 is better.
because that's the real, underlying point of this thread, right?
this is system wars.[QUOTE="ronvalencia"]
please don't even compare. what your showing there? the majority of those high numbers are contributed by hardcore users that literally create GPU farms in their homes with up to 20+ gpu's set in a paralel configuration and costing up to 20k. I dont think folding does any thing for the world, but really the ps3 is a single thing, where as the majority of those numbers are based upon gpu farmers.
Sorry, GPU farms claim is wrong. My old ASUS G1S laptop's Geforce 8600M GT GDDR3 scores about 1300 PPD. The kitbash IBM VMX ISA(aka SPE ISA) is no match against NVIDIA CUDA in math matrix processing.
Geforce 8600 GT/8700/9650M GT's 32 stream processors has 32768 32bit registers.
Geforce 9600 GSO's 96 SPs has 98304 32bit registers.
PS3's 7 SPEs only has 896 128bit registers or effectively has 3584 32bit registers.
As you may already know, registers are the fastest known data storage method and the modern GPUs has more of it.
Yeah fun part here is that you are comparing a GPU to a CPU the fact that Cell can be even compare say it all.
Why does that say I'm being quoted. I don't think I've ever commented on Folding Home :|
Sorry, GPU farms claim is wrong. My old ASUS G1S laptop's Geforce 8600M GT GDDR3 scores about 1300 PPD. The kitbash IBM VMX ISA(aka SPE ISA) is no match against NVIDIA CUDA in math matrix processing.
Geforce 8600 GT/8700/9650M GT's 32 stream processors has 32768 32bit registers.
Geforce 9600 GSO's 96 SPs has 98304 32bit registers.
PS3's 7 SPEs only has 896 128bit registers or effectively has 3584 32bit registers.
As you may already know, registers are the fastest known data storage method and the modern GPUs has more of it.
Yeah fun part here is that you are comparing a GPU to a CPU the fact that Cell can be even compare say it all.
Why does that say I'm being quoted. I don't think I've ever commented on Folding Home :|
Sorry, I was referring to WilliamRLBaker. I'll fix my posts..[QUOTE="LucLongleyMVP"][QUOTE="lawlessx"] joke post? Locutus_Picard
PS3 is a super computer and is slowly curing cancer with folding at home, never doubt teh cell.
You fail at trolling, fool. Folding@Home involves simulating the folding of proteins and enzymes. Not curing cancer. Cancer also deals with proteins.Read http://folding.stanford.edu/
Protein folding is linked to disease, such as Alzheimer's, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's disease, and many Cancers
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