Why is this a question? Are you asking or telling me the ps4 sucks dammit!
It doesn't, we are getting good games on it... calm down
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My PS4 is a professional dust collector. I have a PC and Wii U and almost every game on the PS4 is on Steam so, I buy the games on Steam instead. I don't think the PS4 is a disappointment unless you have a PC and realize that you can buy almost every game on there. I'm selling the PS4 to someone who will use it instead of having it in my room eating dust.
Copypasta since if I had to type this out everytime someone said this stupid argument, I'd have no time to focus on my acting career and playing video games:
Games set to release this year (exclusives):
Ni-Oh, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon Zern Dawn, Gran Turismo Sport, Uncharted 4, Persona 5, World of Final Fantasy, The Tomorrow Children, Alienation, Matterfall, The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2, Drawn to Death, Dreams, What Remains of Edith Finch, Shadow of the Beast, MLB The Show 16, Ace Combat 7, Detroit: Become Human, Hotshots Golf, Hunger, The King of Fighters XIV, Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness, Wattam, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza 6, Let It Die, Kill Stain, etc etc (and there are more)
Deep Down, Wild, Ni no Kuni 2, an open world horror game by sony bend, god of war 4, sucker punch's next game, etc etc beyond this year.
''So ps4 has barely any must have game...''
Maybe you should find another hobby TC. There are already about 600 games reviewed on metacritic, almost 400 with quality scores (70+).
As for the topic, this is becoming one of my favourite generations, so no.
I guess if you have a PC the PS4 has been garbage. It's worse when you follow the gaming media too because you are aware of the seconds left before a game releases. Back in the day you used to hear about games once and before you knew it, they were out.
I'm using mine as Fromsoftstation 4, and i'm loving every second of it. Souls and Bloodborne. Everything else i play on PC.
Not most people would think my utilizing of it to be good value, but i consider those games absolute masterpieces, so for me it has been well worth it.
Bloodborne is all you need.
I agree I mean if you have a gaming rig PS4 has almost nothing for you
Except over 20 quality exclusives this year alone.
If you have a PC the PS4 is pretty bad, which if you're interested enough in gaming to join forums, you should probably get a PC.
I guess if you have a PC the PS4 has been garbage. It's worse when you follow the gaming media too because you are aware of the seconds left before a game releases. Back in the day you used to hear about games once and before you knew it, they were out.
Nope, been loving my PS4. So many quality exclusives coming this year that aren't on PC. R&C was just the start (amazing game) and there's more to come.
I guess if you have a PC the PS4 has been garbage. It's worse when you follow the gaming media too because you are aware of the seconds left before a game releases. Back in the day you used to hear about games once and before you knew it, they were out.
Nope, been loving my PS4. So many quality exclusives coming this year that aren't on PC. R&C was just the start (amazing game) and there's more to come.
I'm sure it is. But my point is when you follow gaming, it seems less impressive. Because you're watching the library slowly grow from nothing.
Alt account. This guy is a joke.
Until Dawn (AWESOME)
Infamous Second son (AWESOME)
Last of Us Remasted (AWESOME)
Ratchet and Clank (AWESOME)
Salt and Sanctuary (AWESOME)
Odin Sphere (going to be awesome)
All say Hello.
The best exclusives.
The best multi-plats.
The BEST place to play unless you want to play crap like quanum broke and gears of war.
Both PS4 and X1 have been huge letdowns so far. Some great 3rd party games, but mostly rinse and repeat from last gen. 1st party support for both has been terrible, and 3rd party exclusives are mostly mediocre with the exception of maybe Bloodborne.
As messed up as it is, Wii U was the only system this gen with any truly worthwhile exclusives. If it had been powerful enough to get 3rd party support on the same level as PS4/X1, it would have easily been the best console this gen.
This console generation as a whole is lacking in quality games, especially when compared to the generations of the past.
People who criticize Sony need to realize they basically have no true competition. Sony simply isn't pressed to bring out titles like they were last gen. Sony would rather watch their console sell right now considering where the PS3 left them.
Nintendo's home console business is minimal at best and Microsoft will be playing catch up for many, many years.
Despite I already comment like 5 days ago, I honestly don't see why this thread needed to be here on SW. It was just doing fine in Games Discussion.
Maybe the Games Discussion requires that each system maintain a quota of 5 good exclusives, so they don't allow any discussion about the PS4, Xbone, or PSVita.
This console generation as a whole is lacking in quality games, especially when compared to the generations of the past.
People who criticize Sony need to realize they basically have no true competition. Sony simply isn't pressed to bring out titles like they were last gen. Sony would rather watch their console sell right now considering where the PS3 left them.
Nintendo's home console business is minimal at best and Microsoft will be playing catch up for many, many years.
Software development takes Y E A R S.
Don't use the "no competition" crap as an excuse because Microsoft are always innovating them out of the game.
@davillain-: this is SW material. Threads composed of "this console vs that console vs PC is the best" is SW. If the discussion was truly and solely a thoughtful critique of the PS4, and ONLY discussion of the PS4 (not how and why PC or the Bone is better) then I would argue PS forum is where it belongs, not General Discussion. But it didn't stick to facts and it didn't stick to just commenting on the PS4, so here it is
@beardmad: I guess. Games Dicsussion is also my safe place to getway from this place when I need a break :P
I tried going to the Playstation, Nintendo, Xbox, and Games Discussion Forums, but they're all dead most of the time it seems.
as someone with a gaming PC and a PS4 hooked up to the same TV, I literally haven't turned my PS4 on since November 2015. If it wasn't for the fact that Read Dead 2 is likely coming, I'd sell it after Uncharted 4. I have no interest in the various JRPG type games and The Last Guarian that seem to comprise the bulk of PS4 exclusives over the next while.
Huge disappointment indeed.
Technically, no. For it to be a huge disappointment, we would have had to have high expectations to begin with.
I think we can all agree that the PlayStation 4 is an under powered, poorly designed piece of junk with a crap-tier library of games ... it's what we expected, and it's what we got.
but so far all we've had has only been ... a few interesting (but yet not great) games.
Speak for yourself. Bloodborne is still my favorite game of the whole generation. On the exclusive front I also enjoyed Infamous SS, Killzone SF and The Order 1886 aswell.
But yeah, sure, exclusives wise Sony could have done a better job but the time when exclusives were the main point to sell consoles are long gone. The biggest and better library is more important. Get used to it
This console generation is a disappointment. Between the 3 of them, 2 great exclusives so far. The rest is a lot of mediocre stuff, and a few pretty good games, and those are on the WiiU, and come with a major side of "ugh Nintendo made another one of those".
PS4 is just a clone of the xbox 360 without any of the innovation or excitement.
What is the X1 a clone of? A turd?
So ps4 has barely any must have games, sure uncharted 4 is coming out and probably's going to be great, but so far all we've had has only been remastered games and a few interesting (but yet not great) games. So now sony has come up with this ps4.5 model Which as been confirmed and it seems like an excuse for the low potential of the ps4. So what do you guys think about it?
You must hate consoles.
@mpmarcovichpt: PS4 has a 500+ game library lead over the Xbone. If you think the PS4 is a huge disappointment, then the Xbone must be a failure to you by comparison and it's lack of games. That said, I own both and I don't consider the PS4 a disappointment nor the Xbone a failure.
I do agree this generation is not amazing, but what you define as good games differs per person. It's subjective. Ratchet and Clank just came out, Infamous was a good game, Disgaea 5, Street Fighter 5, Guilty Gear Xrd, TearAway: Unfolded, Salt and Sanctuary, Until Dawn, and let's not forget the award winning Bloodborne. This year's lineup looks pretty solid as well with No Man's Sky, Persona 5, Uncharted 4, Star Ocean, Guilty Gear Xrd - Revelator, Horizon, and quite a few other sweet games.
Finally, the PS4K rumor is just a rumor so there is no relevant commentary on it yet, but if you are insinuating that Sony is going to abandon the #1 selling, most powerful console on the market today, you'd be wrong to expect that.
Both consoles have been a joke. Shouldn't of bought them when they first released. Only games I've enjoyed on my X1 has been Forza and on the PS4 side its Until Dawn. The rest have been crap. All the multiplats are better on PC so that is where I do my gaming now. I think the next game for me is R/C because I'm a sucker for that series. Might get me using my PS4 again.
You walk into Best Buy, Toys R Us, or Walmart and I always see a much bigger selection for Xbox One games.
Hmmm, I don't think you honestly have been paying attention as that observation is incredibly skewed by "the grass is always greener on the other side" syndrome. Since you haven't owned both consoles since 2013, it would be easy to let a bias creep in. You get a brand new machine, and it makes sense you would have enthusiasm and even want to justify the purchase.
Your observation is anecdotal, and to be frank I notice the complete opposite at Walmart, Toys R Us, and Best Buy. I always see there is a much bigger selection for PS4 games, and rightfully so because the PS4 has hundreds more games (due to the massive sales lead of the PS4 machine for the most part and indie game policies). Sometimes I see retailers try to be even with regards to sections with both machines providing equal space, even if one machine (PS4) needs far more space to hold the extra amount of games. Even if one machine makes more money for that retailer than the other machine. So, you have a bunch of games crammed in one section (PS4) and doubles floating around in the Xbox section to fill it up the equal space. Then you have bargain sections in stores like Best Buy filled with PS4 games. You weren't very scientific with your observations, but this is the second time you posted it after being corrected.
The PS4 has a 500+ game library lead. It also has more retail games at retailers on the market due to the Japanese support and indie game support. You can verify this yourself by checking online or just walking in a Gamestop and asking them how many games total they sell for both platforms. Heck, if you check the Pre-order list of upcoming games, the PS4 has a huge lead on incoming games as well. The trend of having a bigger library isn't slowing down, as the gap has only increased since 2013 when I got my Xbone.
All that said, if you love 343's take on the Halo brand after Bungie broke free, and you want to check out a brand new developers take on GeoW franchise after EPIC broke free, then Xbone is for you, even if it has hundreds of less games.
So ps4 has barely any must have games, sure uncharted 4 is coming out and probably's going to be great, but so far all we've had has only been remastered games and a few interesting (but yet not great) games. So now sony has come up with this ps4.5 model Which as been confirmed and it seems like an excuse for the low potential of the ps4. So what do you guys think about it?
1/10. More effort please to look more convincing.
One of the worst bait , trollish topics in a while. From your total posts to what you have to say to what you asking ... I wonder why so many cant see thru that and taking you seriously
FF14, SF5, evil within, TLoU, CoD Aw BO3, Batman, USF4, MGS5 TPP etc etc.
Seems i have got my money worth, saying that i got my worth out of a WiiU.
Yes.. The system axed out so many features the predecessor had and the fanboys are hypocrites.. Last gen they claimed Sony was the best because they did not charge for numerous services like multiplayer.. They have gone back on that this gen, took away features, and even charged people for features on a monthly model (Backwards compatibility).. It's actually pretty sad and creepy how some of these "fans" some how take this shit personally like Sony is a company that cares about them specifically..
It's funny how people alway desperately try to criticize the PS4 library by saying it ONLY has Bloodborne (I guess lems/sony haters have fallen back on that ol only high profile AAA games matter argument to bash PS systems?)
Well...the funny thing is you NEVER see these hecklers offer the better alternatives on other systems out they are fanboying.
Simply put, what the hell is coming out on other systems that is supposed to be so much BETTER than what PS4 has and coming out this gen? Only exclusives count right?
Using the same metrics that PS4 is measured by, NO indies count, NO multi-plats count, NOTHING under AAA counts. lol, I'd argue the ONLY system that has a better list would be Wii U under that criteria and that includes PC which has crap going by the standards PS4 is judged.
So fanboys need to stop using the "if you own a PC" argument because out side of exclusives it has the same games PS4 does so that makes PC "crap" since it doesn't have any high profile AAA exclusives (only indie level titles which don't seem to count for PS4) that don't compete with the best exclusives PS4 has this gen.
The biggest and best exclusive game PC has this gen is XCOM2, a top down strategy game...damn the PC is a huge disappointment huh!?
Yes it has been a disappointment. Don't know who said it but I'm too lazy to go back and quote it.... it's basically a 360 without the innovative features and excitement.
.... and don't listen to these buffoons talking about 900+ games. Pure nonsense and means nothing if 95% of that 900 is pure shovelware. Not only that but the same simpletons talking about 900+ games don't give a damn about those games themselves and can't even name those games. I look at the ps4 and all I see is UC4 which isn't out yet. I look at the Xbox One and I see Halo 5, Gears 4, Sunset Overdrive, Forza 6, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Recore, Quantum Break, Cuphead, Scalebound, etc... Even without Fable Legends it's still a better exclusive line up than what the ps4 has at the moment. Heck Gears 4 alone this holiday is singlehandedly going to crap on any ps4 exclusive game.
look at the ps4 and all I see is UC4 which isn't out yet...
I look at the Xbox One and I see Halo 5, Gears 4, Sunset Overdrive, Forza 6, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Recore, Quantum Break, Cuphead, Scalebound, etc... Even without Fable Legends it's still a better exclusive line up than what the ps4 has at the moment. Heck Gears 4 alone this holiday is singlehandedly going to crap on any ps4 exclusive game.
sounds legit and not selective and subjective as hell
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