You have access to a streaming rental service? wow, da **** does this have to do with XBL. cows grasping as usual.
You wanna be happy about this, fine.
Just to point out yet more cow hypocrisy though. Weren't you guys complaining about the proposed Xbox DRM 'what if you lose connection'. Then you're given a Onlive like streaming service which has an absolute reliance on your connection and the quality of it and it's 'WOOOO YEAHHHHHH TEH OWNAGE'. Make up your minds.
Point is that you can use it or not. It is not required like what ms planned. Sure went over your head.
What has that got to do with it? People are claiming ownage for a service that requires a perfect connection if you choose to use it. Did that go over your head?
And you compared it to what ms planned last e3. So why did you say that to start with then if its not related?
Good one.
Re-read what I wrote, I was talking about what you said, not what I said.
Silly billy. I responded to your post about drm. I replied to you! Get it? Maybe you should just learn to read?
You must get into some awkward social situations with your lack of communication skills.
Funny, I'm only having this issue with you.
I was referring to the cows hyping this and the need for a permanent connection whist playing. You started talking about how one was required. In fact if you're in any way planning to use this service, the permanent connection is still required, and it's not once a day that it needs to be checked, it needs a permanent solid connection.
Whether the service is required is irrelevant. You want it, this is the deal, you need to be online worrying about your connection, so how can someone complain about how the connection to one service could effect gameplay, whilst another WILL effect gameplay.
Okay let's take Xbls proposed DRM out of the equation and replace it with possible future use of the Azure cloud service (which would require much less bandwidth than PS Now). Still the connection to one (Azure) could effect gameplay, and with PS Now it WILL effect gameplay, it doesn't even need to go completely, you could lose bandwidth quality during a busy period and you're fucked. But cows still claim ownage? The hypocrisy stands.
Cows complain about Azure 'what if you're not close to a server centre', well MS have spent around 10billion dollars since 2009 building the infrastructure and server centres around the world. So they're still likely in a better position with that.
No, what you are saying is pretty stupid.
Let's put it into context so you can stop saying stupid things. Playing a PS NOW is = to playing any multiplayer online game out now (Titanfall, Battlefield, ect.) you only need to have the online connection when you pay those specific games and you are NOT required to stay connected online with the system or for any other normal offline functions or games where online connection isn't needed.
Also the connection being required is entirely the point. You don't have to subscribe to PS NOW just like you don't have to subscribe to PSN+ to play online multiplayer games to use the system.
I already moved this on to a more suitable comparison to make it easier for you.
So why isn't it the same thing for Azure Cloud gaming. Why then is that reduced to 'latency' and 'what if you lose connection'.
And you're playing a single player game and you lose connection, then what? You've lost your progress. The cows specially make a big deal out of how the connection would effect single player gaming in relation to the Azure Cloud.
Harp on all you want. Yor point is wrong. Get over it move on.
Ah man I was suckered in, no ones that useless at this, just wasted my time.
I tip my hat to you sir. Well played.
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