What an embarrasing stat line for UK gamers to reveal
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Now this is how you do a sales blowout, lems.
"Bu bu but muh Black Friday!!!!"
Get the **** out of here.
The Xbox One sold 150,000 in 48 hours in the UK. And has sold more than the Wii U has in a year here.
The PS4 is the fastest-selling console in the UK with 250,000. And has outsold the Xbox One.
InfoScout scan receipts for data analysis and have said:
"Both Xbox consoles dominated sales on Friday, jointly accounting for 61% of the console market. Their success can be largely attributed to
limited availability of the PS4
in addition to Walmart discounting the
Xbox 360 down to $99
for Black Friday."
These are 'facts' from news articles that I have been repeating at you, and not my personal opinion. I have not conducted any form of data gathering or research beyond reading source articles.
Dude comparing the xbox one sales to the Wii U is not a compliment to the xbox one,it did not even beat the PSP on UK or PS3 launch,there alone you know the xbox one had a problem.
Infoscout is a survey which is quite different.
I wonder how well it did in the rest of Europe.
Sony should have sent more units to Germany. That's where all those crazy video's came from.
I'm actually a little shocked MS has been able to shift what they've shifted the general consensus among most people I game with (who happen to mostly game on 360) is that when we each jump to the new consoles the PS4 will be the console to jump to, cheaper and currently seems to put out better visuals, like alot of people I'll wait at least a year before making a final decision, interesting to see cows telling Lems to suck it considering the majority of the current installed userbase is yet to even pick up a new console.
I'm actually a little shocked MS has been able to shift what they've shifted the general consensus among most people I game with (who happen to mostly game on 360) is that when we each jump to the new consoles the PS4 will be the console to jump to, cheaper and currently seems to put out better visuals, like alot of people I'll wait at least a year before making a final decision, interesting to see cows telling Lems to suck it considering the majority of the current installed userbase is yet to even pick up a new console.
that may be true, but the early adopters matter. If you aren't even planning on buying a console until a year or so or whenever down the line, you'll most likely get the system that all of your friends got. For me, 360 was a clear choice even before there were any games i really wanted on it because pretty much everyone i knew who was remotely into videogames and got a new system had one. got a ps3 later on for exclusives, but was never really joined on that front.
I wanna say about 8/10 friends got the ps4 this time around with 2 of them refusing to budge from xbox in the hopes that the next gears game will be as good as 1-3.
That's good and bad news, sure ps4 deserves the praise, and it's good that knack despite the bad reviews gets a shot, but Mario deserves better c'mon peeps, m$ bashing is one thing, nintendo is another, but i'm sure they will eventually get a come back, just a matter of time.
And like someone said, a japanese looking game called wonderful 101 with no marketing at all, as good and fresh as it was, can only sell so much.
Meh... Mario is still better than Knack though... but knack seems more challenging, so i'll give my respect to knack on it's difficulty settings... only thing i will give it respect for.
I'm glad mario is losing this generation (: it's time for Yoshi to shine!!!
Nintendo, for F** sake go multiplat now! You are just wasting all your talent on that piece of DoA hardware.
So where are those people who said the wii u would do better over christmas as "it's a better purchase right now"?
Sorry, no dice. People are deciding their console purchases on the basis of a lifetime not a shoddy library over a single year.
I knew this would happen. I knew it, and I said it would, and it did.
So where are those people who said the wii u would do better over christmas as "it's a better purchase right now"?
Sorry, no dice. People are deciding their console purchases on the basis of a lifetime not a shoddy library over a single year.
I knew this would happen. I knew it, and I said it would, and it did.
Because we ALL know the Christmas holiday rush ends at Black Friday, right?
@nintendoboy16: So you think the Wii U is likely to sell over the course of christmas more than the ps4 even though it has to date failed to sell as much in it's whole lifetime compared with one single weekend?
It's over. It may be a marathon, not a sprint, but the PS4 is Mo Farah, and the wii u is a 90 year old with asthma and a walking stick. He's had a month's head start and Farah's already caught up and is speeding off into the distance. Goodnight Wii U. You didn't have the tools to win.
@nintendoboy16: So you think the Wii U is likely to sell over the course of christmas more than the ps4 even though it has to date failed to sell as much in it's whole lifetime compared with one single weekend?
It's over. It may be a marathon, not a sprint, but the PS4 is Mo Farah, and the wii u is a 90 year old with asthma and a walking stick. He's had a month's head start and Farah's already caught up and is speeding off into the distance. Goodnight Wii U. You didn't have the tools to win.
Maybe not win, but that doesn't mean it won't sell better over the season. At this point, keeping the Wii U in the market is the best thing they can do. Even the N64 and GameCube did that.
Man that's depressing if Knack did outsell Mario. Quality-wise, Knack has been a massive disappointment for me. It's story with all the voice actors feel so out of place and mundane, and the slow-down of the frame rate when you fight tanks or the goblin boss is so noticeably irritating. Visually, it looks good but man does it fall apart in almost every other aspect. On the other hand, the Mario game looks awesome and way more fun
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