Incoming case number 4
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For PC malfunction rates 2011, refer to
In the motherboard market there doesn't seem to be a lot of difference between manufacturers:
The memory market shows quite a different story, especially OCZ dropped the ball as its failure rate increase more than doubled compared to the last report.
The HDD is likely one of the most critical components in your computer, in this category Maxtor received the best ranking:
SSD failure rates are also listed and although you usually hear that SSDs are more durable than HDDs the numbers show a different story. Only Intel SSDs seem to score significantly better than HDDs.
I expect PS4's malfunctions rates to be around the industry average.
Whats worse?
599$ or the Red line of death.
What's $599? A PC? lol!!
Wonder Woman chuckles.
"Lems want so much for there to be a debacle as bad as the RROD. I don't think a comet crashing into the earth would quite match up to the damage RROD did."
All you want to do is compare PS3 & PS4 faults to the 360 which already weathered the RROD issues and outsold the PS3 last gen. You're obviously butthurt and mad, because all you've been doing in every thread is damage control. Everyone knows it.
Sony might need to hire a few more customer support reps.
That's really how it is. Keep you on customer "support" for almost two hours and throw 10 dollars of credit at you. Take the money and get out!
That's really how it is. Keep you on customer "support" for almost two hours and throw 10 dollars of credit at you. Take the money and get out!
Could be worse MS deny RROD for 2 years and charge people $150 and gave nothing for your
The thing with this PS4 problem is they're not just one issue. Theres red lines, blue lights, white lights, no lights, error codes, PSN down, slow UI, PS4 running hot seen with thermal imaging, and the wobble just to name a few we know of right now. And it's suspect how they made up a number of .04% defects so fast, which tells us that's a BS number and is really higher than they want to admit. It will catch up to them though.
Here is a place you can go as a support group for PS4 bricks.
two different links. I didn't read through all yet but A LOT of pissed people. One said "4% my ass".
Yeah.. there seems to be a lot more then just 7-8 people right now. I believe the firmware update that is autodownloading is causing the problem it seems. People who get the firmware from off the Playstation website, don't seem to be having the same issues.
It's not overheating even though the RED LIGHT is coming on. Some guy said he only had the unit on for 2 mins before the red light came on. No way a system would overheat that fast.
Here's a survey of people who are having issues on IGN.
All you want to do is compare PS3 & PS4 faults to the 360 which already weathered the RROD issues and outsold the PS3 last gen. You're obviously butthurt and mad, because all you've been doing in every thread is damage control. Everyone knows it.
Sony might need to hire a few more customer support reps.
Dude a huge part of those 360 sold were rebuys,deny it all you want go on make a survey here how many own fat 360,Delta went by 4 and he got a slim,funny how live account are only 46 million which half of those been gold and half silver on a 80 million user base,so 34 million xbox 360 owners did not even have an account.?
I went by 2 my brother in law by 3,and all my friend minimum 2 most 4..
RROD was huge incredibly huge..
Let me ask you this if you have 35 retail games 20 Live ones,2 or 3 controller and your xbox 360 RROD out of warranty what the fu** will you do..?
A- Sell every game on gamestop for dirt,and sell the HDD with all 20 games for even more dirt.?
B- Buy a PS3 and let your xbox 360 games go to waste re buy any multiplatform.?
C- Buy a core unit slap the HDD from the damage one and keep playing like nothing happen.?
The only damage control i see here is your,not only that incredible hypocrisy as well with your double standard arguments.
That's really how it is. Keep you on customer "support" for almost two hours and throw 10 dollars of credit at you. Take the money and get out!
Could be worse MS deny RROD for 2 years and charge people $150 and gave nothing for your
Dat damage control. LOL!! They didn't deny it for 2 years, you are so #$%@&* delusional it's not even funny. Stay on topic dude. This ain't about the XBox 360. Even with the RROD it beat the PS3. lol!!
Every piece of electronic hardware has failures where some kind of error light is displayed. Why is this news? Will see the same thing in a few weeks with the Xbox One.
They do?? I had a Hitachi Television from 1979 (I'm not kidding, I'm dead serious) that still worked perfectly before I threw it out. The only reason I threw it out was because everything went to digital and that TV would never receive a digital signal without a box hooked to it. Plus I have almost all LED HDTV's now. The guy who sold the Hitachi TV to my mother said the Hitachi TV would last for 20-30 yrs, it was that reliable. He was right.
This PS4 complaint forum is already at 18 pages and growing.
So is this the reason Sony didn't have any retail PS4 at the E3, Gamescom, EuroGamer or TGS? We knew they were hiding something. I still wonder if their kiosk actually have retail PS4's in them or devkits.
Dat damage control. LOL!! They didn't deny it for 2 years, you are so #$%@&* delusional it's not even funny. Stay on topic dude. This ain't about the XBox 360. Even with the RROD it beat the PS3. lol!!
WTF they extended the warranty on July 2007 RROD has been on since before launch when the first Mountain Dew units were deliver what the hell man this is common knowledge.
Despite the overwhelming evidence that the Xbox 360 is a relatively unreliable games machine, Microsoft officials refuse to comment on its failure rate. Peter Moore, VP of Microsoft’s entertainment division, said to the Mercury News, “I can’t comment on failure rates, because it’s just not something – it’s a moving target. What this consumer should worry about is the way that we’ve treated him. Y’know, things break, and if we’ve treated him well and fixed his problem, that’s something that we’re focused on right now. I’m not going to comment on individual failure rates because I’m shipping in 36 countries and it’s a complex business.”
Similar questions regarding the Xbox 360 hardware met with the man responsible for the design of the console, Todd Holmdahl. He too sidestepped the issue with the Mercury News, saying, “I would say we don’t have a high defect rate. The vast majority of people are really excited about their product, and that we are targeting profitability for next year.”
Look at the date of the article July 2 2007 just a few days before the warranty was bump from 1 year to 3,which was the second bump since the first one was 90 and bumped to 1 year.
Look how moore dance around the question,and look how he even dare to say ""You know things break"" which were the words that hunt him until he went out of MS lines.
I wonder what you and the rest of the hypocrites will say if sony say you know things break like MS did,oh wait look a little further down the guy who made the design of the unit denying hi fail rates..
Thats the link to the interview he Deny high fail rates he dance around questions,the journalist would not stop asking the same question until he deny high fail rates.
Funny he was doing that 16 damn days before MS extended the damn warranty to 3 years,don't freaking tell me that he did not know the huge issues,MS deny it until the very end basically 2 weeks before the warranty extension they were denying it..
Warranty extension happen on July 5,on June 19 that dude was denying high fail rate.
RROD was huge and MS deny it for 2 years basically.
Tormentos, stop wasting your time. I'm not even reading all that garbage. This thread ain't about the RROD on the 360. You're just butthurt as usually.
EA seems to think they know what's causing all those PS4 to have problems booting up.
Apparently Sony is working on an update for the firmware stability issue. What a mess. Glad I haven't even opened my PS4 yet.
So now we justify Sony current incompetence by worrying about MS missteps in 2007?
Cows are the most delusional ....
@Heil68: Is that Fifa? If so, how is it?
Awesome thus far. I played 3 straight hours of it this morning. I'm now play AC IV. 7 straight hours of gaming and no problems, plus the 4 last night.
You're one of the lucky ones from what I've been reading. Did you install a bigger HDD into your PS4 or did you use the original HDD?
@brucebenzing: More like lemmings are trying to wipe their memory of RROD. Lemmings better hope Xbox One's dont brick because RROD 2.0 would caught on like wildfire.
A new piece of electronic equipment fails? NOOOOOOOOOOOO
Someone needs to wrangle everyone up who's making a mountain out of this mole hill and take them to an island where darwinism is king.
Sean, I couldn't respect you more in the dark times of this board.
Tormentos, stop wasting your time. I'm not even reading all that garbage. This thread ain't about the RROD on the 360. You're just butthurt as usually.
EA seems to think they know what's causing all those PS4 to have problems booting up.
Apparently Sony is working on an update for the firmware stability issue. What a mess. Glad I haven't even opened my PS4 yet.
They have already retracted that statement.
@brucebenzing: More like lemmings are trying to wipe their memory of RROD. Lemmings better hope Xbox One's dont brick because RROD 2.0 would caught on like wildfire.
Seems to me the only people still worrying about RROD are Cows.
@brucebenzing: More like lemmings are trying to wipe their memory of RROD. Lemmings better hope Xbox One's dont brick because RROD 2.0 would caught on like wildfire.
Seems to me the only people still worrying about RROD are Cows.
LOL!! As usual.
Since EA retracted their statement, I wonder what Sony has to say about all these firmware issues causing PS4 to blink blue or turn red and shut down the system.
@brucebenzing: And the majority of people worrying about PS4s bricking are lemmings. Do we honestly need to make a new thread every time a single person has an issue with PS4? I don't think so. .4% of people are having issues and lemmings are flipping out because they want the PS4 to have the same issues that the 360 had.
@brucebenzing: More like lemmings are trying to wipe their memory of RROD. Lemmings better hope Xbox One's dont brick because RROD 2.0 would caught on like wildfire.
All im seeing are a bunch of reports of broken PS4's and cows covering their own asses by bringing up another consoles faults years ago.
good to see cows finally getting the other end of the stick.
Wonder Woman chuckles.
"Lems want so much for there to be a debacle as bad as the RROD. I don't think a comet crashing into the earth would quite match up to the damage RROD did."
forget the lems, what about the cows who bashed the 360 for hardware failures and are now having PS4 hardware failures?
and lems bashed cows for ylod...pot meet kettle situation here
Whats worse?
599$ or the Red line of death.
What's $599? A PC? lol!!
Wonder Woman chuckles.
"Lems want so much for there to be a debacle as bad as the RROD. I don't think a comet crashing into the earth would quite match up to the damage RROD did."
All you want to do is compare PS3 & PS4 faults to the 360 which already weathered the RROD issues and outsold the PS3 last gen. You're obviously butthurt and mad, because all you've been doing in every thread is damage control. Everyone knows it.
Sony might need to hire a few more customer support reps.
Wonder Woman responds.
"Actually, PS3 outsold 360. But I digress. If sales matter...then the Wii was the best console this gen."
Dude. Shut up already. Quit living in the past, we are talking about NOW. The PS4 and Xbox One. Not the PS3 and Xbox 360.
I had my Xbox 360 repaired after 2008 and I've never had problems since. My PS3 also broke on me too with the YLOD in 2009 and I had it fixed, I have not had problems with it ever since.
I don't believe Microsoft would be willing to commit the same mistake again, the RROD fiasco cost them a billion dollars. That would be incredibly stupid.
Sure, there might be faulty and defective consoles, as is expected with both the PS4 and Xbox One. But I find it funny how in the other thread you were downplaying how big the possible numbers could be when it comes to failure rates for the PS4, and trying to say that the Xbox One will fail instead. You clearly are trying to make a case that the Xbox One will have another RROD problem even though there has not been a single report of the console failing.
You are clearly a fanboy. Also, btw, I'm buying both the PS4 and Xbox One, but I choose not to be biased and ignorant to the issues the PS4 is facing right now. I do prefer the games on Xbox One, but that is just a matter of taste, we all have personal taste. Expect me to argue with people about the issues of the Xbox One in the coming days if there are any. I won't be defending the Xbox if it has issues, just like I'm not defending the PS4 because it has issues.
But I believe there is no reasoning with you, as you are clearly in way over your head.
@brucebenzing: And the majority of people worrying about PS4s bricking are lemmings. Do we honestly need to make a new thread every time a single person has an issue with PS4? I don't think so. .4% of people are having issues and lemmings are flipping out because they want the PS4 to have the same issues that the 360 had.
Probably due to the fact that Cows in 2013 are still worried about a 360 problem from 2007,
Do you honestly believe that anyone that has hooked up their PS4 and had a problem now has said 'Oh darn there seems to be a problem but that's OK because the 360 had the RROD back in 2007'?
Literally all the lems of SW are in here circle jerking lol gota love the DC!
Someone's mad. No different then Cows circle jerkiing on the XB1 for the past 3 months. I'm sure lems are loving all the whining and crying you cows are doing.
No one knows how widespread the problems are with the PS4. Everyone haven't even received their systems yet. People saying it's only 0.4 is guessing. Even Sony don't know yet. When they mentioned 0.4 only 9 people had reported a problem and the system hadn't even launched yet. There are a lot more then that now having issues. Sony's Playstation community forums are proof of that. I'm going to check IGN and NeoGaf's forums next.
Cows are the ones doing all the damage controling. hoping and praying the issues don't get any worse. lol!!
@Heil68: Is that Fifa? If so, how is it?
Awesome thus far. I played 3 straight hours of it this morning. I'm now play AC IV. 7 straight hours of gaming and no problems, plus the 4 last night.
Thanks. I was on the fence about that game but I think I will go pick it up.
Sony is doomed!! doomed!!! i tell you Doomed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we're all gonna die too because of it! the red line of death is a self destruct 300megaton bomb that will fly into space and explode causing a shockwave strong enough to move the planet and disrupt the gravity field.. resulting in our deaths eventually...
Death to Sony!!!
There's 26+ Pages of people complaining of broken consoles with Sony telling them it'll take 5-6 Weeks for a replacement. I'm really scared now because this is sounding like a giant epidemic and nowhere near the .04% Yoshida would want us to believe. Unfortunately I opened my games already but if my system isn't working then i'm just going X1.
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