You can still use Playroom w/o the camaera, just not as seen there. Regardless, was going to pick it up anyway.
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You can still use Playroom w/o the camaera, just not as seen there. Regardless, was going to pick it up anyway.
You forgot to put your electricity bill for the year,gasoline to go gamestop to buy the games,and food expenses to because you know some times we get hungry while playing...hahahaah
My god post like this most belong to 12 years old,is impossible that you have more than 15 impossible..hahaha
But it's ok when you guys do the whole...uh $299 for the 360, $60 a year for live over 7 years equals $420, plus batteries, plus this, plus that crap though. Fanboys and hypocrisy, and you're one of the worst at .
That was an awesome segment last night no doubt. I couldn't sleep so I just stumbled upon it. :D
can't resist..
"The PS4 is a flop, lock and load strap one down baby to prevent the wobble"
And still will outsell the xbox one while been a flop it makes the beating even
Kind of ironic that this is the PS4 system seller given all the talk about how X1 is all about Kinect. Will be funny when families buys Ps4 for 399 get home to play with the robots and then wonder why the heck it doesn't work (hint: You need to buy a camera as well for another 60).
Demo looks fun. Kinect like devices are great toys for kids (kinect 2 is way better and more versatile though).
The demo looks pretty cool. Still it's pretty funny that the game comes with the PS4, yet you can't play it without the PS Eye bar.
Anyway it does look like something that would be interesting just to show friends how the PS4 works. The "games" would get old really quick I suspect.
Don't pay attention to Kuu2. He's a cow that just wants to make Lems look bad.
I'm starting to think so too lol
So the kinect is stupid, but a ghetto version of the kinect is awesome.
Makes sense.
This. Lots of this.
Should be some amazing lemming gifs coming of these guys waving their arms and all. Why aren't all the hardcore cows trashing this? LMAO.
Too bad the robot feature is cooler than any of the launch exclusives.
That champagne thing though, people will be having a laugh at that for a while.
Wonder Woman agrees.
"While I don't plan on getting the eye, the guys over at IGN were playing around with this as well, and they were laughing their asses off. Way more fun than Kinect.."
@walloftruth: take your negativity somewhere else
Well that's the price of the PS4 + its gadgets, if that's too negative for you then you're in the wrong forum and you probably should refrain from looking at the PS4, especially since the score of Knack and Killzone is quite negative in its own.
You added optional accessories. I spent $620 for a console and 3 games.
Demoing a product that does not even come with the console.
Way to bait and switch Sony.
So if they demo'd a game that didn't come with the console, that's a bait and switch too?
lol - lemmings.
Demoing a product that does not even come with the console.
Way to bait and switch Sony.
From the get it he says "If you have the camera."
That robot demo was hilariously awesome.
Clearly he's talking abut Ice T not being included with the PS4, FU SONY!!!
Demoing a product that does not even come with the console.
Way to bait and switch Sony.
From the get it he says "If you have the camera."
That robot demo was hilariously awesome.
Clearly he's talking abut Ice T not being included with the PS4, FU SONY!!!
Sony confirmed racists.
@Crypt_mx: Exactly........
Sony Fan circle jerking over a camera accessory is to richly ironic.
Sony continues to innovate I guess.
WTF there was a camera for motion gaming on PS2 before the xbox 360 even existed even less Kinect go else where to pretend MS was the first to use a camera for motion
Funny sony also had a sport games,an exercise game to,hell the game is call Before Kinect even existed..
Demoing a product that does not even come with the console.
Way to bait and switch Sony.
Yeah.. the Playroom is already installed on the PS4, but without the Eye Camera, it's worthless. It's a cool little demo that most gamers will never get to try because the Eye Camera isn't include with the system.
PS4 uses Jimmy Fallon Show: It's SUPER EFFECTIVE!
Yup, and he'll have XBox One on his show before it launches as well. Playing Kinect and using the GUI with Kinect I'm sure.
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