lol this thread back fired quick.
Funny how excuses that aren't allowed for the 360 are acceptable for the PS4.
Suddenly 'multiplats count as games'. This one cow a couple weeks ago said 'who said multiplats don't count?'... Erm the cows did.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
lol this thread back fired quick.
Funny how excuses that aren't allowed for the 360 are acceptable for the PS4.
Suddenly 'multiplats count as games'. This one cow a couple weeks ago said 'who said multiplats don't count?'... Erm the cows did.
Xbox one is about to crush the ps4 in the launch game department. #DealWithIt
With what.? Forza ,...hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Because Dead Rising = average.
Ryse is a boring hack and slash.
And Killer Instinct need i say more.?
Is not the greatest launch line ups for the 2 consoles,but is good enough for both,1 game standing out in both consoles and the rest multiplatforms and fillers.
Opinions. And what's wrong with Forza? I'll have to remember to say that the next time one of those average scoring GT games come out.
Silly heeweeRuss
pc\console exclusives doesn't exist
Then why Titanfall is counted for xbox one...Is on PC to.
it's not an exclusive
But is counted never the less and use by all lemmings as fuel in fact TitanFall is basically the best game as of now coming to the xbox one next year,while on PS4 it may be a real exclusive The Order.
@tormentos: your reason for Forza5 not being a quality launch title is "hahahaha", seriously? That franchise has made gran tourism it's personal bitch for the past 7 years.... Not sure laughter is an appropriate response.
No dude that series has score a little higher than Grand Turismo,and in recent years the series has go down in quality thanks to MS milking,in fact last year spinoff didn't get 9 across the board like the other Forza games did.
But nice that you ignore the rest of my post,like i already say both units have only 1 game that stand out,Killzone on PS4 Forza on xbox one,the rest are fillers and multiplatform games,which by the way are superior on PS4,going by BF4 info we have,and how NFS was shown alone side PC for PS4 and look just as great but the xbox one version was no where to be found.
Hell the PS4 is the console for shooter this holiday,and is not just Killzone, there are other Free to play games,as well + superior version of multiplatfoms like i already say.
That is the most pathetic damage control list I have ever seen. I cannot wait for cows to say that Titanfall isn't exclusive yet praise this list.
Sign of desperation claiming the PS4 launch is better than Xbox One because it has more games.
You can play half the indie games on a standard spec PC and they have been out for ages. At least Titanfall is new to PC/Xbox and you will require something half decent to play it.
The choice of games is a personal decision but:-
Take out the games you can play on PC and Xbox One's has the lead
Only look at AA rated games (expected) and above and Xbox One has the lead
Look at games you can buy in the shop and Xbox One has the lead
Look at games that will sell and Xbox One has more
See Lostrib.. Indies are invalid because they are on PC,but Titanfall isn't invalid because is new,even that you don't even need an xbox one.
And now more people are choosing to go with the PS4,i wonder if they don't consider those games on xbox one so great...
Take away games on PC.? hahaha double standard ahoy,lets take Titanfall away then and the xbox one line up for 2014 look like sh**,is there anything other than Titanfall on 2014.? Because i don't think Halo will make it next year,and even if it did Halo is not what is use to be and that 87 score basically put it a point over Resistance...
Really that is funny because from what is been say Killzone is actually outselling Forza and all xbox one exclusives,funny isn't so much for the xbox one has the games that will sell,hell some of those games you want to dismiss on PS4 are free even online,so you buy a $399 console and on day 1 you have several free to play games that has cross platform play with their PC counter parts online free of charge,some are quite good.
Fact is the PS4 has more games,and have games not on xbox one,and since Titanfall counts so are those games that are not on xbox one.
By the way on day one free we can record videos upload them,use netflix,party chat cross platform and all free,that is an automatic $60 on the xbox platform is like it is 2005 again.
"Hey guys buy this 400 dollar device so you can play indie games that an office pc can run and multiplats."
It could be worse buy this $500 over priced and weaker one,that has everything behind a pay wall and spend $60 for an incomplete game call Forza,by the way make sure your internet works,Forza requires a day one patch because the game will be release incomplete,first time ever on the console market that a game is deliver incomplete and you have to download the rest on launch. I think the same happen with Killer Instinct.
Xbox one is about to crush the ps4 in the launch game department. #DealWithIt
With what.? Forza ,...hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Because Dead Rising = average.
Ryse is a boring hack and slash.
And Killer Instinct need i say more.?
Is not the greatest launch line ups for the 2 consoles,but is good enough for both,1 game standing out in both consoles and the rest multiplatforms and fillers.
Opinions. And what's wrong with Forza? I'll have to remember to say that the next time one of those average scoring GT games come out.
Yeah because that Forza scream 9.5 right..
The series started to go down,just like Halo also did with 87 last year to.MS is milking those games to much.
MS had 3 series that score 90 or better most of the generation,and 2 of them ended on mid 80's this gen and one even lower.
Halo 4 87%
Forza 85%
Gears of War Judgement 79%..
This is what happen when you abuse your series to much,and before any of you come with the whole Forza horizon is a spinoff,no no no Halo wars is a spin off on another genre,Forza Horizon still is a Racing game even that is not a sequel and it carry the name of the brand.
That is the most pathetic damage control list I have ever seen. I cannot wait for cows to say that Titanfall isn't exclusive yet praise this list.
Yeah because no lemming has ever hyped Titanfall right.?
Since day 1 it has been hyped to hell,oh titanfall won this many awards oh the xbox one has the best game titanfall,i have argue many lemming who hype the game and refuse to admit the game is multiplatform,and even on this same thread a dude i quote was trying to pass it,as a game that count because it was new,yeah because been new change the fact that i don't need a damn xbox one to play Titanfall.,
Hell even the developers it sell say the game may possibly come to
This is an EA game if the game is a mine,oh it will be multiplatform,i don't think MS want to pay EA 600 or 700 million just to keep one game.
If Titanfall counts so those indies,oh and some of those indies like Resugun are not on PC.
Sign of desperation claiming the PS4 launch is better than Xbox One because it has more games.
You can play half the indie games on a standard spec PC and they have been out for ages. At least Titanfall is new to PC/Xbox and you will require something half decent to play it.
The choice of games is a personal decision but:-
Take out the games you can play on PC and Xbox One's has the lead
Only look at AA rated games (expected) and above and Xbox One has the lead
Look at games you can buy in the shop and Xbox One has the lead
Look at games that will sell and Xbox One has more
See Lostrib.. Indies are invalid because they are on PC,but Titanfall isn't invalid because is new,even that you don't even need an xbox one.
And now more people are choosing to go with the PS4,i wonder if they don't consider those games on xbox one so great...
Take away games on PC.? hahaha double standard ahoy,lets take Titanfall away then and the xbox one line up for 2014 look like sh**,is there anything other than Titanfall on 2014.? Because i don't think Halo will make it next year,and even if it did Halo is not what is use to be and that 87 score basically put it a point over Resistance...
Really that is funny because from what is been say Killzone is actually outselling Forza and all xbox one exclusives,funny isn't so much for the xbox one has the games that will sell,hell some of those games you want to dismiss on PS4 are free even online,so you buy a $399 console and on day 1 you have several free to play games that has cross platform play with their PC counter parts online free of charge,some are quite good.
Fact is the PS4 has more games,and have games not on xbox one,and since Titanfall counts so are those games that are not on xbox one.
By the way on day one free we can record videos upload them,use netflix,party chat cross platform and all free,that is an automatic $60 on the xbox platform is like it is 2005 again.
"Hey guys buy this 400 dollar device so you can play indie games that an office pc can run and multiplats."
It could be worse buy this $500 over priced and weaker one,that has everything behind a pay wall and spend $60 for an incomplete game call Forza,by the way make sure your internet works,Forza requires a day one patch because the game will be release incomplete,first time ever on the console market that a game is deliver incomplete and you have to download the rest on launch. I think the same happen with Killer Instinct.
How come whenever Titanfall has been mentioned in the millions of threads it gets shot down with the comment "Its on PC" yet now games that are on PC and PS4 count. You talk about double standards, read back at all the threads with the same old comment, doesn't count cos its on PC.
If you take away all the games from both consoles that you can play on PC, what are you left with. Not a right lot for PS4. Infact most people still getting PS4 are getting it for multiplat's. There isn't much more for Xbox One but what is left is better.
How come whenever Titanfall has been mentioned in the millions of threads it gets shot down with the comment "Its on PC" yet now games that are on PC and PS4 count. You talk about double standards, read back at all the threads with the same old comment, doesn't count cos its on PC.
If you take away all the games from both consoles that you can play on PC, what are you left with. Not a right lot for PS4. Infact most people still getting PS4 are getting it for multiplat's. There isn't much more for Xbox One but what is left is better.
I am glad that you recognize that Titanfall has been mention as an exclusive on xbox one millions of times..
Because if Titanfall counts so does indies,in 2012 the PS3 got several exclusives,some where shoot down as been not exclusive because they were on VITA as well,so even that you need sony hardware any way to play those games it was say to be not exclusive.
So yeah games that are on more than one platform are not exclusives,i did not make that rule ask here who did.
Did you see the games that were posted on the last page that are not on PC like Guilty Gears.? Or you just ignore them and pretend they are on PC to.?
Games like Resugun are not on PC,once again it was you who try to claim that Titanfall was a different note because it was new,like ti changed anything i don't need and xbox one to play that game.
So yeah some indies count other don't just like Titanfall doesn't,can't have it both ways.
@tormentos: your assessment of the Forza franchise is disturbing at best considering every single installment of the game that was released last generation outscored the lame duck turd Sony spewed out 5 years into the generation. The rest of all that is shocking at best tormentos... Are you REALLY championing a list of mltiplats and claiming them as better performing choices? You'd make a fine Lemming sir.
Soooo many indies hahaha the PS4 is pathetic
Yup more indies and yet it still has more retail titles too.
@tormentos: Lets be clear here. Your arguing the PS4 has more games yet 70%+ are indie games. Be realistic if there where more retail games available would you really consider buying an indie game unless it was really good? No you would be playing the retail games.
If quantity is what makes a console better then launch goes to PS4. It has more games, but by those rules Xbox One will win in the end because
Indie games haven't begun to come to Xbox One yet, they will without doubt. Probably most of the indie games on PS4 will end up of Xbox One. Either way there will be indie games.
Microsoft plan on opening up apps from the windows store to run on Xbox One. As soon as they do that bang 10,000+ games available to Xbox One.
The number of games is not relevant, its the quality of games and at launch there are more games that show off the console on Xbox one than on PS4. I bet half the indie games can run on PS3/Xbox 360 and that's not why people are buying a new console. They want the big games.
what i see
I see no proof.
Neither do I. Another joke thread I guess.
Did we really expect anything more from heewee?
Xbox one is about to crush the ps4 in the launch game department. #DealWithIt
With what.? Forza ,...hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Because Dead Rising = average.
Ryse is a boring hack and slash.
And Killer Instinct need i say more.?
Is not the greatest launch line ups for the 2 consoles,but is good enough for both,1 game standing out in both consoles and the rest multiplatforms and fillers.
Opinions. And what's wrong with Forza? I'll have to remember to say that the next time one of those average scoring GT games come out.
Yeah because that Forza scream 9.5 right..
The series started to go down,just like Halo also did with 87 last year to.MS is milking those games to much.
MS had 3 series that score 90 or better most of the generation,and 2 of them ended on mid 80's this gen and one even lower.
Halo 4 87%
Forza 85%
Gears of War Judgement 79%..
This is what happen when you abuse your series to much,and before any of you come with the whole Forza horizon is a spinoff,no no no Halo wars is a spin off on another genre,Forza Horizon still is a Racing game even that is not a sequel and it carry the name of the brand.
That is the most pathetic damage control list I have ever seen. I cannot wait for cows to say that Titanfall isn't exclusive yet praise this list.
Yeah because no lemming has ever hyped Titanfall right.?
Since day 1 it has been hyped to hell,oh titanfall won this many awards oh the xbox one has the best game titanfall,i have argue many lemming who hype the game and refuse to admit the game is multiplatform,and even on this same thread a dude i quote was trying to pass it,as a game that count because it was new,yeah because been new change the fact that i don't need a damn xbox one to play Titanfall.,
Hell even the developers it sell say the game may possibly come to
This is an EA game if the game is a mine,oh it will be multiplatform,i don't think MS want to pay EA 600 or 700 million just to keep one game.
If Titanfall counts so those indies,oh and some of those indies like Resugun are not on PC.
That's the point... Titanfall isn't exclusive yet that list says that multiplats are exclusive because they are not on the XBox. I have no problem with cows getting in a state over the awful launch but at least be consistent.
Xbox one is about to crush the ps4 in the launch game department. #DealWithIt
With what.? Forza ,...hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Because Dead Rising = average.
Ryse is a boring hack and slash.
And Killer Instinct need i say more.?
Is not the greatest launch line ups for the 2 consoles,but is good enough for both,1 game standing out in both consoles and the rest multiplatforms and fillers.
Opinions. And what's wrong with Forza? I'll have to remember to say that the next time one of those average scoring GT games come out.
Yeah because that Forza scream 9.5 right..
The series started to go down,just like Halo also did with 87 last year to.MS is milking those games to much.
MS had 3 series that score 90 or better most of the generation,and 2 of them ended on mid 80's this gen and one even lower.
Halo 4 87%
Forza 85%
Gears of War Judgement 79%..
This is what happen when you abuse your series to much,and before any of you come with the whole Forza horizon is a spinoff,no no no Halo wars is a spin off on another genre,Forza Horizon still is a Racing game even that is not a sequel and it carry the name of the brand.
Don't be desperate, Forza Horizon is the definition of a spin off. One is track racing that plays like Forza and the other is like Test Drive Unlimited that plays like Grid and carrys the Forza name for marketing purposes. If they are the same than so is GT and Mario Kart, they're both racers, what's the difference right?
The series never went down hill, it's just Forza 4 wasn't a huge upgrade from Forza 3, which is a strange complaint seeing as most other sports games get away with much less in changes and there wasn't a lot of room left for improvement on the 360 likely.
I don't think anyone cares about Horizon, I doubt drive club will be much better than it though.
And Halo hasn't been good since 3, people hyping Destiny make me laugh.
@Michael0134567: Keep crying, clown. I provided facts. whether you choose to accept them is your problem, not mine.
The PC/PS4 exclusive list is impressive. There's even some PC/PS4 games on Kickstarter that aren't on the list. Many PC devs are now working on PS4 versions of their games, and it's great to see.
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