As system war's most unbiased and fair manticore. I felt it my solemn duty to keep SW updated on the state of eight generation consoles, the PS4 and Xbox1. And I say this impartially, with the least amount of bias as humanly possible, that generation 8 consoles are "fat stinky plastic paper weights" with "literally no games imo."
Now, now SW, I have to say, I have not been entirely truthful with that statement or the title. PS4 and X1 actually DO have one game each of their own, the two of which I am sure you are all aware of by now. No, my SW pals, by "no games" I mean: "No games that aren't remasters, infinitely better on PC, timed exclusives or are not complete shit like Driveclub."
Teh sourcez: Onlyonconsoles
-Large boxes: games that are not multiplats, timed exclusives, digital only or remasters.
-Smaller boxes, games that are not out yet.
Keep in mind that these games are not even filtered for quality. If games with a metascore less than 80 were filtered out, each console would only have about one, maybe two games.
Why now, at the point where console exclusives matter now more than ever, as they face the definitive-multiplat-collecting, leviathan, powerhouse that is PC, are the PS4 and X1 libraries so abysmal? Why god, why? How many years do you think it will take for 8th gen consoles to finally obtain the one and only positive trait a console in PC's time can possess? As in quality exclusive games on the bottom.
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