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You are so clueless. Of course AMD is going to try and deny it. Microsoft is a partner too. AMD gave your typical PR response so as not to upset any one etc Thats ALL that is.[QUOTE="BoxingandGaming"][QUOTE="R3FURBISHED"]
I hate humoring alt/troll accounts -
UPDATE: AMD contacted me again to make another comment. Essentially, they said that the correction statement to the original statement claiming hUMA was part PS4 was "inaccurrate" but that this correction does NOT mean the opposite claim is true. Even when pressed for a more specific and debate-ending comment, AMD wouldn't give us any more information.
So does the PS4 have support for some type of heterogeneous unified memory? Maybe. And the Xbox One? Maybe. At this point, I'd stop listening to anything AMD has to say on the subject as they are likely to recant it shortly thereafter. Many readers have emailed me with their thoughts and I personally feel that its more likely the original statement from AMD (that the PS4 will have the edge with a hUMA design) will turn out to be the truth in the long run...
This is the last time I will reply to one of your posts:
There is nothing to report on this matter. AMD will not give a definitive answer, nor will Microsoft or Sony. Therefore, you have no point. When I first made this thread back in June it was meant as a resource for facts supported by reputable sources, preferably the creators themselves.
You can throw out all the cookie cut posts you want, but until you actually have a direct source saying one way or the have nothing.
Any rumor that painted the xbone in sunshine and rainbows you believed. All those pro-propoganda xbone rumors PROVED out to be patently false YET here we have MANY reputable and legit souces stating that the PS4 supports hUMA while the xbone does not, and thats what you want to disregard as a baseless rumor I dont even need to say much more, you have done a good job of discrediting yourself with yourself You are a hypocritical, double standard having, delusional xbot PS4 supports hUMA whether you want to believe it or not. These ARE reputable sources stating again you're contradicting yourself P.S Your thread isnt the be all end all of "facts" Its basically what you "deem as fact or reputable" You think too highly of yourself. You are nobody important[QUOTE="ronvalencia"][QUOTE="teambadboy"]So considering all of that ^^^ how come a legit hacker hasnt stepped up and hacked Microsoft to send a message? Why? ......Yet Sony was hacked for doing nothing and for always being pro consumer? Yeah, the cyber terrorist attack against Sony was funded by the establishment, thats why. You can look it up... While Microsoft wanted to murder away consumer rights and nothing has happened to Microsoft....yeah because Microsoft IS the very establishment we are against We are truly living in a world were black is white and white is black.. The American gaming media always promotes Microsoft because Microsoft is an NWO corp... While gaming sites always try to hate on Sony,even create FALSE lies and or propoganda against the playstation, because Sony isnt. Sony are truly the good guys here. You can see it. Sony is all about the gamer.. proven again and again... Sony and all their stellar first parties are genuine. Their passion for gaming and love for games and gamers shines bright.Sony and their stellar first parties just want to put out great products they would be proud of and that fans would love Microsoft is the evil satanic corporation that every body was saying they were since the begining Im not even kidding. Bill Gates was/is a major NWO shill. Microsoft was funded by the backing of the elite shady banksters. Micorsoft is in bed with the NSA etc Microsoft were seconds away from getting away with the murder of consumer's rights. We stopped them by pre-ordering the PS4 more. Now Microsoft is enforcing a mandatory spy cam Etc etc A majority of xbox gamers have already switched over to the Playstation! What more evidence do you 5 remaining xbox fanboys on system wars need?!!!! I say to you last 5 remaining blinded xbots who have yet to make the switch! Wake up! Clear your eyes and see that black is black and white is white. Sony has always been about just gaming and supporting the hard core gamer. Micosoft has always been pure corporate scum.... Anyway, We must all stand up and fight Microsoft off... Even if you are a Nintendo or PC fan you have to support Sony because Sony is the only one stopping Microsoft from ruining gaming.... Sony is the only beacon of light gaming has left. Nintendo has honestly lost it and Microsoft is typical incompetent and shady Microsoft Man, i just want to see Sony take it to Microsoft with their own tactics, and end up kicking Microsoft the f@ck out from gaming once and for allBoxingandGamingSony BMG root kit says Hi. DRM locked Li-ion battery replacement in laptops says Hi. Microsoft also tried to rape away consumer's rights. Sony in gaming has never even tried to do anything that was 10% as bad as Microsoft's DRM/always online schemes Sony in everyting they do has NEVER tried to do anything a fraction as bad as what Microsoft has been doing PERIOD. Microsoft has also done a lot of shady shit with their windows platform too. Microsoft has a blatant history of being shady, anti-consumer, and corrupt. Microsoft would have gotten away with their extreme anti-consumer xbone polices if we didn't vote with our wallets and pick the PS4 by large margins in pre-orders too. Remember that. Microsoft also has been shoving yearly sequels of Gears/Halo/Forza down consumers throats. Microsoft was the FIRST to take online gameplay and charge for it while making that the primary feature. Despicable. On PS4 online gameplay will just be one of many features on PSN plus PSN will offer more value on PS4(free games/much more discounts) See, Sony needed to charge for online to maintain PSN, but Sony remained fair and approached it with the consumer in mind Again to show you how much worse Microsoft is when it comes to everything, Microsoft took basic features and hid them behind extortion fees on XBL. ALL XBL had was online gameplay and party chat. Microsoft tried to charge you $60 a year for just those two features while bombarding you with ads Microsoft calls xbone an entertainment system yet is hiding all its media apps behind $60 a year extortion fees Micrsoft is literal corporate greed and scum at its most ugly. Ive given plenty of examples already. Microsoft wants to extort as much money from you as possible with as little effort as possible Bottom line, If were to make a list of all the anti-consumer shit Microsoft has done, that list would be 500 pages long filled top to bottom Sony's "list" by comparison would be half a page long at worst Sony is soooo much better then Microsoft when it comes to everything. Sony is MUCH MUCH mpre pro-consumer and pro gamer etc Microsoft is anti-consumer and anti-gamer. Reality proves so and ive already went in depth regarding nunerous examples etc
Microsofts DRM is no different then what PC players ahve for years with steam and origin. PC players griped and fught steam for a while, then realized how awesome it turned out to be. MS was basically making steam for consoles. any PC player will tell you how awesome steam is. thats not screwing the consumer.
MS has a history of being shady?
how about sony installing malware on your computer when you play a music CD w/o you knowing?
thats not shady? thats way worse then anyhtign MS has supposedly done
MS shoving awesome sequeals down our throughts? what about God of war, uncharted, Gran Turismo.. thought so
MS wa sthe 1st to charge becuase they were teh only online gaming service on console for 4 years. if you are teh only one offering it, then charging a small feee of 5 bucks a month isn't bad. not when PC players were paying 15 a month to play 1 game (WoW) which had 100s of millions of people playing it) sony dind't charge becuase they didn't have a gaming network until 4 years later. now now they are charging and giving you ntohign different then you got free with PS3 while MS is giving dedicated servers for P2P games. in other words last gen pay for better service or enjoy free service. this gen MS pay for better service, sony pay for sub-par service. Sony has no right to charge w/o dedicated servers right now. why is it "ok for sony to charge for maintence costs" but it wasn't for SM to do it?
Hidden services? you have a million ways to watch netflix. smart TVs, blu ray players, apple tv etc all offer netflix streaming w/o extra fees. netflix was a bonus for XBLG, but by no means was it stopping anyone who really wanted netflix when it works on every dam device taht most people have.
xbox 60 bucks a year = better security , gamerscore trakcing, better matchmaking, party chat, etc. sony's free service resluted in laggy gameplay and hacks
your post is just fanboy non-sense.
really?darkangel115Everything i said was factual. You haven't proven other wise. Thats because no matter what you cant change reailty. I just skimmed by your whole post, and its already become so apparent. You are a paid Microsoft SHILL. That forever renders your shill "opinions" irrelavant. Im still going to refute each and ever one of your off base "points" so other people can see it. My only concern is that my IQ drops points after reading your delusional xbot spewing garbage
Microsofts DRM is no different then what PC players ahve for years with steam and origin.darkangel115This Microsoft shill talking point has already been debunked 100 times over. It was NOTHING like Steam. I dont recall the exact specifics, but the arguments already have been made and court was ajourned. Tell your superiors at Microsoft that that shill talking point is rong. It didnt work back then its not going to work now
MS was basically making MS has a history of being shady?darkangel115Absolutely! There is shady, and then THERE is Microsoft level of shady. Microsoft is beyond shady and is the WORST of the big 3 in gaming by far Microsoft is the most anti consumer of the bunch and the fact they were willing to go that far with their extreme anti consumer xbone policies in the first place proves it.
How about sony installing malware on your computer when you play a music CD w/o you knowing?Micorsoft doing this: Is soo much worse. Exerts from the article: "Microsoft worked with the spy agency to ensure analysts had access to its Outlook email service" "And when Microsoft bought the popular chat service Skype, the company helped the NSA ensure it could monitor both audio and video conversations." NOW THAT^ is some truly despicable shit. No comparison. Microsoft is despicable. Sony has NEVER DONE anything like that, ever before. The fact Microsoft is THE BIGGEST supporter of PRISM MEANS Microsoft is 1 of the most shady American corps out there Sony is NO WHERE seen on that list of compainies who are on board with PRISM. Sony could never be as bad as Microsoft, even if they tried. Then there is the fact that Microsoft was even FOUND guilty of ANTI TRUST LAWS Sony has NEVER been CONVICTED of ANTI TRUST LAWS. Microsoft has. The melware from CDs or Sony CDs seems almost lovely now compared to what Microsoft has done lol. I just gave you multiple examples of Microsoft doing WORSE Not to mention ALL the widely reported problems with Microsoft Windows. The fact Windows is a haven for MELWARE and viruses etc so to bring up melware on OLD Sony CDs is laughable Microsoft has a blatant history of being shady and anti-consumer. Proven again and again.To deny it youre simply not living in reality In gaming, which is what was being talking about in the first place, Sony has NEVER done anything a fraction as bad as: Microsoft trying to get away with DRM/always online schemes. Microsoft enforcing a mandatory kinect spy cam etc Sony has always been pro gamer and pro consumer from the start. Their actions prove so
thats not shady? thats way worse then anyhtign MS has supposedly donedarkangel115
MS shoving awesome sequeals down our throughts? what about God of war, uncharted, Gran Turismo.. thought sodarkangelIts the FACT that ALL Microsoft has been doing is releasing Gears/Halo/Forza...and more Gears/Halo/Forza almost yearly for the past several years. Sony doesnt just release Uncharted/God of War/Gran Turismo, Theyve also realesed Heavy Rain, Infamous, MotorStorm, MLB the Show, StarHawk, Twiated Metal, PS All Stars, Little Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank, Resistance etc Sony and the Naughty Gods just released The Last of Us too. The Last of Us is unlike anything youve ever played. Its deep, mature, and thought provoking in gameplay and in story. Gameplay is amazing, Story is amazing and both compliment each other so perfectly etc Naughty Dog with the Last of Us bucks the conventional mindless AAA shoot bang fests of Gears/Halo. All in all, The Last of Is Us was another revolutionary game from Naughty Dog. Naughty Dog with Last of Us just set a new standard for survival horror (just like they had set the standard for action adventure with Uncharted) Naughty Dog is reason ALONE to go Playstation and never leave! Last of Us is easily one of the greatest games of all time. You will only be able to get games like it from Naught Dog on Playstation baby! Forgot to mention, Beyond Two Souls, which is a new I.P, will be coming later. Now can you grasp the point? Sony in conjunction with their stellar first parties has always put out a great amount of diverse exclusives at a consistent quality. Sony actually works to please fans and puts out great products and many games that fans will love. Sony gets the love they deserve. Sony shows that they actually care about gaming and gamers, gamers show they care about Sony back. Sony is actually much more willing to take risks with all different kinds of games(Journey, Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls, Gucameele, Ico etc) And Sony not only funds but fully embraces risky creative or deep games(Last of Us etc) Sony lets Naughty Dog do what they want and make the games they want to make. Sony+Naughty Dog=Peanut butter+jelly. Microsoft is always content to do the absolute bare minimum with generic shallow cookie cutter shooters like Gears and Halo spammed to death on almost yearly cycles. Microsoft also forced bungie to keep making Halo games and killed off RARE, so you can add those two things to the LONG LIST of shady things Microsoft has done. There is just no comparison here. Sony>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Microsoft when it comes to everything regarding exclusive games/attitude/philosophy/ethics/creativity etc Microsoft needs to be getting even more flack then have already been getting for their transparent multi-plat+ Gears/Halo/Forza rehash "startegy Lets start a movement! #NoMoreShittyGears/Halo/ForzaSequelsM$
The only reason to get a PS4 is for its exclusives, otherwise its just a cheap PC in a box. AMD will be releasing the SoC for PC too. The XB1 is crafted for gaming and entertainment and every part is optimised, with kinect and cloud its the better allround gaming and entertainment system.
[QUOTE="KillzoneSnake"]MUCH less weaker specs too No. Not much less. You won't even notice a differenceSo X1 comes with no recharge cable (controller still got double AA's lol), no mic (you need to buy an adapter to use your own LOL),...... does it at least have the power cord to connect to the EXTERNAL power brick? xD We also cant forget the weaker specs.
All for $100 more! :lol:
MS shoving awesome sequeals down our throughts? what about God of war, uncharted, Gran Turismo.. thought sodarkangelHell, for you to even say that Sony is rehashing Uncharted/God of War/Gran Turismo on the same level as Microsoft is rehashing Gears/Halo/ just wrong....and well it is delusional talk. Halo- 5 games this gen Gears of War - 5 games this gen, including the Kinect spin off title that is set to release lol ^ all those games have offered marginal improvements at best from sequel to sequel Uncharted - only 3 games this gen. All great games. Uncharted 2 was a substantial improvement over Uncharted 1. Uncharted 2 actually set the standard and revolutionzed presenatation and fully playable cinematic gameplay Uncharted 2 had it all- -from a good and very well told story, to strong and varied gameplay, to strong character performances, to stunning level design which really took advantage of the smooth and varied gameplay- I mean, you could also say Uncharted 2 revolutionzied the concept of the complete package in video games too. Uncharted 3 still offered improvments over Uncharted 2 as well (better hand to hand combat, better puzzels, shipyard level is the best level of any Uncharted game) God of War - only 2 games this gen, including Ascension. Ascension was the first God of War game to offer multi player. The combat was improved. The single player was better then God of War 3s' single player. The puzzels were vastly improved I.e the stop time element, which it could also be used for combat and combos For crying out loud, Forza has had MORE games in the past 5 years then Gran Turismo has had games over the past 10 years combined Everything ive said stands. I will respond to the rest of your delusional Microsoft shill jibbersh in a little bit
A cheap PC in a box is a good thing. I rather not spend a fortune on upgrading a PC until it has comparable performance to a PS4 Just SHOW me a 400$ PC that has the perfomance of a PS4!! I dare you!!!! You wont be able to. For its price, the PS4 offers great power Plus for the people who just want a powerful affordable CONSOLE, the PS4 is the most powerful console ever and its only 400$...SO why wouldnt they get a PS4! Not everything is just about the PC Crazy how xbots always love to hide behind the PC when it suites them... "if you care about specs so much just get a PC"... Which that is b.s already, because consoles are all about who has better specs other wise why do we even have upgraded console launches and graphics competition.. Or the new one from xbot shills... "Most of the PS4 indie games will be on PC anyway" YET when its the other way around, the fact that most lackluster xbox exclusives eventually come to PC anyway, that is ignored by them. Xbots are the worst. Hypocrticial beyond belief. Also IF anything Since all the 180 reversals to gain more pre-orders and be more and more like the popular PS4 (the fact xbone really does nothing to seperate itself )The xbone really is just a weaker more expensive PS4, but except with a mandatory kinect spy cam tacked on, and a secondary focus on games There is NO REASON FOR the xbox one to exist The PS4 does everything much better for much less and with more pro consumer choices in mind - also has a better exclusive library, better developers, more games announced for it, more games in development, will have more long term support (as proven by Sony's history) and will always be focused primarily on GAMING(the way it should be)as Somy's pedigree>>>>Microsofts by miles. Contrary to your comment, being a true gamer IS THE ONLY reason you NEED to get a PS4 and a PS4 only...The PS4 was made by gamers for gamersThe only reason to get a PS4 is for its exclusives, otherwise its just a cheap PC in a box. AMD will be releasing the SoC for PC too. The XB1 is crafted for gaming and entertainment and every part is optimised, with kinect and cloud its the better allround gaming and entertainment system.
[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="sts106mat"]lol brofists, how many accounts have you had? sts106matThis thread alone has 2 already, so I guess around 10-15. OMG, that guy cannot take a hint Take what hint? The fact that i make you delusional xbots irrate. Its funny how THE ONLY people who have a problem with me are posters who are notorious for being delusional xbots That lets me know even more that what im saying is correct. Xbots love to mention me at all times. Why? I dont worship the piece of xbox plastic they do . Its pathetic and very alarming in itself. Im dealing with complete low lifes! So yeah, anything you or the other nut job has to say means jack squat! I certainly get the "hint" that my truth speaking makes xbots irrate...and im going to keep at it and keep doing what im doing! NEVER stopping!
[QUOTE="voicereason"][QUOTE="KillzoneSnake"]MUCH less weaker specs too No. Not much less. You won't even notice a difference Oh you definently will notice a difference. Its just launxh and Killzone already looks MILES BETTER then anything thats a launch game on the xbone So just imagine how large the gap will grow in the future Its an undeniable fact that the PS4 is SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful on paper. Nothing changes that. And whether 3rd parties take FULL advantage of that LARGE difference (due to b.s politics they dont) it doesnt matter because PS exclusives certainly willSo X1 comes with no recharge cable (controller still got double AA's lol), no mic (you need to buy an adapter to use your own LOL),...... does it at least have the power cord to connect to the EXTERNAL power brick? xD We also cant forget the weaker specs.
All for $100 more! :lol:
agreed[QUOTE="KarateeeChop"][QUOTE="BoxingandGaming"]xbox one >>>>> ps4ReadingRainbow4
In what ways?
Easy! I can even answer for him. The xbox is better at being a more expensive weaker piece of hardware The xbox is better at NOT focusing on games The xbox is better at being more anti-consumer(all its media apps hidden behind paywall fees etc) The xbox is better at having worse exclusives, and less of them (Gears/Halo/Forza/Gears/Halo/Forza) The xbox is better at rehashing the same old tired franchices(Gears/Halo/Forza) over and over again The xbox is better at invading your privacy (Kinect spy cam etc) In a world where black is white and white is black, sure the xbox is much better then the PS4 isAnother one of MANY reasons why Sony>>>>>Microsoft/PS4>>>>>xbone Sony is much more willing to take risks with all different kinds of games(Journey, Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls, Gucameele, Ico etc) And Sony not only funds but fully embraces risky deep creative games like the Last of Us from the brilliant Naughty Dogs! What you can also take from that is Sony supports their developers like no one can Sony lets Naughty Dog do what they want and make the games they want to make. Only Sony allows that kind of creative freedom in the industry. Sony+Naughty Dog=Peanut butter+jelly.... Mean while..... 1. Microsoft is always content to do the absolute bare minimum with generic shallow cookie cutter shooters like Gears and Halo spammed to death on almost yearly cycles 2.So Microsoft KILLS creative freedom and also tries to boss around or imploy strong arm tactics on developers ... As Microsoft forced bungie to keep making Halo games and killed off RARE, so you can add those two things to the LONG LIST of shady things Microsoft has done. There is just no comparison here.... Sony>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Microsoft when it comes to everything regarding exclusive games/attitude/philosophy/ethics/creativity etc Microst is a CANCER to the gaming industry. Sony is like the antidote. Why we must cheer for Sony over Microlimpdick Hell, Microsoft needs to be getting even more flack then have already been getting for their transparent multi-plat+ Gears/Halo/Forza rehash "startegy Lets start a movement....#NoMoreShittyGearsHaloForzaSequlsBoxingandGaminglol xbot? i currently play my ps3 atleast 5x more than my 360. i just dont make BS comments due to being a fanboy like you do.. get a life. theyre both great consoles, but one of them will be better... we shall find ot soon
lol xbot? i currently play my ps3 atleast 5x more than my 360. i just dont make BS comments due to being a fanboy like you do.. get a life. theyre both great consoles, but one of them will be better... we shall find ot soon Im the fanboy for speaking the truth.. Yet appearently you are level headed even though you blew up in a fit of nerd rage-trying to defend Microsoft in response to FACTS LOL you are delusional....and people will be able to see that you are acting like an xbox fanboy We know which one is better The FACT IS PS4 is 50% more powerful and 100$ cheaper = PS4 IS better Any one who knows specs can look at the specs of both and see that the PS4 is significantly more powerful Plus look at what developers have been saying etc All the evidence points to one thing.. PS4 is 50% more powerful...whether you want to accept that or not IS irrelevant. Its simply the FACT of the matter Its rime to face sure are acting like an xbot in denial And based On how the PS4 is dominating pre prder sales....the people have already said the PS4 is better The xbox one is an over-priced, under-powered, anti consumer POS. I will never get an xbone[QUOTE="BoxingandGaming"]Another one of MANY reasons why Sony>>>>>Microsoft/PS4>>>>>xbone Sony is much more willing to take risks with all different kinds of games(Journey, Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls, Gucameele, Ico etc) And Sony not only funds but fully embraces risky deep creative games like the Last of Us from the brilliant Naughty Dogs! What you can also take from that is Sony supports their developers like no one can Sony lets Naughty Dog do what they want and make the games they want to make. Only Sony allows that kind of creative freedom in the industry. Sony+Naughty Dog=Peanut butter+jelly.... Mean while..... 1. Microsoft is always content to do the absolute bare minimum with generic shallow cookie cutter shooters like Gears and Halo spammed to death on almost yearly cycles 2.So Microsoft KILLS creative freedom and also tries to boss around or imploy strong arm tactics on developers ... As Microsoft forced bungie to keep making Halo games and killed off RARE, so you can add those two things to the LONG LIST of shady things Microsoft has done. There is just no comparison here.... Sony>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Microsoft when it comes to everything regarding exclusive games/attitude/philosophy/ethics/creativity etc Microst is a CANCER to the gaming industry. Sony is like the antidote. Why we must cheer for Sony over Microlimpdick Hell, Microsoft needs to be getting even more flack then have already been getting for their transparent multi-plat+ Gears/Halo/Forza rehash "startegy Lets start a movement....#NoMoreShittyGearsHaloForzaSequlsPitbulllova
BoxingandGaming's fanboy posts :lol:MonsieurXof course im a Playstation fanboy! Playstation has always been better, and the PS4 is looking much much much better then the xbone in every respect As a gamer why would i be a fan of a weaker more expensive xbone that has games as a secondary focus and that enforces a mandatory kinect spy cam Hell, If you are a real gamer you should be a playstatiom fanboy...because Sony is the only one who has consistently been for the gamer...Sony is the only one delivering the hard core gaming goods For someone to simply ignore all of that and just pretend to be a fan of Microsoft/xbox, they are nothing more then an xbot....and arent a real gamer to boot Only a real gamer would support the one who supports gaming, which that is Sony/Playstation To call yourself a gamer and support the xbox is like being an enslaved Palestinian in Isreal who supports zionist jews
[QUOTE="Pitbulllova"]lol xbot? i currently play my ps3 atleast 5x more than my 360. i just dont make BS comments due to being a fanboy like you do.. get a life. theyre both great consoles, but one of them will be better... we shall find ot soon Im the fanboy for speaking the truth.. Yet appearently you are level headed even though you blew up in a fit of nerd rage-trying to defend Microsoft in response to FACTS LOL you are delusional....and people will be able to see that you are acting like an xbox fanboy We know which one is better The FACT IS PS4 is 50% more powerful and 100$ cheaper = PS4 IS better Any one who knows specs can look at the specs of both and see that the PS4 is significantly more powerful Plus look at what developers have been saying etc All the evidence points to one thing.. PS4 is 50% more powerful...whether you want to accept that or not IS irrelevant. Its simply the FACT of the matter Its rime to face sure are acting like an xbot in denial And based On how the PS4 is dominating pre prder sales....the people have already said the PS4 is better The xbox one is an over-priced, under-powered, anti consumer POS. I will never get an xbone The 50% is a faster CPU that the media spun to mean power. The only way to find out which will be more powerful of the two is too wait for November.[QUOTE="BoxingandGaming"]Another one of MANY reasons why Sony>>>>>Microsoft/PS4>>>>>xbone Sony is much more willing to take risks with all different kinds of games(Journey, Heavy Rain/Beyond Two Souls, Gucameele, Ico etc) And Sony not only funds but fully embraces risky deep creative games like the Last of Us from the brilliant Naughty Dogs! What you can also take from that is Sony supports their developers like no one can Sony lets Naughty Dog do what they want and make the games they want to make. Only Sony allows that kind of creative freedom in the industry. Sony+Naughty Dog=Peanut butter+jelly.... Mean while..... 1. Microsoft is always content to do the absolute bare minimum with generic shallow cookie cutter shooters like Gears and Halo spammed to death on almost yearly cycles 2.So Microsoft KILLS creative freedom and also tries to boss around or imploy strong arm tactics on developers ... As Microsoft forced bungie to keep making Halo games and killed off RARE, so you can add those two things to the LONG LIST of shady things Microsoft has done. There is just no comparison here.... Sony>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Microsoft when it comes to everything regarding exclusive games/attitude/philosophy/ethics/creativity etc Microst is a CANCER to the gaming industry. Sony is like the antidote. Why we must cheer for Sony over Microlimpdick Hell, Microsoft needs to be getting even more flack then have already been getting for their transparent multi-plat+ Gears/Halo/Forza rehash "startegy Lets start a movement....#NoMoreShittyGearsHaloForzaSequlsBoxingandGaming
[QUOTE="BoxingandGaming"][QUOTE="Pitbulllova"] lol xbot? i currently play my ps3 atleast 5x more than my 360. i just dont make BS comments due to being a fanboy like you do.. get a life. theyre both great consoles, but one of them will be better... we shall find ot soonJakandsigzIm the fanboy for speaking the truth.. Yet appearently you are level headed even though you blew up in a fit of nerd rage-trying to defend Microsoft in response to FACTS LOL you are delusional....and people will be able to see that you are acting like an xbox fanboy We know which one is better The FACT IS PS4 is 50% more powerful and 100$ cheaper = PS4 IS better Any one who knows specs can look at the specs of both and see that the PS4 is significantly more powerful Plus look at what developers have been saying etc All the evidence points to one thing.. PS4 is 50% more powerful...whether you want to accept that or not IS irrelevant. Its simply the FACT of the matter Its rime to face sure are acting like an xbot in denial And based On how the PS4 is dominating pre prder sales....the people have already said the PS4 is better The xbox one is an over-priced, under-powered, anti consumer POS. I will never get an xbone The 50% is a faster CPU that the media spun to mean power. The only way to find out which will be more powerful of the two is too wait for November. When you compare specs the PS4 factually is 50% more powerful.....and nothing can change that Launch games have never taken advantage of a console's full power etc Waiting for launch is a stupid metric "to see" how powerful or more powerful systems are etc But even then, Killzone is looking miles better than ANY xbone launch game So the PS4 exclusives are already proving how much more powerful the PS4 is out the gate The power advantages will only continue to grow more and more in favor of the PS4 down the line So when you buy a PS4 for 100$ less you are also getting the more future proof GAMING console I dont see how any sane "gamer"could instead opt for the weaker, more expensive POS that is the xbone....makes no sense
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