...and also home for CoD, where will this end...
Hell yes, give me more. Japanese developer support is always welcome. Unless you're neptunia, then **** right off.
Last I checked I'm not Japanese and I'm not some anime weirdo so I don't really give a shit, have at it.
It's funny, cause so many of the games (and consoles!) you hype are not American, and in fact, Japanese.
Yeah, but the things I like are not some weird Hiroshima/Nagasaki radiation side effect perversion.
That's a rather disgusting comment, but then again not something unexpected of you.
What else can you expect from someone with a Master Chief shrine in their bedroom (pics shown on this very forum)... Nothing against that game, but I really can't stand people who spout racist bullshit... and who dismiss who genres because their console of choice doesn't have em. Funny how last gen some of these same people were proclaiming all sorts of praises for the two jrpg exclusives on xbox (lost odyssey and the bad one blue dragon)... even some liked tales due to vesperia but now they don't count...
Goal post shifting nonsense. All games count, no matter what some of you or I may think of them... even halo, even jrpgs, even if it sucks... it goes on the list....
That's not my bedroom btw, that's a game room.
Racist bullshit lol? Culture now equates to a race? That's a laugh... Weird that Shenmue is without a doubt one of my favorite game franchises in existence but it's not some twacked out anime sideshow... I don't have any issue with Japanese games, I have issue with this perverse, anime inspired nonsense that stereotypically odd people and the socially awkward seem to soak up.
Have you played Yakuza?
@nyadc: its a PS3 game, Yakuza 1 and 2 are PS2 though. There is a Yakuza 1 and 2 HD which is PS3/Wii U but Japan only
Yakuza 3, 4, Dead Souls, and 5 (localization coming soon) are PS3
there are other Yakuza spin-offs such as Isshin (PS3/PS4) but those are Japan only
Its on PS2 PS3 PSP and PS4 now but not all are western released.
Yakuza 1 and 2 are PS2 but there is an HD collection on PS3 and WIIU/yeah/ only in Japan , the rest are on the PS3 /5 and Yakuza 0 are still japan only/ , and the PSP are Japan only/they play like Def Jam Fight for NY/
JRPG's suck now
These aren't the glory days of Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Shining Force II, Phantasy Star IV, Secret of Mana, Earthbound, Suikoden II, etc.
These are the days of whiny, emo protagonists...the days where turn based combat has been all but abandoned...the days where these *** developers can't write a decent story to save their fucking lives.
So really...who cares about JRPG's anymore?
JRPG's suck now
These aren't the glory days of Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, Shining Force II, Phantasy Star IV, Secret of Mana, Earthbound, Suikoden II, etc.
These are the days of whiny, emo protagonists...the days where turn based combat has been all but abandoned...the days where these *** developers can't write a decent story to save their fucking lives.
So really...who cares about JRPG's anymore?
So you haven'y played Disgaea?
This is the wests fault not the devs.
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